Brotha shot while going live on Facebook in Chicago


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's a big city with a major drug problem that's what I was saying. You can't compare Chicago's drug issue with Atlanta it's no comparison, even though Atlanta has a drug problem as well, but Chicago is a bigger city and has it worse.

Any actual facts to back up this assertion? Chicago is rough, always been, but be careful you aren't being swayed by media attention....lots of rough ass, crazy hood shit happening throughout the country


Rising Star
I think the Draft needs to come back, if you ain't doing shit with your life by a certain point. Send these niggas to the Military get them out of there, let them travel the world. See shit.

you think the military change niggas.............well it don't I've seen several niggas get booted out for trying to rep their sets and act hard while in. A loser nigga going to be a loser nigga no matter where he go.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you think the military change niggas.............well it don't I've seen several niggas get booted out for trying to rep their sets and act hard while in. A loser nigga going to be a loser nigga no matter where he go.

Shit...some may get thrilled to purchase guns by having military status!!!


Rising Star
OG Investor
Man, I was hoping this was some April Fools attention whoring type stunt.
Just when you thought you've seen it all. Sad situation. :smh::smh::smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
It's a big city with a major drug problem that's what I was saying. You can't compare Chicago's drug issue with Atlanta it's no comparison, even though Atlanta has a drug problem as well, but Chicago is a bigger city and has it worse.
:confused: What are you talking about? There's a so-called meth and heroin problem with cacs. Where is all the violence? Drug prohibition would have been over if there was this much violence in the cac community supposedly caused by drugs.

Cacs in the poorest areas don't need metal detectors at their bars. And cacs do more drugs and have more guns. So how do they keep their fuck ups from constantly ruining shit for them?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:confused: What are you talking about? There's a so-called meth and heroin problem with cacs. Where is all the violence? Drug prohibition would have been over if there was this much violence in the cac community supposedly caused by drugs.

Cacs in the poorest areas don't need metal detectors at their bars. And cacs do more drugs and have more guns. So how do they keep their fuck ups from constantly ruining shit for them?
One word GANGS, Chicago has a huge gang issue which influences the drugs in the community.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
This brother is making sense.
My mother told me the same thing when she was growing up. The men who abandoned there families had to leave town because you would be chastised. Having babies out of wedlock was frowned upon. Now everyone thinks the system willl take care of them. It produces a bunch of weak lame people with no internal strength :smh: If we as a people had nobody to depend except for ourselves it would force US to change and become builder's again.

How often are deadbeat fathers condemned by other men here? Hell, even on this board, you'll have posters like RoadRage going on never ending rants defending them.

:confused: What are you talking about? There's a so-called meth and heroin problem with cacs. Where is all the violence? Drug prohibition would have been over if there was this much violence in the cac community supposedly caused by drugs.

Cacs in the poorest areas don't need metal detectors at their bars. And cacs do more drugs and have more guns. So how do they keep their fuck ups from constantly ruining shit for them?

A big issue is population density. In Chicago and other cities, black people people have had to deal with racial and economic segregation. This is ESPECIALLY true in Chicago. The types of white communities that have heroin and meth problems are usually rural and spread out.

Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
:confused: What are you talking about? There's a so-called meth and heroin problem with cacs. Where is all the violence? Drug prohibition would have been over if there was this much violence in the cac community supposedly caused by drugs.

Cacs in the poorest areas don't need metal detectors at their bars. And cacs do more drugs and have more guns. So how do they keep their fuck ups from constantly ruining shit for them?

-you monitor every newspaper across america,

to find out what happened at trailer parks across america?


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
A big issue is population density. In Chicago and other cities, black people people have had to deal with racial and economic segregation. This is ESPECIALLY true in Chicago. The types of white communities that have heroin and meth problems are usually rural and spread out.
What happens when they don't? Where is all the violence? Suicide by gun don't count. The government has successfully broken up projects and sent folks to suburbs and more rural areas and those areas get fucked up.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
-you monitor every newspaper across america,

to find out what happened at trailer parks across america?


Show me the most dangerous trailer park in Ohio. I'll wait. Cacs doing drugs. Bikers are a problem. Where are the murders? Cats up here in the suburbs wilding out, and all you can pull up is random biker footage.

Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
Show me the most dangerous trailer park in Ohio. I'll wait. Cacs doing drugs. Bikers are a problem. Where are the murders? Cats up here in the suburbs wilding out, and all you can pull up is random biker footage.

im not in ohio, dont know ohio.

like you said, random.

something capable of happening ANYWHERE.

9 devils died in said video. 9 murders.

aint no such thing as black on black crime!

crime is crime, cacs commit crimes againt one another.

its not called/considered white on white crime, its just called crime.


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
im not in ohio, dont know ohio.

like you said, random.

something capable of happening ANYWHERE.

9 devils died in said video. 9 murders.

aint no such thing as black on black crime!

crime is crime, cacs commit crimes againt one another.

its not called/considered white on white crime, its just called crime.

If you look at my posts in this thread, I never said black-on-black crime or white-on-white crime. I compared COMMUNITY crime. People commit crimes against those in their community. In order to stop community crime in OUR communities, we must address both external AND internal factors. Sadly, internal factors are being downplayed by SOME black people who should know better simply because those factors are OVERPLAYED by racist cacs to push their agenda.

Best believe if that biker shit you posted was a constant with cacs this country would be on fucking lockdown.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
im not in ohio, dont know ohio.

like you said, random.

something capable of happening ANYWHERE.

9 devils died in said video. 9 murders.

aint no such thing as black on black crime!

crime is crime, cacs commit crimes against one another.

its not called/considered white on white crime, its just called crime.
This here. I would bet that within a few percentage points Whites kill Whites at the same rate that Black kill Blacks. People kill who are close to them. Black on Black crime was just another way of pointing out how bad we are to the rest of the world.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
How often are deadbeat fathers condI have so many mned by other men here? Hell, even on this board, you'll have posters like RoadRage going on never ending rants defending them.

A big issue is population density. In Chicago and other cities, black people people have had to deal with racial and economic segregation. This is ESPECIALLY true in Chicago. The types of white communities that have heroin and meth problems are usually rural and spread out.
Where have you ever seen me defend dead beat dads? Should be easy for you to find being I have so many on going rants...
Bet you can't find one, which make me think your just another fact less flat earther running off the gums with out any proof to back you up..


BGOL Investor
This vid got Chicago in the national news, AGAIN.

The propaganda shit is in full effect. Right on cue....considering the fact that the Weather is about to break in Chicago.


How about not blasting at all and focusing on some positive shit?

Like growing food and hunting.


Some of the comments in this thread are actually hilarious when u think about it.

At the end of the day the average poor young Black person whos stuck in the middle of the drama is gonna get tired of sermons about White privilege, what they shouldnt be doing, etc etc. Eventually theyre gonna want you to approach them with LEGIT OPTIONS; instead of just your opinions and History lessons.

Theres nothing wrong with debriefing folks, but some of these talking points (e.g. Racism) aint ending anytime soon. That weak, defeated / "we're at a dead-end" mentality that some of you all are pushing is tired and played out. Teaching these kids how fight thru the shit is the only way youre gonna bring about some change.

Talk to some of these dudes on the street, but dont talk to them like youre a Parent whos tryna discipline them, talk to them like youre a concerned family member. Find out there "likings" and take it from there. Despite what some of you may think, gang banging & shooting aint the only thing that some of these dudes "like to do".

Despite the fact that other groups of color (Mexicans, Asians, Ragheads etc) are using up all the minority set asides, that were really meant for us, theres still a lot of programs/funds available for us to grab. There may not be enough programs to help ALL poor Black folks, but youll be able to help a few folks get the ball rolling. Go research!
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This vid got Chicago in the national news, AGAIN.

The propaganda shit is in full effect. Right on cue....considering the fact that the Weather is about to break in Chicago.



Some of the comments in this thread are actually hilarious when u think about it.

At the end of the day the average poor young Black person whos stuck in the middle of the drama is gonna get tired of sermons about White privilege, what they shouldnt be doing, etc etc. Eventually theyre gonna want you to approach them with LEGIT OPTIONS; instead of just your opinions and History lessons.

Theres nothing wrong with debriefing folks, but some of these talking points (e.g. Racism) aint ending anytime soon. That weak, defeated / "we're at a dead-end" mentality that some of you all are pushing is tired and played out. Teaching these kids how fight thru the shit is the only way youre gonna bring about some change.

Talk to some of these dudes on the street, but dont talk to them like youre a Parent whos tryna discipline them, talk to them like youre a concerned family member. Find out there "likings" and take it from there. Despite what some of you may think, gang banging & shooting aint the only thing that some of these dudes "like to do".

Despite the fact that other groups of color (Mexicans, Asians, Ragheads etc) are using up all the minority set asides, that were really meant for us, theres still a lot of programs/funds available for us to grab. There may not be enough programs to help ALL poor Black folks, but youll be able to help a few folks get the ball rolling. Go research!
I feel you, you are right, their are tons of programs available but that means nothing to many because of poor self image. from that comes the lack of motivation. My comment about food and hunting is a euphemism, i use all the time. My whole perspective is that nobody is free until they control their or at the very least have influence over how they obtain their food sources. I thought the same thing when shit was going down in my hometown of Baltimore. What are we and so many other ethnic groups fighting for around the world? What are we really fighting for in essence? If the police don't kill us our diets will, attacked on all fronts. Most people are trying to obtain freedom from a repressive economic system, there is no better start than feeding yourself. Thats why those little community gardens in the hood are so important, those people "get it". Thats why the Black Panthers food program was perceived as such a threat at the time, which in essence is utterly outrageous. You can best believe these cats killing themselves arent eating the best foods damn sure not organic, compound that with the stuff the brothers in this thread are talking about with the lead and all? :hulksmash2: We are talking about some angry unhealthy mofos.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that's the shit I'm talking about, fuck a program and fuck a fund! help yourself!!! stop looking for that handout....whitey made it so that there isn't enough for everyone because he knew the weak minded would sit there in the same shit they've been sitting for generations.

enough with the excuses!


that's the shit I'm talking about, fuck a program and fuck a fund! help yourself!!! stop looking for that handout....whitey made it so that there isn't enough for everyone because he knew the weak minded would sit there in the same shit they've been sitting for generations.

enough with the excuses!



BGOL Investor
Ive been reading up about this incident over the last 24hrs. The more i look at the vid...listen to the guys police statements...the more and more the entire ordeal seems like some bs. Lots of vagueness. But at the end of the day the "shock and awe" of the vid worked.

whole perspective is that nobody is free until they control their or at the very least have influence over how they obtain their food sources.

Self sufficiency; looking for the police, and other folks, to help you solve your problems, when more than likely these same people are contributing to your demise.

that's the shit I'm talking about, fuck a program and fuck a fund! help yourself!!!

Its usually called "handouts" when Black folks utilize them. White folks created that notation...and I see some Black folks are dumbfounded enough to cosign it.

But yourself to those funds and programs....if theyll give u a kick start down the road to self sufficiency. Of course it'll never be enough. Poverty is too much of a money maker to get rid of it. But understand that your "handouts" are becoming others folks treasures.

Shit is majorly fucked up. Gotta take baby steps. Dont allow your pride or feelings of defeat prevent you from utilizing something thats right in front of your face. Gotta learn how to play the game. Theres a lot of Black business owners who used some of those funds that u call handouts. Now those same Black folks are running their own shit and employing their own people.

Btw...if Whitey ever decides to give Black folks reparations (like they did the Indians, Asians, Mexicans, Native Euros etc) sure youll want to tear your check up and throw it away. But before you do that....send it to me
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Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Interesting. Needs its own thread...


Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime (Chicago Tribune)



Rising Star
Obviously he's doing dirt. This is the life you get involved with you going to get got or end up in prison. For what?
This is more than just doing dirt..and to be honest niggas been doing dirt and not dying like this..i wish it was that simple but it's not..and that simple mindset is part ofwhat hurting us


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At this point, I throw my hands up. Niggas just don't want to change. Repping blocks they don't own, and marching when gunned down by cops, but everyone is silent as we lose good brothers at the hands of other brothers....I just can't anymore. I pray one day, my people realize the Gods they are, and uplift each other instead of the dumb shit we consistently do.
The old Gods of Benevolence are dead in many Black folks. Their new Gods are Malevolence and Indifference.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Keep telling yall niggaz its that lead.The shit change the way your brain is supposed to function.It's not a coincidence when they checked the highest known lead levels in the Chi it matched up exactly with where all the violent crimes were occuring.When you talk of reparations this is the shit that's supposed to be apart of that conversation.
I made a similar query on another site. Most safety standards when it comes to medicines and environmental hazards are tested from White physiology. There are slight differences between the ethnic groups when it comes to the safe levels of medicine dosage so I'm sure there is a difference in the way other chemicals, compounds, and other materials are metabolized and effect "others".

Canaries in the coal mine always die off first as a warning.


Transparent, tasteless, odorless
OG Investor
:confused: What are you talking about? There's a so-called meth and heroin problem with cacs. Where is all the violence? Drug prohibition would have been over if there was this much violence in the cac community supposedly caused by drugs.

Cacs in the poorest areas don't need metal detectors at their bars. And cacs do more drugs and have more guns. So how do they keep their fuck ups from constantly ruining shit for them?

Well they still think they don't have it as bad as "ni99ers"

but niggas think they are at GROUND ZERO

so they don't give a fuck

when they think no one gives a fuck about them

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Well they still think they don't have it as bad as "ni99ers"

but niggas think they are at GROUND ZERO

so they don't give a fuck

when they think no one gives a fuck about them

That's a convenient excuse to give the relatively few people doing dumb shit. It's funny. Cats can catch drug cases, theft cases, all kinds of shit. Over and over again. But only a few dumb asses doing the shootings and robberies. Only a few are making communities bad. Fuck violent criminals.

So much time and energy devoted to explaining and defending VIOLENT criminals. Shit hasn't been working out.