"Broke people watching sports is dumb"


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Everyone has vices.
The goal is to not use it as an escapism from responsibility, ambition, and accomplishment.
Presenting this message in this manner gets the real point across.
So with that stupid ass logic broke people shouldn't listen to music or watch concerts on tv either. Fuck outta here man.

I agree. People need entertainment. That comment was extreme although I see the point he was TRYING to make. Don't waste all of your time to these things if you are not taking care of life's priorities. This is not even about being rich, but just responsible.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Everybody can't get there. It is what it is.

In fact, cursing someone who speaks about improving one's life while defending wasting time cheering for teams for zero benefit sounds like a broke thing to do.
I learned a long time ago, not everybody can be saved.

Most people who are mad, the shoe must fits them!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Elijah Muhammad called it sport and play. Of course you can be what you want to be in America. As long as they controll you. Jesus war poor because they had trouble trying to get control of him. If this white reality cannot control you then you will not be a successful devil.
I use to watch kickboxing because I was involved and was trying to go pro. You cannot be successful in a wicked world unless you change that world first. Sports are alright if this control factor was not involved as though the pro players are controlled by their fans.
Our kids should be taught how to help us take this earth back from these white devils. Christianity took over to confuse the world that the black man is God and they plan to kill another black messiah if he raises.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The biggest time wasting habit for poor ppl is the addiction to video games and social media. Very few ppl are die heart sport fans.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's a damn lie with the amount of people who are diehard sports fans.

I don’t think you understand the term die hard fans. Most ppl who watch sport are trend followers. Europe is probably the only place you find most die hard fans but then again it is consider a cult over there.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I don’t think you understand the term die hard fans. Most ppl who watch sport are trend followers. Europe is probably the only place you find most die hard fans but then again it is consider a cult over there.
Where i'm from, if you asked how long a person been a sports fan, they will tell you and its not about no trend followers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you unemployed and on welfare.
You better not have watched the olympics.
You need to be in the library and unemployment office find some business.
Shit are y'all slow?
He said if you BROKE.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
If you unemployed and on welfare.
You better not have watched the olympics.
You need to be in the library and unemployment office find some business.
Shit are y'all slow?
He said if you BROKE.
Some don't get it, some understand.

If a white man said the same shit, most would've agreed with it not being mad.

Sadly when it's a person that looks like us, our people get mad and want to roast him.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
The biggest time wasting habit for poor ppl is the addiction to video games and social media. Very few ppl are die heart sport fans.

Yeah, it’s a multitude of things that can be applied. Definitely social media likely being the biggest issue now of days.

If a person complains about not having money, but spends hours upon hours scrolling through social media, I would hope they are learning something that will prompt actions to improve their financial situation.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If you unemployed and on welfare.
You better not have watched the olympics.
You need to be in the library and unemployment office find some business.
Shit are y'all slow?
He said if you BROKE.
Funny thing is broke could mean your money low for a minimum amount of time.. like first of the month rent/ mortgage, bills, carnote/ insurance, food shopping, etc.. but your next paycheck you be good to go.. they use to say broke and poor are two diff things.. there’s people that make 6 figs that be broke , but there’s people that live in poverty that are poor


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
If you unemployed and on welfare.
You better not have watched the olympics.
You need to be in the library and unemployment office find some business.
Shit are y'all slow?
He said if you BROKE.
The broke and unemployed are not allowed to have any free time?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Funny thing is broke could mean your money low for a minimum amount of time.. like first of the month rent/ mortgage, bills, carnote/ insurance, food shopping, etc.. but your next paycheck you be good to go.. they use to say broke and poor are two diff things.. there’s people that make 6 figs that be broke , but there’s people that live in poverty that are poor
Actually you are right.
Broke meaning poor then.
Poor people that be watching all the sports and watching all the movies and tv shows...
They need to get it together.
I am almost poor myself and I am coming from the gutter.
Yes. I should not even be on BGOL but I be learning game form Mailbox and a few others.
You @tallblacknyc even put me on to some things here in NYC and I appreciate it.
But watching sports? That ain't gonna help me advance. I need to spend that time fixing my resume and applying to jobs.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Actually you are right.
Broke meaning poor then.
Poor people that be watching all the sports and watching all the movies and tv shows...
They need to get it together.
I am almost poor myself and I am coming from the gutter.
Yes. I should not even be on BGOL but I be learning game form Mailbox and a few others.
You @tallblacknyc even put me on to some things here in NYC and I appreciate it.
But watching sports? That ain't gonna help me advance. I need to spend that time fixing my resume and applying to jobs.
I can see if someone who watch sports everyday was getting money from it. But even if they gamble, that still a risk itself.