COSMOS 2014: Premieres Tonight at 9pm EST.. Who's watching?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah man. I heard about this from Opie and Anthony's interview with Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I've been thinking about this show all week.

Adam Knows

YouTube: Adam Knows
Platinum Member
cosmos or walking dead....

walking dead or cosmos....

cosmos or walking dead....

cosmos or wicked tuna....

wicked tuna or walking dead.....


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
i'd fight the gang lieutenant over the tv changing rights in sing sing to watch this show.

man i want our kids to get into this shit SOOOOOOOOOOO bad.

sagan changed a lot of lives, but i bet he didn't even realize he was passing the torch that day...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i'd fight the gang lieutenant over the tv changing rights in sing sing to watch this show.

man i want our kids to get into this shit SOOOOOOOOOOO bad.

sagan changed a lot of lives, but i bet he didn't even realize he was passing the torch that day...

yep.. Sagan was a major influence

You can search the for all the letters they exchanged


Support BGOL
Trailer looks really interesting especially since I was just reading about NASA's new Orion deep space project currently being built to go back to the moon, asteroids and Mars.

DVR set!


Support BGOL
Trailer looks really interesting especially since I was just reading about NASA's new Orion deep space project currently being built to go back to the moon, asteroids and Mars.

DVR set!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:hmm: My people wouldn't let me do it! Something to do with the various times I said too much on this site. :hmm:

You trip me out man! Saw the screener earlier at the local planetarium here and overall it was good. But you know us geeks will definitely find a few small quirks. Can't wait to catch some of the other episodes.
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BGOL Investor
cosmos or walking dead....

walking dead or cosmos....

cosmos or walking dead....

cosmos or wicked tuna....

wicked tuna or walking dead.....

You giving up scamming for an hour to watch cosmos? Props


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The theory of a multiverse blows my fucking mind

Amazing stuff. One of the coolest theories I've hear is that Dark-Matter and Energy are in reality other "universes" brushing up against ours the byproducts of the Multiverse...:eek:
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