BREAKING: Shannon Sharpe’s partnership with Skip Bayless is coming to a conclusion soon; Shannon has reached a buyout with FS1.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
That part. I can't watch Stephen A Smith either. Like you, I didn't start watching Undisputed until people started telling me how good Shannon Sharpe was and that Shannon Sharpe was the Saving Grace of the show, not Skip Bayless

What was it a few months ago where Shannon Sharpe didn't come to work that day and Skip had to carry the show by himself? What happened?

That was the morning after Hamlin collapsed on the field. Skip said something about the playoff implications and was seen as insensitive. Skip got cooked on the net that night.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unc doing his thing but most time a buyout means the company is moving on from the employee for a reason. It doesn't cost them anything if the employee resigns. Wonder if we will ever here the why.

It's hard to say without knowing the details of his contract, but his podcast was also on FS1. So he could have been owed a certain amount of money & wanted to take the podcast with him & possibly took less to make that happen. But like you said who knows if the true details will ever come out.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
wont be long before he has his own show.
Undisputed will never be the same and will lose a shitload of viewers.
Hell i only tuned in cuz of Unc.....

Shannon had a show on Facebook before he joined Undisputed... He would pick the football games of the week and speak on a few topics for 30-40 minutes.

My favorite episode on that show is when he talked about Mike Brown getting ginned down by that piece of shit of a cop.

I don't could find those episodes on youtube or on his facebook page.


Rising Star
All the other sports shows on FS1 are ass. Colin Cowherd has the worst takes and Speak is unwatchable. I wonder who they will team up with Skip. His podcast is terrible and he can't get quality guests. He can't carry a show on his own.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When Shannon leaves this unbearable negro will try to be new Black Voice at FS1... watch



Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Shannon had a show on Facebook before he joined Undisputed... He would pick the football games of the week and speak on a few topics for 30-40 minutes.

My favorite episode on that show is when he talked about Mike Brown getting ginned down by that piece of shit of a cop.

I don't could find those episodes on youtube or on his facebook page.

Marcellus does that on YT


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
first things first is silly..but I agree with everything else Speak is SCANDALOUS

All the other sports shows on FS1 are ass. Colin Cowherd has the worst takes and Speak is unwatchable. I wonder who they will team up with Skip. His podcast is terrible and he can't get quality guests. He can't carry a show on his own.


Rising Star
I knew this was coming sooner or later!!....I think Shannon got some things lineup for him and it was time to move on!!... :yes:

Also, He was tired of Skip punk ass as well....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I kinda hate to hear this, Skip is annoying but I liked him and Shannon's back and forth. Shannon probably got tired of Skip reminding him who's show it was all the time..."IT'S MY TURN/TIMEOUT" and a couple more keywords were phrases Skip used to tell Shannon to shut up so he could do all the talking. Wherever Shannon goes that's where I'm going, I had stopped watching Skip and Stephen A. and didn't even start watching UNDISPUTED until people on here started saying Shannon made it watchable.
I rarely watch First Take, Max was annoying at times but after he left Stephen A thought the show was all about him. Mad Dogs voice annoys me and I just don't like JJ Reddick personality.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gotta go independent or some part ownership and No Network TV just streaming and digital...

Also there are rumors that Klutch Sports will pick up Shannon's podcast to build a network to go along with The Shop...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga what?!!!

This just sounds dumb.
He's a big ass sellout. Just because he drink cognac and smoke cigars and dumb nigha's call him Unk doesn't change the truth. Skip Bayless disrespected him daily and he took it. He's real critical and disrespectful of his own people though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm curious to hear the details of this.

The fact that they're letting him walk with his Club Shay Shay brand is also confusing.

I feel like he either had some sort of serious leverage over them or they know something about Shannon they feel will or could irreparably damage him so much that they want to completely cut all ties with him before shit hits the fan.


Staff member
first things first is silly..but I agree with everything else Speak is SCANDALOUS
Too much Nick Wright isn't a good thing. I liked him better as the smart aleck geek.
Now that he is the top dog, no one can get a word in edge-wise. All nick all the time.

Speak is pure ass with Acho pontificating the whole show, while shady can't get off a coherent sentence.
I do like the Cowherd Show :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm curious to hear the details of this.

The fact that they're letting him walk with his Club Shay Shay brand is also confusing.

I feel like he either had some sort of serious leverage over them or they know something about Shannon they feel will or could irreparably damage him so much that they want to completely cut all ties with him before shit hits the fan.

Not confusing... Alot of these athletes/Media personalities are learning the game/business...

Too many examples to not learn from people like Bill Simmons who made ESPN all that media content like 30 for 30 and he left with nothing and had to start over...

Ownership was probably part of his original podcast deal...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wonder if they just going edit out Shannon's name or will Lil' Wayne has to do a new Intro song... :lol:



Rising Star
I'm curious to hear the details of this.

The fact that they're letting him walk with his Club Shay Shay brand is also confusing.

I feel like he either had some sort of serious leverage over them or they know something about Shannon they feel will or could irreparably damage him so much that they want to completely cut all ties with him before shit hits the fan.
Well Club Shay Shay is really just a name at this point. FS1 funded, edited, expensed and produced the product. So not to say Klutch sports or some other company can't do all would be foolish. But I'd be surprised if they handed anything else over. Maybe he negotiated to get the rights to the produced media up to this point. But look at bill Simmons and 30 for 30. Bill left espn still airing 30 for 30.
I just hope he didn't leave Fox for a smaller platform.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember watching this live and I was like Shannon needs to quit this show but he didn't quit then. He said they had a meeting about it and everything was good. I think a lot of people told Shannon he needs to move on and do his on thing. I hope he gets his own show.
Skip still hadn't gotten over this.....................when Jalen Rose attacked him personally and humiliated his ass. Skip tried to front like he was this All State point guard in high school and shit........til Jalen went and got the receipts.