What makes people think a company that rarely stress test it cars in extreme conditions and can't even get the door seems straight in its flagship cars is going be able to solve a platform known to be riddled with issues.
The sad part is these assholes didn't learn much from DeLorean. They just thought they could ride the wave of a high stock price while putting out shitty products.
The level at which they are doing things require a scale that's requires heavy government investment. We can make safe nuclear powered cars but it's going to take at least $10 trillion dollars to do so. $3 Trillion just to come up with a system to power cities.
The problem has become corporations want to make all the profit while doing none of the research. They try to make the general public pay for all the failures while cornering the market when there is a break through.
Nobody with half a brain wants to work under this environment. It leads to all types of unchecked corruption.
I'm sure Elon and his money mangers where pressuring the developers of the projects while not giving a fuck about putting a truck on the road that not only can't stop but accelerates to destroy its victims with no mercy.
Thank God it only Tommy Gun Bullet proof. I always thought it was going to be a mini cartel tank killing machine. But Elons process was to shitty to even do that.
Stop trying to be cool nerds and actually be smart and just cop an Accord like rmost real engineers do. That hybrid 2030 Accord with 500-600 mile range is gonna do numbers if they don't fuck up the quality like Telsa.
I hear that..
But the REAL mindfuckery... is making us THINK there is NO free energy all around us...
bruh you know FRUIT can power a light bulb... ESPECIALLY CITRUS FRUITS....
what about tapping telluric currents, creating water activated earth batteries...
so many sources of free energy, but we been so INDOCTRINATED swearing its EDUCATED,
to think what they want us and tell us to think.!
yea there was a Bruh in Africa that found a way to tap into FREE energy, he powered up a TV
without it being plugged into anything...
Of course he got sick and almost died soon after, and last I heard he was begging for protection..
we so divided and fucked up as a people, we cant even protect our Geniuses..
and therein lies the problem, they all get grabbed up and indoctrinated by those that want to keep us be
THEIR energy slaves...
great news tho.. We all waking up to the bullshit. and we all need to steer our children OUR FUTURE..
solar and earth energy should be our focus!!