CACs about to make Colin Kaepernick's life hell for refusing to stand for National Anthem


Star Playa
BGOL Investor
Damn now dude is begging for a job, why don't he just tryout for the AFL league or try to play in the CFL. This dude is getting on my nerves with all this shit.

He did not beg. He answered a question truthfully, and the question was based upon a lie that's been told about him.

Let's all remember that one of the lies told was that he would only join a team if he was the starter and wanted to be paid no less than $20mil.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Props to @Amajorfucup for calling it out from the jump.

The saddest part of the thread is that people still don’t know what happened here, although it was called out. Just goes to show how lost most of us are and will keep getting used until we finally stand up and put a stop to it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
6 Years later, still a great thread title, it was right on the money........
How? Kaepernick “retired” and is still raking in millions annually because of Nike and his true agenda (promotion of female coaches and referees) was accomplished.

How did that help anything that was originally stated as the purpose of the protests? Or how Kaepernick’s life is “a living hell”?

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How? Kaepernick “retired” and is still raking in millions annually because of Nike and his true agenda (promotion of female coaches and referees) was accomplished.

How did that help anything that was originally stated as the purpose of the protests? Or how Kaepernick’s life is “a living hell”?
You're being prevented from doing your life's passion, everything isn't just about money.


Transnational Member
Way too much Twitter embed on here, you need to use the snipping tool cutting out the Twitter logo. Fools might click on that garbage with their bots. You think they are embedding BGOL on Twitter?


Than upload the picture using this website.



Transnational Member
There are not getting any views from us for ad revenue, and people aren't being tracked.


I am being blacklisted and know what it is like. The reason they are blacklisting, is to keep me in the U.S. where I am miserable and can't do anything due to the suffocating surveillance. I should be set financially, to take off but they keep stonewalling.
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Transnational Member

It is very effeminate how the NFL handled this, with Kaepernick, I am glad he is getting a chance. The next gen male is watching, and they are learning trans-culture and effeminately respond with blacklisting and inventing reasons not to hire.

You need to verbally confront him to stop, than if he refused, than tell him his contract will not be renewed. You accept the backlash and ramification for doing this and economic consequences. I deal with this LGBTQ+ culture all the time in my profession, it is frustrating.

The NBA did this with Enes Freedom.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

Former NFL player Colin Kaepernick is making an example of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the city of Bakersfield that he represents in Congress.

A new multi-part documentary coming to Hulu on February 3 called Killing County includes first-person interviews with Bakersfield and Kern County individuals and families plagued by gun violence, officer-involved homicides and other crimes.

Kaepernick, an executive producer on the project, says in the trailer that it "is one of the most powerful projects I've ever been involved with." In a tweet promoting the documentary, he mentions Bakersfield's high homicide and crime rates—calling it a "thriller set in Kevin McCarthy's district."

The trailer includes gunshots, 911 calls, a former police officer, and interviewed individuals calling the city a "violent place." There are mentions of the city being home to the deadliest law enforcement per capita, and the most officer-involved deaths in the U.S.

Ben Meiselas, a Kaepernick Publishing executive producer and business partner of Kaepernick, told Newsweek the pair inked a deal about two years ago with Disney.

Meiselas was previously a litigator and knew Bakerfield-area families and shared a lot of time with them dating back to 2013. He met Kaepernick, who grew up north of Bakersfield in Turlock, around 2016 through his work as a civil rights attorney.

"It was important for us to produce this very impactful content," Meiselas said. "This project, based on all the kinds of stories and experiences in Bakersfield, was a very unique and harrowing way to shed light on what was taking place there through this prism of the true crime format and genre. It's an area that likes to say it's law and order, but when you dig a little beneath the surface, it's really about breaking the law and complete disorder and chaos."


There were 6,216 violent crime offenses in Bakersfield in 2020, according to uniform crime report data compiled by the FBI. That amounted to approximately 692.3 offenses per 100,000 residents, compared to a national rate of 390.2 similar offenses that same calendar year.

It represented an uptick in Bakersfield's violent crime compared to the year 2019, when 5,567 such crimes were committed. There were increases in murders, robberies and aggravated assaults. Rapes decreased compared to the two previous years.

There were also 27,890 property crimes in Bakersfield in 2020, including 3,658 burglaries, 13,995 larcenies, and 7,537 motor thefts. The total of 3,106 offenses per 100,000 people was higher than the national average of 2,008.2.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

Former NFL player Colin Kaepernick is making an example of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the city of Bakersfield that he represents in Congress.

A new multi-part documentary coming to Hulu on February 3 called Killing County includes first-person interviews with Bakersfield and Kern County individuals and families plagued by gun violence, officer-involved homicides and other crimes.

Kaepernick, an executive producer on the project, says in the trailer that it "is one of the most powerful projects I've ever been involved with." In a tweet promoting the documentary, he mentions Bakersfield's high homicide and crime rates—calling it a "thriller set in Kevin McCarthy's district."

The trailer includes gunshots, 911 calls, a former police officer, and interviewed individuals calling the city a "violent place." There are mentions of the city being home to the deadliest law enforcement per capita, and the most officer-involved deaths in the U.S.

Ben Meiselas, a Kaepernick Publishing executive producer and business partner of Kaepernick, told Newsweek the pair inked a deal about two years ago with Disney.

Meiselas was previously a litigator and knew Bakerfield-area families and shared a lot of time with them dating back to 2013. He met Kaepernick, who grew up north of Bakersfield in Turlock, around 2016 through his work as a civil rights attorney.

"It was important for us to produce this very impactful content," Meiselas said. "This project, based on all the kinds of stories and experiences in Bakersfield, was a very unique and harrowing way to shed light on what was taking place there through this prism of the true crime format and genre. It's an area that likes to say it's law and order, but when you dig a little beneath the surface, it's really about breaking the law and complete disorder and chaos."


There were 6,216 violent crime offenses in Bakersfield in 2020, according to uniform crime report data compiled by the FBI. That amounted to approximately 692.3 offenses per 100,000 residents, compared to a national rate of 390.2 similar offenses that same calendar year.

It represented an uptick in Bakersfield's violent crime compared to the year 2019, when 5,567 such crimes were committed. There were increases in murders, robberies and aggravated assaults. Rapes decreased compared to the two previous years.

There were also 27,890 property crimes in Bakersfield in 2020, including 3,658 burglaries, 13,995 larcenies, and 7,537 motor thefts. The total of 3,106 offenses per 100,000 people was higher than the national average of 2,008.2.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why do you say that? He’s barely 35 and hasn’t been hit since 2016. I’m sure he’s ready to go.

But I’m seeing he considered it but wants a $20 million salary .. idk bout all that
Facts. Why do some on this board seem to be happy he is being blackballed? Are they white, or are they sellouts?