Canadian Wildfires fucking up air quality in the Northeast…


BGOL Legend
Slight smoke smell and haze here today in the Buffalo area. Not as bad as a few weeks ago, but definitely noticable.

We've had it here in Northeast Ohio for several weeks but today was by far the worst day. I came outside with my dog around 9 this morning and I could barely see 50 feet away! Shit was ridiculous today. They say we'd better get used to it because those fires aren't going out ANYTIME soon. :angry:


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
We've had it here in Northeast Ohio for several weeks but today was by far the worst day. I came outside with my dog around 9 this morning and I could barely see 50 feet away! Shit was ridiculous today. They say we'd better get used to it because those fires aren't going out ANYTIME soon. :angry:

I was heading to work and was that smell.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
The air quality locally has been ok, which is surprising. A handful of years back we had it terrible the entire spring and summer. That gross haze mixed in with the hints of orange and purple for a good 5 - 6 months.


Rising Star
OG Investor
In case the smoke smells different to y'all, that's because it's now toxic.

The TLDR is that N95 masks will offer some protection, but will not filter out all of the toxic gasses. For that you'll need an elastomeric respirator with special cartridges.



Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
They need to get this class action case against Canada going.
That’s not possible. You basically have to sue mother nature and you know you can’t do that. Climate change is fucking up everything and this is a part of the fuck up.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Maaaaaannnn how do all these fires be starting around the same time? Is the heat that bad with dry areas or is there an uncatchable arsonist that's doing all this? I've never seen Canada go through this shit.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
