Brotha shot while going live on Facebook in Chicago


Rising Star
no. hell fucking no. no and fucking no again. cause it's gonna be YOUR kids that get drafted. don't matter if they in school becoming scientist.
so no.
resounding no.
my dad got drafted and he SHOULDN'T have. he was the only boy and he had a college scholarship and they gave 0 fucks. they sent mp's to the house to collect him to make him go to the army.
so he said fuck it and went to the marines instead

no fucking draft.

Got dam, this sounds just like my dad wasn't just the only boy he was the ONLY CHILD...... The war changed my poos for the worst.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I m not sure about the lead.....but there needs to be legal employment for these young black men....
The trend and forecast is for more job loss for the future, due to automation and job outsourcing, thus is not a debatable opinion, it's something that all leading economic experts agree on..
My question is what are we doing in order to offset this trend.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The trend and forecast is for more job loss for the future, due to automation and job outsourcing, thus is not a debatable opinion, it's something that all leading economic experts agree on..
My question is what are we doing in order to offset this trend.

Man there are over 800k blk ppl in Chicago we should already have a robust viable black economy there....

I will say this though...the amount of racism in that region does play a HUGE part into why blacks aren t doing as well as they could there.... but cotdamn...there are too many of us there to not have a robust black economy

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
but WHAT is the criteria? that's the key point. Cause young black men who aren't in college at 18 will be the ones who get drafted immediately.
OR thugs will just go to community college to get that check to get their car and not get drafted.
You have a year to figure it out. Go to college go do a trade, something that will better your life. By the time you're 19 and if you're not doing one you're going in. If you try the JC shit just to avoid it you must keep a 3.0 GPA .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Facebook need to remove that Facebook live shit ca
Man there are over 800k blk ppl in Chicago we should already have a robust viable black economy there....

I will say this though...the amount of racism in that region does play a HUGE part into why blacks aren t doing as well as they could there.... but cotdamn...there are too many of us there to not have a robust black economy
The gang problem has hurt the black man progressing in that city for years that's the main issue.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You're the car pulls up and the other guy returns fire....
....Gotta stay the fuck away from Chicago,it's the fucking wild wild west.this is the forth video I've seen like this posted on the net.

He's fighting for his life......

Goddamn! Wow! There are 2 neighborhoods in the Chi that are out of control: Englewood, where this guy was shot, and Garfield Park on the west side. These fools just don't care


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"it's just kids being kids".....nothing to see here, just another day in Chiraq......local dudes from there are proud of this nonsense, why should any of us be concerned if they're not?


Superstar *****
Platinum Member
Keep telling yall niggaz its that lead.The shit change the way your brain is supposed to function.It's not a coincidence when they checked the highest known lead levels in the Chi it matched up exactly with where all the violent crimes were occuring.When you talk of reparations this is the shit that's supposed to be apart of that conversation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I grew up 80 miles from the Chi, city I live in ain't no different, just way smaller. Niggas here just as crazy. Shit seems like it's never going to end. The bloodbath hasn't even begun yet, it's about to get warm and there will be much more killing. :smh:

BGOL Investor
I grew up 80 miles from the Chi, city I live in ain't no different, just way smaller. Niggas here just as crazy. Shit seems like it's never going to end. The bloodbath hasn't even begun yet, it's about to get warm and there will be much more killing. :smh:

We have to go back to the source of the problem. Why these hoods are in such fucked up condition to begin with


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lead poison. It's all over housing projects and older homes/apartments low income Black folks reside in.
In the winter it seeps into the ground and when summer rolls around it gets disbursed right back into the air causing people to act out violently. That's why summers are always crazy in the hood.
It's a reason the EPA banned lead from gasoline in the 70s.

Tha Baldavenger

Rising Star
Platinum Member
What did you do before you threw your hands up?

I mentor young black men in my Social Fellowship organization's youth mentoring program. We meet men at risk once a month, and show them life is more that what they currently perceive. Maybe it is time to use this board not only for the admiration of black women, but brothers should network among ourselves and build a system to empower our youth.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mentor young black men in my Social Fellowship organization's youth mentoring program. We meet men at risk once a month, and show them life is more that what they currently perceive. Maybe it is time to use this board not only for the admiration of black women, but brothers should network among ourselves and build a system to empower our youth.
I definitely can do more. These young cats have no real role models to look up to.
Majority will never leave the US to visit a different country.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Man there are over 800k blk ppl in Chicago we should already have a robust viable black economy there....

I will say this though...the amount of racism in that region does play a HUGE part into why blacks aren t doing as well as they could there.... but cotdamn...there are too many of us there to not have a robust black economy
You are arguing what should be vs what is and what's going to be.. Unless you include ways of forcing the private sector as well as government agencies to change their hiring strategy, over the next 30 years, we will still be stuck in the problem of trying get to find constructive things to do for a growing population of almost unrmployable population who has no incentive to improve their situation at hand.
A major problem besides the lead and drugs (both legal and street) is the fact that in this country black women have twice as likely to have children as black males, and in poorer regions I suspect these numbers may rise to three or four times.
As the result many of these children are raised by women who think like children themselves, relying in kids being raised with out proper structure, guidance and dicipline, leading to grown adults with the emotional levels associated with children..


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I mentor young black men in my Social Fellowship organization's youth mentoring program. We meet men at risk once a month, and show them life is more that what they currently perceive. Maybe it is time to use this board not only for the admiration of black women, but brothers should network among ourselves and build a system to empower our youth.
This is why I highly recommend folks do this before suggesting what should be done so you don't come off as that know it all boss who never sets foot at the site..


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Drugs. Lack of opportunities. Over-policing. = current condition.
In a capitalistic society the onus is on the individual to create his own opportunity not for the people who are capitalizing off of you to provide it for you..
if we know this as a people and claim we love our children, then why are so many of us being brought into this world by father's who ain't shit and don't want them?
I am in south Trinidad right now, and you know what, women who have babies out of wedlock knows it leads to poverty and you seldom see it at the village I'm at, yet women in the states are tricked into believing it's a come up...
As long as we are living this lie, expect the fuckery to continue. .

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The city has a major drug problem, I remember reading an article that said 80% of the drugs that come into the city is from Mexican Cartels and the blacks are just the foot soldiers.

The drug problem is no worse than it is anywhere else. Cacs do just as many drugs if not more. The thing is cats know they can get away with shit in the hood and there is a lot of apathy. It's a very small percentage of the population fucking things up, and people can't stop with the excuses for them even though more than 95 percent of the people who grow up in the same conditions aren't running around shooting guns or sticking cats up.