Cassie Accuses Diddy of Rape, Domestic Violence, Verbal Abuse & More


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Electric Relaxation
BGOL Investor
Ummm no one has said that Arnez...

Many have said this is wide spread and accepted and prevalent throughout entertainment


We need people like YOU to call the monsters out early and often

Not after all the damage is done
All these people who were complicit need to go down too.
He doesn’t get away with this all on his own. Everyone who knew some foul shit and let it slide needs to go down as well


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
this muthafucka diddy literally was living a fuckin PARTY LIFE FOR DECADES,

the crazy shit nobody is talkin about is... karin supahead stephens

bruh broke all that shit down in her book... how diddy like to start off his parties,

straight.. and ALWAYS end up in some gay club... there is a part where her and exhibit attend a party,

and how diddy was insisting everybody go to the gay club..

she also mentioned some other disgusting stuff about diddy and bloody mattresses but thats another story

for another time...

diddy was definitely recruting artist into the faggot world.. and Im sure folks like birdman aint too far behind...

he just tends to keep his filth more local...

diddy is letting you know, what doors you have to cross to make it to billionaire status....

that being said, to be honest they better start showing he was fuckin with MINORs,

because having "freak offs" with adults is not against the law... now if they can prove he

was manipulation fifteen year olds... then his ass in trouble..

but if its fuckin grown ass folks....and thats all they got.. he is skating... they better come clean,

man If I get called for Jury Duty.... they better have more evidence then some fuckin baby oil and lubricants....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

You can look at her and tell, her ass telling ERETHANG!!!