Chadwick Boseman Dies of Colon Cancer


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Had my first colonoscopy in February... nobody wants to go through it, but it's good to get it done, so if you're approaching 50, think about getting it done people. A doctor will probably give the go ahead below age 50 for a black person, but how far below I don't know.

For those who have not had one yet, the procedure itself is painless, cause they put you out. The prep...well, the 12-15 hours leading up to the procedure is extremely unpleasant, but as I said, it's good to get it done.

I had a digital exam for the first couple of exams at 40 and 42, but through Labs ever since.
I've had a colonoscopy at 50 and then 55 based how many polyps have been found, which have been normal...thank goodness.
They'll be like every 5 years unless some sort of issue turns up to require a more frequent exam. I have no family history of these cancers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He had the role of a lifetime on lock for at least three movies..

Nah sorry something aint right...

Has there ever been an actor under 40

To just suddenly die like that from cancer...

After locking down the role of a lifetime...

Just un believable



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, that's one of the most brutal parts of cancer. It turns your body against you. When that shit spreads into parts of your digestive system, you just reject everything you try to eat. You know you're wasting away but your body won't even let you keep the nutrients and calories you're trying to take in. ...and that phase can be long and drawn out.

During the final months of my father’s fight, he lost so much weight.

Basically, his body was rejecting food. It wasn’t due to his lack of trying either. His body just wouldn’t allow it.

We always knew that nutrition was important in fighting any illness, but I learned when your body shuts down or is rejecting the thing you need, then it’s only a matter of time.

Chad being as small as he was could have been due to his body not allowing him to hold food.

No amount of weed, CBD, or IVs can help.


Platinum Member
earlier this week i watch BLACK PANTHER to test my new speakers set up really appreciate his performance now more than ever we have lost a GREAT ONE RIP.


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
Rest in Peace King Chadwick. Gone way too soon. My condolences to your whole family.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I put down the computer for a few hours to watch some dvr recording I check on my BGOL family before bed and the 1st thing I see is this. I am so hurt and sad by this one, such a gentle spirit and great actor. His portrayal of Black Panther will go down as one of the most important roles in history,it brought so much pride and respect to our people. I have thought all the over the top 2020 is the worst year ever and the beginning of the end has been hyperbole but I’m actually starting to believe this year is a major turning point in humanity. I’ve never seen so many die as have this year. Damn!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No way.....RIP Boseman

Prayers to his family and friends. He inspired a new generation of black & brown children with just one movie.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

He had the role of a lifetime on lock for at least three movies..

Nah sorry something aint right...

Has there ever been an actor under 40

To just suddenly die like that from cancer...

After locking down the role of a lifetime...

Just un believable

What are you implying?