Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Apparently, great minds think alike and it appeared that you and Kanti were on the same page. Your job has offices throughout the world and last weekend some of the staff from the Atlanta branch came to New York City to introduce some new products and discuss future projects.

Overall the meetings went well and you ended up meeting some really cool dudes from the Atlanta branch that invited you to a card party at one of the hotel's they were staying at (the majority of the Atlanta branch had rooms there). You played a few hands, but ended up having to step out the room from time to time because the cigar smoke was causing you problems.

You decided to take a walk and found this lounge on the floor that had a bar (you really needed some fresh air to clear your head). It appeared that the lounge was closed because no one was in there, but the door was opened. At least you assumed no one was in there, but you were mistaking.

Kanti, who you had met earlier at the meeting, was hiding because she was in the process of "borrowing" a few bottles from the lounge. When you finally located her, she explained that she was taking a bottle or 2 back to her room.

You were just playing, but you told Kanti that you were going to tell on her, and you're not sure if she was aware that you were "just playing," but she said:

"What can I do to keep you quiet?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You struggled to get past the irony of how you became acquainted with Kiran. You were in "Keyfood" when you first saw Kiran in the fruit section as you were looking at some grapes and she politely whispered "excuse me," as she passed by you in the aisle. Of course the long flowing hair and the caramel complexion got your attention, or maybe it was the sweet scent of strawberries that filled the air (or was that the fruit)?

In that split second she had gotten your attention, but now what would be your next move? If anything were to occur it would truly be by happenstance. As fate would have it, you were standing in the "meat section" when who Kiran would appear again, but this time she interrupted your thoughts of her with a question:

"Being Hindu, I've never really tasted beef before and there are so many choices, how do you choose what's good?"

This question gave birth to our relationship with you trying your best to explain the different cuts of steak and Kiran purchasing lamb. What made the conversation so interesting was that you were as unfamiliar with lamb as she was with steak.

Somehow, this conversation continued as you walked Kiran home and you guess she felt comfortable with you because she invited you into her apartment. Kiran said she could not believe that she allowed a strange man into her apartment because he "wanted to taste her groceries."

You paused for a minute because you were aware that the term was a "double entendre," and you asked Kiran was she aware of the dual meaning of that term?

It quickly became apparent that she did as she disrobed...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Arya Chowdhury would often visit the Mailroom in search of supplies and an occasional misplaced letter and never missed an opportunity to try to belittle you and your coworkers. You had to often "grin and bear" it because she was a Junior partner at the Law firm and was too valuable of an asset to be replaced and she knew it.

Back in August, things finally came to a head when she laced into your crew and brought poor Michelle Acosta to tears. At the risk of losing your job you waited a few minutes and then decided to pay her a visit to express that you didn't appreciate the way she addressed the mailroom staff (mind you, you're not even a supervisor).

You made your way to her office and politely asked if you could speak to her in private for a few minutes. Ms. Chowdhury invited you inside her office and closed the door. You explained to her that there was no need for her to speak to the Mailroom staff so harshly and that you might have to report this to Human Resources if it continued.

You held your breath expecting her to come back at you with a vicious verbal assault, but instead she agreed with you and apologized and said that she would apologize to the Mailroom staff also.

At that point, Ms. Chowdhury stood directly in front of you (invading your personal space) and told you that she respected the fact that you came directly to her with the issue and that you must have some "big balls" on you, she then proceeded to feel yours.

You stood there like a "deer in headlights" because you didn't know how to react, and even though Ms. Chowdhury could be a nasty bitch at times, you were still attracted to her and you were "turned on" by her actions.

Ms. Chowdhury seemed to get off while she fondled you and said that you should take her business card (she wrote her personal number) and requested that you call her after work this evening.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You had been feeling "Under the Weather" since Sunday and had been self-medicating for the last week, but your recovery was going slow. You struggled to make it to the supermarket to get some soup and juice when you ran into Jaydee in the lobby of your building. Jaydee asked you how you were feeling and you told her that you were recovery from a bad cold and she told you that she had some "old school" remedies that might help you.

Jaydee, who is originally from Guyana told you that when she was a little girl there her grandmother taught her a few things that would cure a cold quickly (at this point you were willing to try anything). She told you to stop by her apartment in about 15 minutes, and so you did.

You followed Jaydee's instructions and knocked on her door in 15 minutes and she lead you straight to the kitchen were she gave you some home made soup and Ginseng tea (at least that's what she told). Then she said you needed to clear out your lungs in her bathroom and sweat the cold out.

You were thinking she had some "Vicks Vapor rub," and wanted you to inhale some like you did when you were a child.

Jaydee had a few other things in mind...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One of your childhood friends, Sherrod is a Physical trainer and was gifted several Day passes by one of his clients. The place is called the "Bathhouse Flatiron," and has Saunas, Steam rooms and Pools that are "State of the Art," in addition, to being Coed. He told you that he had gone there a few times and no only was it relaxing, but they had some fine women there too!

Last week, Sherrod told you that if you had some free time that you should check the place out and he especially wanted you to see this young lady that he started talking to named Anya. He said that Anya usually showed up there in the evening and had some very attractive girlfriend that you might be interested in.

So you met up with Sherrod last Thursday and he got you into the place using one of his Day passes, and like clockwork Anya and her friends showed up in the Sauna. Even though Anya had on a two piece bathing suit, you could see and imagine why Sherrod was trying to get with her.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last night you went to visit your nephew's house because he was having a "FROM" watch party. In total there must have been about 15 people there and you watched Episode 6 from 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM. Most of the people cleared out around 11:00 PM because you watched it twice and had a brief discussion.

After most of the guest left the only 2 people remaining were your nephew, Lamar and 2 of his female coworkers, Latika Kamal and Shana Brooks. For some reason the girls wanted to play a few hands of poker and to make it more interesting the decided they should play "Strip poker."

Even though you're not a good poker playing you had a feeling that Latika was playing the long con by losing because she had a very nice body and didn't seem to mind showing it off.

You played until about 12:30 AM since they had to go to work in the morning, but Latika said that we are going to have to do this again next weekend (at that point you were ready to do pretty much whatever Latika suggested).

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This Indian woman who lives in my complex has a daughter who be showing out just like chick in this gif..11th grader who her and her husband sometimes have to cuss out for being too disruptive at her school :smh:
I hope her parents can get things "under control" with their daughter before it's too late. Sometimes young women are under the illusion that "Street life" is glamourous based on what they see on television and in movies. That is until they actually have to live it.