COSMOS 2014: Premieres Tonight at 9pm EST.. Who's watching?


International Member
loving this episode :yes:

LOVED the illustration with the tree of life

This episode is like one big shit on creationism :lol:

wonder if any of the bgolians who strawman the subject, bothered to watch?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Superstar *****
BGOL Investor
loving this episode :yes:

LOVED the illustration with the tree of life

This episode is like one big shit on creationism :lol:

wonder if any of the bgolians who strawman the subject, bothered to watch?

Don't worry the 7 day "creationism" christian religious proselytizers didn't watch, they were busy waiting for the white Jesus to "rapture" them into the sky



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I will admit that my brain isn't all there when I've watched so far.

It's like you have to get in touch with your inner childhood wonder.
Hard when you have to break through years of hardened cynicism.
And after long days at work.

But I make the effort because it's truly important to have shows like this.
Especially for so-called "Minority" (ugh) children to see figures like Neil deGrasse Tyson.

And that for years, Science and provoking thought has been all but chased out of our Educational System for the last three decades or so.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
They were talking about this on Real Time

Seth McFarland is behind it

So what channel is this on?

There was an original?


They were talking about this on Real Time

Seth McFarland is behind it

So what channel is this on?

There was an original?

The original "Cosmos" with Carl Sagan used to come on PBS back in 1980, I used to watch this as a kid.

New ep with Neil Degrasse-Tyson paying homage to Carl Sagan

"Idiots" react to the new "Cosmos" show.



Rising Star
Liked the episode. Could've done without the extensive Isaac Newton Story.

the thought of two galaxies passing through each other is crazy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ill be the same age...I would love to see it also...:cool:

Hopefully there are some bigger and better comets that will surprise us till then. If anyone hasn't, you should try and find your nearest dark site to see the night sky with little to zero pollution, it will take your breathe away


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Hopefully there are some bigger and better comets that will surprise us till then. If anyone hasn't, you should try and find your nearest dark site to see the night sky with little to zero pollution, it will take your breathe away

I've always wanted to get a telescope and observe the universe..I remember my dad helping me with my Science project,about constellations as a kid...Unfortunately,I lost,because this white boy did the usual volcano and won...I couldn't believe it,because I was one of the few kids who thought outside of the norm...

I think I did one more Science project,afterwards and said fuck it.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo is anyone watching Cosmos? Shit is blowing my fucking mind

The theory of black holes was first pioneered by a black scientist? I didn't know that!