Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ingrid looked out for you and suggested that you and Anita should go out with each other (sans Ingrid), and the really cool thing about Anita is that when you asked her where she wanted to go, she simply said:

"I don't know, surprise me and pick some place you might like."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Against your better judgement, you started seeing this younger girl and you were often reminded of this when you would stop by her apartment and hear some of the music that she was listening to.

However, when you would come over to her apartment she would come to the door with only a towel on, and after awhile you started thinking, ah some of these songs by "Ice Spice" ain't so bad.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"What happens in Aruba, stays in Aruba," is probably the mindset of people going on vacation and to be honest that phrase can apply to anywhere you would go in the world.

A change of scenery allows a person to explore certain sides of their personality that they may not reveal to people who they see on a daily basis. So, when you took a trip to Aruba with your family (nieces and nephews) it was basically just an opportunity to get away and enjoy some sun and water because Aruba to you is more geared to couples.

You had a single room at "La Cabana Beach Resort and Casino," and was free to come and go as you pleased, but would usually make sure you at least made time to spend with your family during lunch or dinner (provided that you or they didn't have other plans).

One morning, you got up and had a bowl of "Special K," and had a taste for some cold Apple juice. You had a refrigerator in your room, but you made the mistake of leaving it on the counter the night before so you went down the hallway in search of an ice machine, no luck. On your way back to your room you saw one of the hotel staff conversing with this young lady who was staying in the room next to yours.

Normally, you would have keep walking, but she was standing in the hallway talking to him about the breakfast she had just ordered via room service. You wanted to ask him where you could obtain some ice, so you stood close to them, but not too close and waited as he placed some empty plates and cups on the lower level of his cart.

She looked up and said "hello," and he politely asked: "Can I help you sir?"
You asked him is there anywhere on the floor that you could get some ice from and he told you that he would be more than happy to bring you some from the restaurant. You told him that you appreciated the gesture, but didn't want him to take that long walk only for some ice and "thanked him."

He then left and went back to your room, but within a minute you hear a light knock at your door. When you opened your door you saw the young lady in the next room standing there, and she said that she had ice in her freezer and you were welcome to have some if you like.

Now, keep in mind she is standing there in a bikini and your thinking of the many things you could do with her and some ice cubes, but you told her that you just need a cup full, so she invited you into her room.

You told you that you can go in the freezer and take what you need, so you took out the ice tray and took about 4 cubes and asked her if you wanted her to refill it?

At first, you didn't get a response from her and then you noticed her standing on the balcony and she's looking out and said:

"You can, but before you do make sure you take what you want."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're a quiet and unassuming type of guy and maybe that's why Priya was drawn to you. That, and your love of music because she appreciated your eclectic taste.

It turns out that Priya was a big fan of what she called "Old school R&B," which was basically the music you listened to growing up.

So, you and Priya would spend a lot of time discussing music and in some ways you became her musical mentor exposing her to a plethora of songs she had never heard before.

To your surprise she even told her mother about you and wanted you to meet her mother who was going to stop by the job on Friday to have lunch with Priya.

When Friday finally arrived so did Mrs. Rao, and you immediately "hit it off," (You and Mrs.Rao were close in age)and Mrs. Rao invited you to have lunch with her and Priya.

During lunch things got a little strange, but not at first. The three of you went to an Indian restaurant and Mrs. Rao was surprised you had never had Indian cuisine before.

She even joked and said: "hmmm, you're a Virgin to Indian food so that means I will have to guide you as to what and how to eat. But, don't worry since it's your first time I will be gentle" (she said this while Priya was distracted by a phone call and she was able to quickly determine that you had no romantic interest in her daughter).

The subtle flirting continued throughout lunch and Priya had to remind her mother that she is a married woman.

Nevertheless, the meal culminated with you and Priya returning to work and Mrs. Rao giving you her business card in the event you wanted to discuss investment options.

About a week past and Mrs.Rao called you and wanted to meet with you because she had an investment idea that she felt would be very beneficial to you. So you agreed to meet with her after work.

The meeting went well, but was disrupted by a phone call from a friend, who asked her to check on some property for her (Mrs. Rao asked you to accompany her since it was dark out now).

You follow her to an apartment building and for some reason something felt off.Then to make matters worse she called her husband to inform him she would be home late because she was checking on some property.

She excused herself and stepped into the bathroom for a few minutes only to return with a look that she would be confident that she could close the deal.

At that point, you realized you were the property she spoke of.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A smile came over your face when you think about Elementary school.

Last November, you went with your niece Tamara to a "Parents/Teacher's meeting to discuss her son Khalid (he's in the 5th grade).

His Math teacher Ms. Jain is also his gym teacher, and she explained that he is an "A" student in Math, but he doesn't want to participate in Gym class.

Tamara showed you the comments Ms.Jain had written on his Report card, and even you couldn't understand because you know that Khalid is a good athlete.

Things became very clear when you met Ms. Jain.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In some ways you were like an older brother to Nivisha and you found yourself spending many hours at work talking to her about life in general. She appreciated your time and your perspective on things, in addition, to the various questions she had about relationships.

Ironically, she had a black boyfriend, Malick and felt that you might be able to provide some insight as to how he thought about things. You explained to her that we may all see things differently depending on how we were raised and our life experience and gave her an example by telling her that she sees things differently than her older and younger sisters.

On Thursday night, Nivisha called you and was crying hysterically and you asked her what was wrong? She explained that Malick called to tell her that he no longer wanted to be with her. They had been dating for 3 years and Nivisha wanted to get married and start a family, but Malick keep her at bay and to exacerbate the situation she suspected that he was cheating on her.

You stayed on the phone with her for about 30 minutes and you were able to calm her down; however, 15 minutes later she called again telling you that she was having problems breathing and asked you to come over (you were thinking that maybe she would have considered calling her parents, but she was afraid they would be on some "I told you so" BS).

You threw on some sweats and ran downstairs and jumped in a taxi cab (she lives about 30 minutes from you near Columbia University) and although she was still crying slightly and breathing hard, you were able to calm her down.

You talked and joked for the next hour and you figured that Nivisha was okay now and you were hinting at going back home. Nivisha, who is usually very soft spoken flipped the script on told you in a very assertive tone: "Where do you think you're going mister?"

You looked surprised, but seeing her change up was nice to see considering you thought you were going to have to get her to the hospital. She quickly went back to her mild mannered voice and told you that she really didn't feel like being alone tonight. You assumed that she just wanted you to keep her company and watch television until you both fell off asleep.

But, ahhh, Nivisha had something else in mind...

You wanted to ask her: "Are you sure?"
Nivishia: "I am."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anisha Chadha, your coworker called you around 9:00 PM Friday night and needed your help with something. She had a scheduled a brief meeting with one of the deputy managers regarding her vacation time and wanted to get confirmation that her time was approved. You're thinking that she could have done this over the telephone, but she explained that the meeting was going to be done via Zoom because Anisha's supervisor would be present also.

She told you that she had tried to get in contact with someone from IT (Tech support), but no one was answering the phone at work. Basically, she wanted to see if her "Zoom" application was working properly and wanted you to talk her through the setup.

So, you turn on your computer and you and Anisha manage to link up and start a video chat. Now, instantly you notice 2 things and the first is that she is wearing a mask. So, you asked her why did she have the mask on? She told you that she didn't want you to see her without any makeup on, and she was basically dressed in her "around the house" clothes.

You told Anisha don't take me to "Human Resources" over this, but you're an attractive woman and you probably still look good with or without makeup. In addition, you told her that this is the first time you've ever seen her not dressed up and mention that this is what "Mr. Chadha" is going to see when he comes home from work?

The tone of the conversation changed a bit and she said "No" sometimes "Mr. Chadha" is going to come home and he's going to see me in my "birthday suit."
Anisha said: " there is no "Mr. Chadha," and I don't have a man now, but when I get one he is going to be whipped.
She added: "If you were my man I would have you whipped too."

You laughed and said: "Really?"
Anisha said: "I don't think you can handle this," and then proceeded to show you the goods...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last Thursday you had a slight accident in the bathroom and the rugs on the floor got soaked. Yeah, you could probably hang them up over the bathtub and let them dry, but at that rate they probably won't be dry until Saturday. So, you decided to drag yourself to the laundry mat across the street.

You're not use to going to the laundry mat (you have a washing machine in the apartment) so you needed a little help. You looked around for someone and happened to see "Asha" (there were only 3 people in the place that afternoon). Asha was a sweetheart and explained how the machines worked and how much detergent and fabric softener you would need (in addition, to how long the rugs might take to dry).

Everything came out perfect and you told Asha that you appreciated her help and that if she wasn't married that she should consider marrying you.
She laughed and a big smile came over her face and she played along by asking: "Are you going to cook for her?"
You told her that you can make a mean "Pop tart," but explained that you were not the greatest chef in the world, but you offered to treat her to dinner this evening.

You told her that there was a French/Belgian that recently opened up and asked her would that be something that she might be interested in? She said that sounded like a good idea and since neither one of us was dressed up we ordered the food to go. You had planned on taking your food home and allowing Asha to do the same when she suggested that you stop by her apartment.

You were really surprised that Asha felt comfortable enough to invite you back to her apartment considering that you just met, so you tried to be on your best behavior. Furthermore, you allowed her to dictate whatever might happen because you wanted her to feel safe. Nevertheless, Asha appeared to be keeping score with your "marriage proposal," and said that:

"Do you think my future husband can please me?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You work for a Security company that provides protection for the "Museum of Modern Art" in New York City, which holds some of the most expensive paintings in the world. The security system is "State of the Art," and guards are present 24/7/365, so the risk of an incursion is highly unlikely.

For your efforts, you are compensated very handsomely and your salary has allowed you to maintain a very luxurious apartment in the Soho section of Manhattan; in addition, to providing a nice home in Northern New Jersey that you share with your wife and children.

You're very quiet and unassuming, however, you do enjoy beautiful things and this is not limited to being around stunning women. This brings us to Saturday night when you met not one, but two women who told you that they were in town on business and looking to have a good time.

Albeit, you've had many opportunities to "step out" from your role as a "family man," but you have remained faithful throughout. Nevertheless, the young ladies are showering you with attention (and to think all you did was walk into the neighborhood deli and order a sandwich that you planned on having for dinner while you watch the NCAA tournament games), and manage to talk their way into going back to your apartment.

You didn't have "lustful intentions," and was just enjoying their company when you excused yourself to go to the bathroom (leaving your sandwich and juice exposed).

Upon returning to the living room, after about 30 minutes you were overcome by sleep and must have passed out. When you woke up you panicked thinking that you might have been "drugged and robbed" by your two new "friends."

Well, not quite and you checked your place and nothing was missing, but the bed was unmade?

A few days later you received a parcel from an unknown address that include a video and a message:

The message was basically stating that copies of this video and others might find there way to your wife if you don't provide "security clearance" for the following (the women were attempting to blackmail you and had planned on robbing the museum).
