D Wade's son comes out as gay at pride parade Miami


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
My doctor told me that new studies are showing that homosexuality is created in the mothers wombs. Makes me think about how my grandmother would say watch what you eat, watch, listen to and think about while your pregnant.
I'd like to know how they make that determination. It's not as though there's a change of gender. What fluids are they extracting from the fetus? I am reluctant to believe that.

Majestic Lion

fidélité à la mort
No sah, not my yute. Neva!

I needed this laugh today.

On another front, this is what happens when you hand children smartphones and social media accounts. Dudes from past generations who didn't see anything but maybe a adult mag until their early-to-mid teens are seriously having trouble grasping why children are so oversexualized now? They're getting full-nelson position vids right to the retina at 5, 6, 7 years old. You think that doesn't have consequences?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Honestly, the gay boys do the same shit. It is scary. They get beat up and end up playing with some of the girls.

I must admit, so did I. :(

But one of my earliest memories was an Easter program where I and a girl were dressed for the occasion, marched down the aisle to the Pulpit, gave a lil Easter speech about love and shit and kissed over our empty baskets right before the Easter egg hunt. OF course, all of the women in the congregation were all like, "Awww, :inlove: how cute!" Then we skipped hand in hand back down the aisle to our pews. A few years later, when her mother was visiting mine, we went out on the side of the crib and played house. Dry humping and trying not to get grass in her freshly pressed hair and shit.
I had a number of experiences like that as a prepubescent child. Those were my influences during my formative years.

What influences an 11-year-old to believe that they're Gay?


International Member
blame his wife matter of fact fuck wade faggit ass smh


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
I think it's more being exposed to all that crazy far left shit. Those cacs on the far left on some wild shit with sexuality. These crazy ass cac are putting boys in skirts when they are 2. :smh: They then talking about identifying a gender is child abuse.And although folks born how they born, let's not act like kids can't be influenced.

Just because a girl's a tomboy don't mean she likes pie. But in this day and age, if she's around those crazy hippie cacs, she'll be encouraged to come out.

You don't expose your kids to these crazy far left cacs without seriously talking about sexuality at home. Because if you don't, those nuts will.

This is so true. People are sleeping on the wacked out world of far left thinking. I don't fuck with far right racist crazies either, but the far left is doing major damage with their ultra liberal new age views. By the time more people(especially ADOS) realize what is going on it with the far left it will be too late for some.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It was pretty obvious but he shouldn’t involve his other sons in this shit. They could support other ways.


And yeah, Gabby clearly runs that household.

BTW, I’m interested to hear his crazy mother weigh in on this.


That's just too much bullshit for a kid to be involved in. Christ:smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why all these ball players have fruit booty ass boys!:dunno:
Partly because a lot of dudes had kids but questionable women. And these dudes are always away from home, barely time to raise them. And, a lot have nannies raising em, and they could doing the touching or introducing them to moist culture. A lot of bitches keep gay friends around the house. Here in the A, looooooot of bitches run with gay dudes, have em around the house, etc. Dudes dont really know who is up in his house while hes way as games or were his baby moms or wife hangs while he is away.


Cleveland D-T-W [216]
BGOL Investor
What would be fucked up if the lil fruit cup got all his daddy talent and his other sons suck, if I was D-Wade I'm hiring 10 surrogates and snatching all off Gabrielle's eggs and trying to make as many sons as possible

But on the other hand, if your son comes to you at 11 years and tells you he is a peter puffer why announce it now every grown weirdo faggit going to try to get at him now you have to increase his security


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
An 11-year-old child is making the declaration that he likes the same gender...how the fuck does HE know? Coming out at 11!????:hmm: He hasn't hit puberty yet and we're supposed to accept that he's got it all figured out about sexuality?
NAMBLA members are drooling uncontrollably right now. :smh::smh::smh:
Doesn't mean he was molested. That's just like saying all of us who knew we liked girls at 11 were molested to feel that way.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Im sure gayness can be influenced and swayed on some level and im willing to listen to an argument on how Wades homo friendly dress and style may have formed his childrens perspectives.. . But as it pertains to this young man, its been clear since he was able to walk that he is sweet as ghetto kool aid. Im just glad he has a supportive and loving environment. Being rich as fuck also helps.


Rising Star
I must admit, so did I. :(

But one of my earliest memories was an Easter program where I and a girl were dressed for the occasion, marched down the aisle to the Pulpit, gave a lil Easter speech about love and shit and kissed over our empty baskets right before the Easter egg hunt. OF course, all of the women in the congregation were all like, "Awww, :inlove: how cute!" Then we skipped hand in hand back down the aisle to our pews. A few years later, when her mother was visiting mine, we went out on the side of the crib and played house. Dry humping and trying not to get grass in her freshly pressed hair and shit.
I had a number of experiences like that as a prepubescent child. Those were my influences during my formative years.

What influences an 11-year-old to believe that they're Gay?

Lmao! I feel you.. When I was a kid.. From grade school teachers to my older bros girlfriends to my sisters friends to the girls in school..neighborhood girls. Shiiiit. I was like Bill duke in predator..




FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Doesn't mean he was molested. That's just like saying all of us who knew we liked girls at 11 were molested to feel that way.
I'll give you that, I won't argue otherwise. NOW...show me the parents who are uber-supportive of their son declaring his heterosexuality and parades him around Social Media at this age, if at any age period.
You should be sighing over that shit as well!

Rembrandt Brown

Man, I can't even imagine.

Fucked up thing is, that lil nigga looks JUST like him.

Think I'd have to be on some, "I don't know what happened. I always ensure his seat belt's buckled. Perhaps God wanted it this way. So, anybody up for PF Changs before the wake?"

So you don't love your kids. Got it.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Like it has been said on here. Imagine if he proclaimed at 11 he is decidedly heterosexual and looks forward to dating females and having children. The velvet alphabet mafia would lose their fucking minds and be calling DWade all types of toxic black males. However now the alphabet mafia will call him "enlightened/evolved":smh: for being supportive of a son he spent time away from due to his profession. The agenda is diabolical in every way.

Rembrandt Brown

Stop sexualizing children.

Dwade lost for even supporting this shit. Kids at 11 are not even sposed to be having sexual much less declaring their sexuality to the world

How can you have a sexual preference at 11? You're a week and a half removed from not knowing how to tie your shoes, and yet you somehow KNOW you're gay.

An 11-year-old child is making the declaration that he likes the same gender...how the fuck does HE know? Coming out at 11!????:hmm: He hasn't hit puberty yet and we're supposed to accept that he's got it all figured out about sexuality?
NAMBLA members are drooling uncontrollably right now. :smh::smh::smh:

Yeah, 11 is hella young to be coming out about anything. Shit, when I was 11 I identified as a Ninja warrior. Obviously that shit was less than correct.

Y'all didn't have childhood crushes?

If none of you knew your sexuality until you were a teenager, I see why BGOL is so insecure about sexuality.

I think most kids, by age 10, have had at least one crush and understand if they exclusively like boys or girls.

I must admit, so did I. :(

But one of my earliest memories was an Easter program where I and a girl were dressed for the occasion, marched down the aisle to the Pulpit, gave a lil Easter speech about love and shit and kissed over our empty baskets right before the Easter egg hunt. OF course, all of the women in the congregation were all like, "Awww, :inlove: how cute!" Then we skipped hand in hand back down the aisle to our pews. A few years later, when her mother was visiting mine, we went out on the side of the crib and played house. Dry humping and trying not to get grass in her freshly pressed hair and shit.
I had a number of experiences like that as a prepubescent child. Those were my influences during my formative years.

What influences an 11-year-old to believe that they're Gay?

So you think you like women because of influence and encouragement?

An 11 yr old doesn't know shit about their sexuality. He's imitating what he sees and his parents aren't stomping a mudhole in that ass.

I wish one of my son's would try to come out as gay...at ELEVEN...or any age!

So you like women because you're a follower?


Platinum Member
D. Wade damn well better buck the trend and reject this bullshit. If this kid is gay then whoever molested him needs to be brought to Justice immediately! I'd wanna know how the fuck HE came to THAT conclusion at age 11. Fuck that!:angry:

Bro...I went to a high school track meet Two years ago....it was amazing how many young fellows walked around prissy as hell.

Like when I was in school you had 1 or 2, that was feminine, not so much prissy if that makes sense. It had like 10 cats that was like that. I asked the coach about that shit, he said, “bro just think how it is during school hrs, when all the students are there”.

Now granted they ain’t 11


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Ummm....nature dictates that bruh. All males are SUPPOSED to be attracted to the female at a certain time in their life. Thats just a fact...whether you subscribe to any religion or not.
I don't subscribe to any religion. It's a joke. That being said, I'm saying him being gay, or thinking he's gay, doesn't mean he was molested.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I saw a pic of him on a float with a shirtless grown man! Gabby there thinking she is so progressive

An 11-year-old child is making the declaration that he likes the same gender...how the fuck does HE know? Coming out at 11!????:hmm: He hasn't hit puberty yet and we're supposed to accept that he's got it all figured out about sexuality?
NAMBLA members are drooling uncontrollably right now. :smh::smh::smh:


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Im sure gayness can be influenced and swayed on some level and im willing to listen to an argument on how Wades homo friendly dress and style may have formed his childrens perspectives.. . But as it pertains to this young man, its been clear since he was able to walk that he is sweet as ghetto kool aid. Im just glad he has a supportive and loving environment. Being rich as fuck also helps.

HIPPA Laws require that Healthcare Professionals, Facilities, and Pharmacies protect a patient's privacy and to not disclose personal health information.
If this child had contracted the Zika virus, there wouldn't be all of this fanfare...support maybe, but not this kinda shit.

Does being supportive of a young child being Gay equate to supporting a young child with Autism, Leukemia, Cancer, Sickle Cell Disease, or any other affliction?
That's how this shit is being approached...there may as well be local Television promotions of Gay Children's 5K Run for Queer Cheers.

I find it odd as fuck that Sexuality is being treated like this. As though we're all supposed to sport rainbow-colored ribbons and raise funds and shit.
This is something that should NOT have been announced like this. In fact, NO child should be able to "Come Out" before the age of legal consent within the State in which they reside. No child should be allowed to be dressed as another gender under AT LEAST age 13...as in none of this Charlize Theron type of bullshit. CPS should've stepped in immediately with Court Orders against it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As a father of a son, I don't know how well I couldve dealt with this. My son as a child glanced at a magazine with Vanessa Williams on the cover and said, "Dad, this is how my wife is gonna look". One of the proudest moments in my life. He couldnt have been any more than about 5 years old.

Dogs my son is a nerd type, but nice in ball etc....

We watching Jay Z and Beyonce couple years ago. He mumbles man Jay-Z is lucky..... The whole room erupted in laugher I was like YES thats my BOY!

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
The fuck does he know about being gay at 11 years old?

You can't tell me that wasn't influenced on him in some way by his parent/s or some other family members.