"Broke people watching sports is dumb"


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Its s distraction from the drudgery of life. Prople gdt to love vicariously through the accomplishments oftheir sportsheros.
I think most black people have heard of Mansa Musa and his riches. They may know about The Gold Coast. How can you look at the billionaire list, see the absence of melanin, and not have questions?

How can you watch a sport and not notice the absence of melanin in the ownership?

Peep this: on Juneteeth the job had a potluck. All the ex-slaves cooked but when you walked into the room with the food, the seats at the table were filled with white management. The slaves had to take their food back to their quarter... unit. I walked in, looked around and noted the laughters, and left.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Proving (once again) not everyone is meant to have a mike in front of them and allowed a platform to speak.

So, if my son is playing basketball in the NCAA, then I'm dumb for supporting him...?
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
In lighter terms, it’s about time management.

I enjoy watching sports. However, watching someone else live their dream while I’m not working on mine on a daily basis never sat right with me.

For example, Kobe, Jordan, Bron, Denzel, and whoever else are living their dreams. They put in crazy hours daily to be great at what they do.

If I want to be great at what I do, then I need to pay less attention to them and utilize my “time” expanding and perfecting my craft the same way they did.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
In lighter terms, it’s about time management.

I enjoy watching sports. However, watching someone else live their dream while I’m not working on mine on a daily basis never sat right with me.

For example, Kobe, Jordan, Bron, Denzel, and whoever else are living their dreams. They put in crazy hours daily to be great at what they do.

If I want to be great at what I do, then I need to pay less attention to them and utilize my “time” expanding and perfecting my craft the same way they did.
See now you're talking, someone who gets it, but understand it's not about not watching sports but to make sure you're doing what needs to be done.

Management is definitely key!

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
See now you're talking, someone who gets it, but understand it's not about not watching sports but to make sure you're doing what needs to be done.

Management is definitely key!

There are many ways to deliver messages and sometime being abrasive will get the point lost. The idea is not to make people feel guilty about how they spend their time, but encourage them to analyze at how they spend their time and what they are trying to achieve in life.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
There are many ways to deliver messages and sometime being abrasive will get the point lost. The idea is not to make people feel guilty about how they spend their time, but encourage them to analyze at how they spend their time and what they are trying to achieve in life.
Maybe he should've said it a different way without shaming people on what they decide to do on their free time. Yes, I agree, he could've send his message with some structure without judgement.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Maybe he should've said it a different way without shaming people on what they decide to do on their free time. Yes, I agree, he could've send his message with some structure without judgement.

When I started working on my PhD in 2010, I was still an avid video game player. I could spend hours playing.

In 2011, my PS3 caught the yellow light of death. I remember the disappointment of losing the ability to game while being unable to afford a new one.

I told myself, “well, I can use this additional time working on my research.” It was a changing moment in my life because I never knew how much time I spent gaming until it was gone. As a result, I completed my PhD in 2014 and published three journal articles in the process.

It was about time management and that was my lesson.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
When I started working on my PhD in 2010, I was still an avid video game player. I could spend hours playing.

In 2011, my PS3 caught the yellow light of death. I remember the disappointment of losing the ability to game while being unable to afford a new one.

I told myself, “well, I can use this additional time working on my research.” It was a changing moment in my life because I never knew how much time I spent gaming until it was gone. As a result, I completed my PhD in 2014 and published three journal articles in the process.

It was about time management and that was my lesson.
Addiction is a disease and a lot of us can get complacent because we think we have all the time in the world when he don't. So, the amount of time you be watching things or playing games, you'll realize the important things didn't get done. So, that's why you have to use your time wisely to make sure you get things done no matter what they are and then you can chill and enjoy ya self whether that's watching TV or playing games.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Okay, so people trying to figure out how to pay their light bill AREN'T watching sports!! More than likely they can't afford to watch it if they are trying to figure out how to pay their light bill, seeing as the TV to watch said sports are contributing to the light bill.

Define broke. It seems he is talking about financially, sticking with the light bill. Living in my means, I can be "broke", so I shouldn't be watching sports? He mentioned the team being family. So if I have wealth, but my family hates my guts that shouldn't matter cause I can watch sports now.

We live in a society now that corporations and politicians give themselves healthcare for life and golden parachutes. Where landlords want to be tipped...for doing what they are required based on contracts. But lets punch down on people that are broke. WHY are they broke?40 years ago a high school diploma put you in the middle class depending on where you lived. Now people got college degrees and HAVE to drive Uber and don't get me started on teachers!!! I would LOVE if society could stop beating on the weakest of us and maybe, just maybe go after some of these real villains

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Addiction is a disease and a lot of us can get complacent because we think we have all the time in the world when he don't. So, the amount of time you be watching things or playing games, you'll realize the important things didn't get done. So, that's why you have to use your time wisely to make sure you get things done no matter what they are and then you can chill and enjoy ya self whether that's watching TV or playing games.

We only got 24 hours in a day.

And those hours can go fast if a person is unconscious of it.

I have a time management sheet to keep track on my daily routines. I think every adult trying to achieve their dreams and goals should have one. A budget sheet, too. It helps create discipline. However, I’m a methodical person and I understand that some people do not want to live that way and that’s completely ok.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We only got 24 hours in a day.

And those hours can go fast if a person is unconscious of it.

I have a time management sheet to keep track on my daily routines. I think every adult trying to achieve their dreams and goals should have one. A budget sheet, too. It helps create discipline. However, I’m a methodical person and I understand that some people do not want to live that way and that’s completely ok.
Not everyone is supposed to be a billionaire, but everyone should be able to be happy.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Not everyone is supposed to be a billionaire, but everyone should be able to be happy.

Absolutely. Traveling abroad gave me a deeper appreciation of what it means to be happy outside of American standards.

I’ve changed how I help people, too. I only help and give advice if asked. I no longer do it because I think it’s right. That comes off as pushy.
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