Breaking News: Amazon NOT Coming to NYC, Says "Deuces"

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member


Amazon announced Thursday that it will not build a headquarters in Queens due to local opposition.

"After much thought and deliberation, we've decided not to move forward with our plans to build a headquarters for Amazon in Long Island City, Queens," spokeswoman Jodi Seth said in statement.

Last week, the Washington Post first reported that Amazon was reconsidering the plan.

The company is not reopening their search and will re-base the jobs to Northern Virginia, the other site selected for Amazon's headquarters, and Nashville, Tennessee.

The online retailer has faced opposition from some New York politicians, who were unhappy with the incentives Amazon was promised.

The move would have brought 25,000 jobs to New York City, but many expressed anger over the billions of dollars in tax breaks and grants to the company.

Unlike New York, elected officials in Virginia have welcomed the company with open arms.

Full text of Amazon statement:

After much thought and deliberation, we've decided not to move forward with our plans to build a headquarters for Amazon in Long Island City, Queens. For Amazon, the commitment to build a new headquarters requires positive, collaborative relationships with state and local elected officials who will be supportive over the long-term. While polls show that 70% of New Yorkers support our plans and investment, a number of state and local politicians have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City.

We are disappointed to have reached this conclusion-we love New York, its incomparable dynamism, people, and culture-and particularly the community of Long Island City, where we have gotten to know so many optimistic, forward-leaning community leaders, small business owners, and residents. There are currently over 5,000 Amazon employees in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Island, and we plan to continue growing these teams.

We are deeply grateful to Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, and their staffs, who so enthusiastically and graciously invited us to build in New York City and supported us during the process. Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio have worked tirelessly on behalf of New Yorkers to encourage local investment and job creation, and we can't speak positively enough about all their efforts. The steadfast commitment and dedication that these leaders have demonstrated to the communities they represent inspired us from the very beginning and is one of the big reasons our decision was so difficult.

We do not intend to reopen the HQ2 search at this time. We will proceed as planned in Northern Virginia and Nashville, and we will continue to hire and grow across our 17 corporate offices and tech hubs in the U.S. and Canada.

Thank you again to Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, and the many other community leaders and residents who welcomed our plans and supported us along the way. We hope to have future chances to collaborate as we continue to build our presence in New York over time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that aint what happened..

let me tell you what REALLY happened...

too many people had their hands out wanting a piece of the actions..

so much so... amazon said fuck this.....

you think amazon really gives a fuck because a few hundred people don't want them in their hood..

lol you could believe that bullshit if you want to....

I know how new York rolls when it comes to business.. you want a piece of this apple..

and you as big as amazon..

all these greedy muthafuckas gonna have their hands out...… crazy shit is amazon could afford to hit them off, they just don't want to have to answer to so many people..

they are too big to have to deal with that new York gluttony..


BGOL Legend
that aint what happened..

let me tell you what REALLY happened...

too many people had their hands out wanting a piece of the actions..

so much so... amazon said fuck this.....

you think amazon really gives a fuck because a few hundred people don't want them in their hood..

lol you could believe that bullshit if you want to....

I know how new York rolls when it comes to business.. you want a piece of this apple..

and you as big as amazon..

all these greedy muthafuckas gonna have their hands out...… crazy shit is amazon could afford to hit them off, they just don't want to have to answer to so many people..

they are too big to have to deal with that new York gluttony..

And good for them
They over played their hand

Glad they said foh

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
that aint what happened..

let me tell you what REALLY happened...

too many people had their hands out wanting a piece of the actions..

so much so... amazon said fuck this.....

you think amazon really gives a fuck because a few hundred people don't want them in their hood..

lol you could believe that bullshit if you want to....

I know how new York rolls when it comes to business.. you want a piece of this apple..

and you as big as amazon..

all these greedy muthafuckas gonna have their hands out...… crazy shit is amazon could afford to hit them off, they just don't want to have to answer to so many people..

they are too big to have to deal with that new York gluttony..

Well I agree somewhat. A LOT of people ain't like the 3 Billion Dollar kick back either


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
was affordable..... shit is skyrocketing..better get in now.. like right now.
I plan on getting a couple houses there. I been searching around. I'm going out there to check out some spots next week. I just got a spot in Asheville, NC that's nice so I wanted to grab up some spots in Nashville next.

55th View

Rising Star
Sounds like greed and overpromising to me.

Local politicians made promises others weren't willing to support. Because Amazon is so successful, Amazon didn't have to take their bullshit. So, they'll be choosing another city that will offer what overplaying-their-hand ass NYC didn't want to give up.

In street terms: the connect was offering bricks to NYC at 20/kilo, but NYC has to transport and absorb all the risk. NYC dealers want it at 17.5/kilo and want you to meet them half way. The connect already has buyers in TN who are willing to pay 20/kilo and move the shit with a smile. The connect says goodbye to NYC and will start dealing with TN immediately.

That's exactly what the fuck happened here. NYC politicians lost out on a boatload of cash/opportunity trying to be greedy.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
The fuck is going on in Nashville? I've heard whitey in my office tambout trying to relocate to Nashville
it's the new music pretty much took off and became the new pop music...and all the music stars moved there and the shit just snowballed

they are throwing buildings up so fast it's crazy...

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Sounds like greed and overpromising to me.

Local politicians made promises others weren't willing to support. Because Amazon is so successful, Amazon didn't have to take their bullshit. So, they'll be choosing another city that will offer what overplaying-their-hand ass NYC didn't want to give up.

In street terms: the connect was offering bricks to NYC at 20/kilo, but NYC has to transport and absorb all the risk. NYC dealers want it at 17.5/kilo and want you to meet them half way. The connect already has buyers in TN who are willing to pay 20/kilo and move the shit with a smile. The connect says goodbye to NYC and will start dealing with TN immediately.

That's exactly what the fuck happened here. NYC politicians lost out on a boatload of cash/opportunity trying to be greedy.

Ehhh, Yes and No.
They had the dude leading the opposition on the news here and what he said made sense.
NYC was giving 3 Billion Dollars to the Worlds Richest company while 5 blocks away they claim they don't have
the money to fix Housing Apartments.....While saying they have to raise the MTA Fare .25 cause they don't have enough money
among many many many other complainants about money....
At the end of the day this was a backroom deal that shouldn't have been
Amazon walked away unwilling to negotiate a more sensible deal with sensible goals

Biggest Issue was Appropriation of Money

55th View

Rising Star
Ehhh, Yes and No.
They had the dude leading the opposition on the news here and what he said made sense.
NYC was giving 3 Billion Dollars to the Worlds Richest company while 5 blocks away they claim they don't have
the money to fix Housing Apartments.....While saying they have to raise the MTA Fare .25 cause they don't have enough money
among many many many other complainants about money....
At the end of the day this was a backroom deal that shouldn't have been
Amazon walked away unwilling to negotiate a more sensible deal with sensible goals

Biggest Issue was Appropriation of Money

Re-read. We're saying the same shit.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
The reaction from Amazon reminds me a lot of the reaction from the NFL when they had the Super Bowl here.

The NFL had the Superbowl here one time but when you hear behind-the-scenes stuff it's never going to be back here again. It wasn't because of the weather or the cold, that is part of it, the biggest part of it was because New York is bigger than the Super Bowl. The NFL and to the same extent Amazon are used to being the biggest thing to happen in a city. It's almost impossible to do that in NYC. So while Amazon is not coming here that doesn't mean the gentrification is going to stop in Long Island City. That doesn't mean all the building of the new buildings that's going on in Long Island City is going to stop. And let's be clear I'm saying gentrification but I hate these white motherfukers coming to the Long Island City. So from an NYC perspective Amazon coming here and getting a huge amount of tax handouts while at the same time our Subway is having so much problems doesn't sit well with a whole lot of people.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
NYC wised up....
I hope Memphis is paying attention. If you want to come here as a responsible corporate citizen, fine. If you want us to give you the world in order to be graced with your presence...kick rocks bitch.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
that aint what happened..

let me tell you what REALLY happened...

too many people had their hands out wanting a piece of the actions..

so much so... amazon said fuck this.....

you think amazon really gives a fuck because a few hundred people don't want them in their hood..

lol you could believe that bullshit if you want to....

I know how new York rolls when it comes to business.. you want a piece of this apple..

and you as big as amazon..

all these greedy muthafuckas gonna have their hands out...… crazy shit is amazon could afford to hit them off, they just don't want to have to answer to so many people..

they are too big to have to deal with that new York gluttony..
Yeah, New York is wild as fuck. Amazon don't need them. I remember in crypto companies telling New York to go fuck themselves. No one got time for their fuckery in a global economy.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Are you guys sure Trump don’t have nothing to do with this change of mind???
its impossible- NYC is almost sovereign when it comes to big business moving in
hence why there is no Walmart here but Target was able to get in a spot or 2

In Amazon's case -they and Cuomo and DiBlasio were foolish to think they could move to NYC and expect a better deal than Citigroup or JPMChase - Only the Yankees can get that and even then the pork was spread around from Buffalo to Stonybrook


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Yeah, New York is wild as fuck. Amazon don't need them. I remember in crypto companies telling New York to go fuck themselves. No one got time for their fuckery in a global economy.
:lol:yeah - look how that played out

until the USD is worthless - NYC is the global economy

Amazon doesn't need NYC and vice versa

Amazon shoulda went to Whiteplains / Armonk / Purchase, the Catskills or Albany

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
NYC wised up....
I hope Memphis is paying attention. If you want to come here as a responsible corporate citizen, fine. If you want us to give you the world in order to be graced with your presence...kick rocks bitch.

Memphis aint NYC. You need the jobs and taxes.


The R&B Master
OG Investor
I never thought Amazon was seriously considering NYC. When you can get double the land for the same money almost anywhere else why pick NYC? :dunno:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I never thought Amazon was seriously considering NYC. When you can get double the land for the same money almost anywhere else why pick NYC? :dunno:
Because NYC is connected to so many remember the "world trade center" there's 3 key words in that name...first 1 is world 2nd is trade...a big wig like Amazon might connect with certain bizz they didn't know exist or might never had dealt with...NYC is 1 big networking party...them coming here might have tucked around a made them buy other companies or put them under their umbrella...that's why they make the move to nyc...they switched up cause to many jew breathing down their neck


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I never thought Amazon was seriously considering NYC. When you can get double the land for the same money almost anywhere else why pick NYC? :dunno:
location location location....

same reasons as MasterCard IBM did decades ago - and even more
NYC is a global city...
NYC is 24/7 on deck for any service you can imagine
you can literally access the entire business world within 5 square miles
datacom - - NYC is one of the few cities with a robust dark fiber network and direct access internet backbone and international circuits - that bit alone saves millions in annual costs


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
People didn't want it. It's that simple. Once the details of all the tax breaks and such came out people were incensed. And they let the politicians know it. 25k jobs sounds good but the stress it would have put on the infrastructure would have been catastrophic. The Queensboro bridge is already fucked, imagine that mfkr with all those added people. The subway is already overcrowded. The Midtown tunnel? Please. They are not building any more streets or subways. Where were all those people going?
It was a fantasy, shiny object that seemed great at first but once the true ramifications became known, very few in NY wanted it.
Good riddance.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Fuck it Jeff move the second headquarters to Canada

I've been said Toronto. A Canadian base just makes sense. Also they could expand into Mexico City and lock up all of North America.

The other logical choices in the lower 48 would be Denver, Charlotte, Nashville, Seattle, or Phoenix.

NYC is overly congested as is. I am also glad they did not come to Chicago.