COVID MRNA vaccine causing cardiac deaths?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

that shit was exactly what they are doing... I wonder what year that episode came out...

they have to tell us, because they think it will clean their karma, thats how spiritually

retarded they are... but what they DONT realize is they already lost...

folks they need to help carry it out, are realizing, they are killing off THEIR OWN

FUTURE .. THEIR CHILDREN... thats something we can all unite around..


the crazy shit.. is

You got folks here MOCKING the Death Of Hermain Cain, thinkin

its cute, I dont care if you agreed with his politics or not

that is something WE DONT DO..

the braindead shit they dont understand is,

He lived to be 72...

the missisippi football coach wasnt even sixty five

and he took the vaccine

Non Labrats would NEVER mock the dead, even if

they did volunteer to be a lab rat for a new experimental


but to have that herman cain awards and mocking

the dead is NOT going to lead to good karma..


all those parasitic elite plans are fuckin failing..

most people aint take that shit.. them cops and

doctors all got that vax card hook up!!

and YOU SEE why they want to take your guns away...

they know when the people band together ARMED

up they dont stand a chance..

they are trying to sneak thousands of neo nazis here

to start a race war...

but that wont end good for them....

because we got militias in the burbs

and armed up to the tee gangs in the hood..

and muthafuckas 3d printing their own guns..


the elite parasites lost before they got started...

Our Global Victory party as we transition

into a new world with the top one percent giving up

over eighty percent of their wealth and land...

we gonna be shocked at how easy it was

to regulate them little international bankster pussys..

they gonna cause the whole fuckin globe to unite

against them!!!

aint no space shuttle or underground bunker

going to save em bruh...

its already WRITTEN....!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I got banned from the Herman cain thread

as if I give a fuck LOL

but not before I posted this..

They mocking a man that died at 72 years old

laughing at him..

they think there will be no karmic reaction ..

for that...!!!

since when did we start Mocking the deceased??

thats a thread they have on racist sites,

lets you KNOW bgol is infested with

them sad types...

If yall aint peep died suddenly that horror

show is a must watch....

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I got banned from the Herman cain thread

as if I give a fuck LOL

but not before I posted this..

They mocking a man that died at 72 years old

laughing at him..

they think there will be no karmic reaction ..

for that...!!!

since when did we start Mocking the deceased??

thats a thread they have on racist sites,

lets you KNOW bgol is infested with

them sad types...

If yall aint peep died suddenly that horror

show is a must watch....
I agree that thread is sad.
Now that the most deaths are from the so called vaccinated, I'm really fighting the urge to start posting people who died mysteriously.
But I don't mock the dead.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree that thread is sad.
Now that the most deaths are from the so called vaccinated, I'm really fighting the urge to start posting people who died mysteriously.
But I don't mock the dead.

Exactly thats NOT harnessing GOOD

energy, its inviting negative energy in your life..

they THOUGHT they banned me...

I just posted one more time, telling them

to define BAN... lol but I wont go in there


I dont want that karma on ME bruh!!!

Im gonna respect their negative energy space..!!


I tried to warn em...

Let the chips fall!!

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I got banned from the Herman cain thread

as if I give a fuck LOL

but not before I posted this..

They mocking a man that died at 72 years old

laughing at him..

they think there will be no karmic reaction ..

for that...!!!

since when did we start Mocking the deceased??

thats a thread they have on racist sites,

lets you KNOW bgol is infested with

them sad types...

If yall aint peep died suddenly that horror

show is a must watch....
I agree that thread is sad.
Now that the most deaths are from the so called vaccinated, I'm really fighting the urge to start posting people who died mysteriously.
But I don't mock the dead.
Yeah, that thread is fucked up. I know you guys might not be vaxxed, but I am and was one of the first ones on here in the OG thread pushing masks when folks were still washing hands for 20 seconds.

Even with all that, I ain't going to be mocking people dying from this. Well, at least not to be in a thread archiving them. I do mock the living fat asses who can't be bothered to take themselves out the at-risk demographic. :smh: How you going to mask/vaccine virtue signal and be a fat ass? Make it make sense.

I bet some of the cats clowning the dead are fat and probably can't even run a mile. Covid might not be a good look for them because the vaccine only protects for a certain amount of time. Fuck around and get their own award. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, that thread is fucked up. I know you guys might not be vaxxed, but I am and was one of the first ones on here in the OG thread pushing masks when folks were still washing hands for 20 seconds.

Even with all that, I ain't going to be mocking people dying from this. Well, at least not to be in a thread archiving them. I do mock the living fat asses who can't be bothered to take themselves out the at-risk demographic. :smh: How you going to mask/vaccine virtue signal and be a fat ass? Make it make sense.

I bet some of the cats clowning the dead are fat and probably can't even run a mile. Covid might not be a good look for them because the vaccine only protects for a certain amount of time. Fuck around and get their own award. :smh:

Hey thats MY thing,

Im not even anti vax.. Im anti lab rat, Im anti bully,

Im anti somebody wanting me to take some experimental shit,

and the same muthafuckas that want to bully me to take it,

want NO responsibility if something goes wrong.. I cant sue

nobody bruh..

and whats fuckin INSANE... is I just did a LITTLE research on it,

and the fact they calling MRNA a fuckin VACCINE


its NOT a VACCINE AT ALL.. bruh the media is on'

that.. Iraqi got weapons of mass destruction shit.

years from now, when they find out,

this experimental drug breaks DOWN your immune system,

you think they gonna apologize...

do you know how many people were murdered in iraq over that bullshit..

its gonna be the same here..

Hey if you doing ok... then most likely you got the placebo...

you yo own man do what you feel is best for you..

Im just saying read up on THAT shit..

its NOT what you think it is at all..

It has nothing to do with stimulating protective


that shit is literally BOSSING YOUR CELLS around,

I have a problem with some experimental shit,

telling my cells to produce something INorganically..

On modernas OWN website they refer to it

as an



aint no way in the world Im taking that

without at least observing dudes for seven years..

I know how to fortify my immune system

and it aint with trusting no fuckin govts

EXPERIMENTAL shit, as if they give a fuck

about us!!

but I dont knock nobody that made their decision to take it,

Im just find it fucked up, many do NOT want to take it,

but had to, to feed their families...

whats crazy is... I really picked up on eating much better as a result

and Im a whole nu knigga bruh,

Ill say it over and over, Im pushing fifty but feel like

Im going into my thirties..

I just been eating MY food, no restaurant shit, no deli

shit.. just my cooked food, tons of green leafy shit,

even got back into veggies I forgot all about..

but before you get that second booster,

read up on that shit,

its not a vaccine...Im talkin only about moderna and


johnson and johnson maybe different... but I dont trust

nothing nobody wants to be accountable for,

and the fact they are economically bullying people

to take it

is another problem I have...

I took a financial hit not working for what would

be a year now Dec 27th..

but that shit paid of health wise lovely this year,

Its the best thing that couldve happened...

Health through the roof and NO retarded

medical bill!!

but again I feel for folks that had to take it to feed their

families... its all good they did it for good intentions

they would be fine

woe to the muthafuckas benefitting from people dying,

they gonna regret ever being born,

suicidal thoughts will overtake them..

I PROMISE you this!!

no amount of money or power will save them...

aint no board room high enough or secure enough

to hide from Karma..

they dug a grave but had no idea it had their name on it....

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Seeing a lot of young brothers and sisters just dieing randomly or passing out at early ages on the courts and fields these past few weeks..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Uh this is getting Retarded NOW....

IT all started since this.
