"Broke people watching sports is dumb"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Absolutely. Traveling abroad gave me a deeper appreciate what it means to be happy outside of American standards.

I’ve changed how I help people, too. I only help and give advice if asked. I no longer do it because I think it’s right. That comes off as pushy.
Thats the best part of traveling I think. You become so much more proud and grateful for what you have.

I appreciate every dollar so much more, and the little things even more.


Rising Star
Who the fuck is this :dunno:

Broke people can't have happiness and are supposed to work themselves to death?

Can relate to doing loser crap for decades, he is absolutely right but life in a sense is a illusion, even when youre down sometimes drugs make you happy, sports, porn, social media help cure it and it's temporary not permanent because it will come back and that depression will come back but I understand why people do it.

Porn helps when you have no hoes and you want to rub one out and go to sleep, not healthy to do but I understand.

We can say the same for basically anything, fast food is full of junk and sugar and salt but you get full and usually relax after eating it.

I kinda think these hyper sucessful dudes are a problem, we need rich of course but we need poor also, it's how things work.

The dudes at the bottom making 35k a year are probably more sucessful to a company than the big shots, Amazon is nothing without dudes slaving for 17 a hour driving trucks with broken down AC, USPS and their no AC having cars and people do it for years in the 100 degree heat with a fan attached to the dashboard.

These videos make people think but in a sense business is business he needs to shut the F up and do him and leave others alone.

Never hear the GOP dudes say this, they know the game.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When I started working on my PhD in 2010, I was still an avid video game player. I could spend hours playing.

In 2011, my PS3 caught the yellow light of death. I remember the disappointment of losing the ability to game while being unable to afford a new one.

I told myself, “well, I can use this additional time working on my research.” It was a changing moment in my life because I never knew how much time I spent gaming until it was gone. As a result, I completed my PhD in 2014 and published three journal articles in the process.

It was about time management and that was my lesson.
A person who is sleeping doesn't value sleep.
Only the person who is awake can see the value in being asleep and being awake.


Rising Star
i hate niggas like this.
just dumb rhetoric.
if a broke person shouldnt watch sports, then they shouldnt watch anything according to him.
Bro if broke dudes don't watch sports alot of big willies would be out of gas, dude is one of those classism cats that seperate and say dumb shit, dudes like him wonder why the GOP can label people so easily and gather a huge following so quickly.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Thats the best part of traveling I think. You become so much more proud and grateful for what you have.

I appreciate every dollar so much more, and the little things even more.

No doubt. It’s easy to get caught in westernized standards and lose perspective to the rest of the world. A little humbling helps build character. And that’s where I like to be.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
A person who is sleeping doesn't value sleep.
Only the person who is awake can see the value in being asleep and being awake.

Well said, fam.

I remember doing a time management sheet at this school I was teaching at for adult learners. These folks were spending 8-12 hours a a day working, then school, then family time, and so one. By the time we done with the sheet, many of them were owing time that didn’t exist. And what was the first thing they sacrifice to get time back? Sleep.

Which directly affects mental and physical health.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
In lighter terms, it’s about time management.

I enjoy watching sports. However, watching someone else live their dream while I’m not working on mine on a daily basis never sat right with me.

For example, Kobe, Jordan, Bron, Denzel, and whoever else are living their dreams. They put in crazy hours daily to be great at what they do.

If I want to be great at what I do, then I need to pay less attention to them and utilize my “time” expanding and perfecting my craft the same way they did.
All those individuals watched other great athletes when they were younger and it inspired them to want to play, perfect their skill, and learn the game . Unless you create an original concept you more than likely watched another pioneer b4 you and watch what they did right and watched what they did wrong and tried to utilize that info to create your blueprint.. it's obvious Kobe watched Jordan when growing up and added a lil twist to his skill set.. lot of rappers , musicians watched other performers and they saw what works and attempted to do the same, Denzel would say he watched potier when he was younger.. so observing greatness sometimes inspire future greatness

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
All those individuals watched other great athletes when they were younger and it inspired them to want to play, perfect their skill, and learn the game . Unless you create an original concept you more than likely watched another pioneer b4 you and watch what they did right and watched what they did wrong and tried to utilize that info to create your blueprint.. it's obvious Kobe watched Jordan when growing up and added a lil twist to his skill set.. lot of rappers , musicians watched other performers and they saw what works and attempted to do the same, Denzel would say he watched potier when he was younger.. so observing greatness sometimes inspire future greatness

Most certainly. Inspiration is necessary, otherwise you have no bar to set. I would be lying if I didn’t say Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel wasn’t a huge influence in my interest in meteorology. Watching him growing up was part of why I wanted to be a weatherman.

However, at some point a person must began to work on their crafts. That’s different than someone who only watches or burns their time without enhancing their own ambitions and achieving their goal. Eventually, you have to spend less time watching and more time doing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
he has to speak for himself,

plenty of so called "broke" folks

content and happy..

plenty of wealthy folk on some

suicidal watch shit......

happiness is inside you and has nothing to do with

a bank account...

plus I know a few folks whose job is gambling, especially since

e gambling in legal in nyc...

they average eight hundred a week.... but they took some major hits,

tho. I know a dude that hits at least 1200 every month fuckin with them gambling

sites....what he spends is unknown tho..

Im just sayin.. you can say the same about church.... if you unemployed, and going to church giving tithes you cant afford,

isnt that the same thing as wasting resources...sitting in church and watching sports,

are just as time consuming, and distraction to making money..

dont hear him talkin bout that tho...

Id rather watch sports...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Most certainly. Inspiration is necessary, otherwise you have no bar to set. I would be lying if I didn’t say Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel wasn’t a huge influence in my interest in meteorology. Watching him growing up was part of why I wanted to be a weatherman.

However, at some point a person must began to work on their crafts. That’s different than someone who only watches or burns their time without enhancing their own ambitions and achieving their goal. Eventually, you have to spend less time watching and more time doing.
Legal sports gambling is a 11 fig yr bizz.. I legitimately know dudes that done made 6 figs off sports gambling per yr.. watching sports is what made them money . Watching sports done made me money.. sports is the only entertainment on TV that you can make money from . Ask all the people that watch sopranos how much money have they made off their sopranos knowledge? Now ask all those people that knew mahommes was gonna win the Superbowl and bet how much they made.. sports is 1 of the few things you can use to make money


I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor
Its s distraction from the drudgery of life. People get to live vicariously through the accomplishments of their sports heros.
Since the beginning of time

The Romans continued the practice, holding games roughly 10 to 12 times in an average year. Paid for by the emperor, the games were used to keep the poor and unemployed entertained and occupied. The emperor hoped to distract the poor from their poverty in the hopes that they would not revolt.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Legal sports gambling is a 11 fig yr bizz.. I legitimately know dudes that done made 6 figs off sports gambling per yr.. watching sports is what made them money . Watching sports done made me money.. sports is the only entertainment on TV that you can make money from . Ask all the people that watch sopranos how much money have they made off their sopranos knowledge? Now ask all those people that knew mahommes was gonna win the Superbowl and bet how much they made.. sports is 1 of the few things you can use to make money

And there are many more taking severe Ls too. Gambling is a gamble. Some are good at, but MOST people lose at it no matter how much time they spend do it.


Rising Star
There IS certain type of dude who seems to have a lot of free time to debate Mike Vs Lebron and other First Take hot topics on the internet seemingly every day and don't make a dollar off it....that's much worse than watching a game or two on Sunday


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Well said, fam.

I remember doing a time management sheet at this school I was teaching at for adult learners. These folks were spending 8-12 hours a a day working, then school, then family time, and so one. By the time we done with the sheet, many of them were owing time that didn’t exist. And what was the first thing they sacrifice to get time back? Sleep.

Which directly affects mental and physical health.
The rich have done a good job tricking poor people that they work harder and longer, so poor people burn themselves out trying to emulate them.

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
Everyone needs some type of entertainment in this rat race that we call life but I agree with what he is saying. I literally have always had the same stance.

Fans of these sports are idiots to me.

Why are you getting angry when they lose, being super geeked if they win, playing couch coach talking about who they should trade and what plays they should run?

That shit is corny as fuck!

THAT IS NOT YOUR TEAM and you do not make any money if that team wins.

Too each it's own though.



You own part of the team?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
And there are many more taking severe Ls too. Gambling is a gamble. Some are good at, but MOST people lose at it no matter how much time they spend do it.
You will lose more times than you win just off percentage alone but just like baseball you don’t have to bat over 400 to be great.. 300-330 can still get you in the hall.. more people lose cause they don’t study all the different options they have to offer as far as betting.. also to many think of the stereotype that you have to bet big in order to win big.. just like everything there’s a blueprint to it and if more people study certain blueprints I can guarantee their percentages would go up and the money they make.. I’ve posted lil things in various betting threads that even most sports bettors didn’t know cause they didn’t do all their homework. Like I tell individuals about $1 bets or less and eventually increase the amount once you start consistently winning


Rising Star
Platinum Member
GTFOH.... If every broke motherfucker in the United States stopped watching sports for a year, 98% percent of them will still be broke this time next year. I guess a broke person should never drink anything but tap water either then... don't want to make the owners of those bottling companies rich. Ole pocket watching ass nicca..... :giggle:


Rising Star
You will lose more times than you win just off percentage alone but just like baseball you don’t have to bat over 400 to be great.. 300-330 can still get you in the hall.. more people lose cause they don’t study all the different options they have to offer as far as betting.. also to many think of the stereotype that you have to bet big in order to win big.. just like everything there’s a blueprint to it and......

A new working paper from researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Southern California takes a look at what's happened to consumer financial health in the 38 states that have greenlighted sports betting since the Supreme Court in 2018 struck down a federal law prohibiting it. The findings are, well, rough. The researchers found that the average credit score in states that legalized any form of sports gambling decreased by 0.3% after about four years and that the negative impact was stronger where online sports gambling is allowed, with credit scores dipping in those areas by 1%. They also found an 8% increase in debt-collection amounts and a 28% increase in bankruptcies where online sports betting was given the go-ahead. By their estimation, that translates to about 100,000 extra bankruptcies each year in the states that have legalized sports betting. The number of people who fell dangerously behind on their car loans went up, too.

"Everything looks like the problems are biggest for younger men and especially younger men in low-income counties," Hollenbeck said.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Everyone needs some type of entertainment in this rat race that we call life but I agree with what he is saying. I literally have always had the same stance.

Fans of these sports are idiots to me.

Why are you getting angry when they lose, being super geeked if they win, playing couch coach talking about who they should trade and what plays they should run?

That shit is corny as fuck!

THAT IS NOT YOUR TEAM and you do not make any money if that team wins.

Too each it's own though.

You own part of the team?
I definitely agree with that part. I wear Raiders gear sometimes and fools approach me talking about "man, did you see that we picked up so and so thru free agency? I just say Yeah and laugh. In reality 9 times out of 10 i have no idea who that fool is or who thr Raiders play next...:giggle:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
A new working paper from researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Southern California takes a look at what's happened to consumer financial health in the 38 states that have greenlighted sports betting since the Supreme Court in 2018 struck down a federal law prohibiting it. The findings are, well, rough. The researchers found that the average credit score in states that legalized any form of sports gambling decreased by 0.3% after about four years and that the negative impact was stronger where online sports gambling is allowed, with credit scores dipping in those areas by 1%. They also found an 8% increase in debt-collection amounts and a 28% increase in bankruptcies where online sports betting was given the go-ahead. By their estimation, that translates to about 100,000 extra bankruptcies each year in the states that have legalized sports betting. The number of people who fell dangerously behind on their car loans went up, too.

"Everything looks like the problems are biggest for younger men and especially younger men in low-income counties," Hollenbeck said.

there was no sports betting during the Great Depression, the recession back in 08… unemployment, poverty, etc been around decades, centuries b4 sports betting were legalized, but I guess it’s easy to avoid history and try to point a finger at some new venture in order to blame an already broken system

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
I definitely agree with that part. I wear Raiders gear sometimes and fools approach me talking about "man, did you see that we picked up so and so thru free agency? I just say Yeah and laugh. In reality 9 times out of 10 i have no idea who that fool is or who thr Raiders play next...:giggle:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Everyone needs some type of entertainment in this rat race that we call life but I agree with what he is saying. I literally have always had the same stance.

Fans of these sports are idiots to me.

Why are you getting angry when they lose, being super geeked if they win, playing couch coach talking about who they should trade and what plays they should run?

That shit is corny as fuck!

THAT IS NOT YOUR TEAM and you do not make any money if that team wins.

Too each it's own though.

You own part of the team?

Im hoping, one day I will:blush:

If I ever hit that megamillion or power ball. I'm going to hit up the Rooneys. Like I got a milli. How much of a part of the team I can buy.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
So with that stupid ass logic broke people shouldn't listen to music or watch concerts on tv either. Fuck outta here man.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
The idea that most people can, will, or want to be rich is the dumbest shit ever.. And implying that watching sports is what stopping them is probably even more stupid. Fuck this guy.

Ive also found that most people that shit on those stools and wear those headset mic things while lecturing down to people are assholes and/or completely full of shit. He continues this trend.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
GTFOH.... If every broke motherfucker in the United States stopped watching sports for a year, 98% percent of them will still be broke this time next year. I guess a broke person should never drink anything but tap water either then... don't want to make the owners of those bottling companies rich. Ole pocket watching ass nicca..... :giggle:
It's some of the most ridiculous shit I've ever heard Famous :smh:
