Chess Tournament Home Page


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

your boy Oskie is an>>>>>>>​

— Your Chess Personality —​

Assassins are all about controlled aggression. They tend to play sharp openings (especially 1.e4 as white) and look to attack the opponent's King. But their attacks are not wild or careless - everything is still governed by the objective demands of the position and exact calculation. Assassins tend to play "against the pieces" rather than "against the opponent". They won't alter their own play to try to take advantage of the opponent's psychology.

Robert J Fischer is an Assassin​

Robert J Fischer
Bobby Fischer (1943-2008), the eleventh World Chess Champion, was one deadly Assassin. One of the most dominant players of all time, the American became a grandmaster at the age of only fifteen and eventually took the world championship in a 1972 match with Boris Spassky. Fischer's perfect composure, along with accurate calculation and great will to win, caused his opponents to crumble. Fischer's opening repertoire was very limited, but also very sharp and very well prepared. All in all, Bobby Fischer was a chess machine long before actual chess engines could play at anywhere near that level.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

The Prodigy is the ultimate sportsman. Prodigies play aggressively and fight for the win from the beginning to the end, but place the highest value on maintaining emotional control and utilizing every opportunity that comes their way. Prodigies are not out to prove any kinds of theories, or to create great works of art (though that often happens anyway); for Prodigies winning is everything… because winning is simply more fun.

Magnus Carlsen is a Prodigy​

Magnus Carlsen
Magnus Carlsen (born 1990) of Norway, the current world champion, exemplifies the Prodigy. A universal player with an intuitive grasp of chess, much of Carlsen's success can be explained by his psychology which is completely unencumbered by fear. He rarely makes any kind of blunders, and plays on forever to try to win positions with the smallest advantage, or even equal ones. His endgame play is superb, and his constant pressing in every position eventually drives his opponents to make errors. Carlsen is currently the highest rated player in history.

That part is


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Let's get it crack-a-lackking...


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Log in you lumps...we need two....why is it so hard to just get six muhfuckas to play chess.????


Rising Star
Platinum Member
About to kick off another tournament....just a heads ya'll know a while back I included two of my homeboys in the of them recently said, and I quote:
"Yawn…another win, maybe I’ll use my “B or C” game to make things fair."


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Damn...i should have made it for 6...ya'll signed up quick for 5 and the kneegrow talking shit didn't even get in....LOL...