D Wade's son comes out as gay at pride parade Miami


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
All he did was go to the pride parade, and yall drew yall own conclusions, because yall was already calling the lil nigga gay. Mf's can't win for losing I guess.

Did you even READ the original post?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You're suggesting that we either legislate or have hardcore laws and rules involving sexual preference and dress codes for children. Alot more of what you said was flat out idiotic but we can stop there. Petitioning for government to enter ones home and dictate when a child can declare a sexual orientation and impose rules on what they wear is fucking INSANE!!
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The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
He was a super fruitcake. He wanted to be Princess Jasmine instead of Aladdin

My brother wasn't molested so ppl saying that boy had to be are buggin its not always the case; sometime ppl just come out that way

I'm sure happy my son didn't come out that way tho lmao

The difference is alot of the kids we grew up with had to hide it but now they don't have to they could just be free without all the bullying

This shit is weird ass hell and very sad but I'm happy he's living his truth I can't Co sign that whole rainbow parade coming out party bullshit and being around grown ass fags at that he's still a child

Went down NC last month and was able to have a conversation with my brother while down there who is a tranny now smh

he forgive me for all the foul shit I use to do to him. I whipped his ass numerous times when I caught him outside jumping rope. I've been over him being gay for yrs yet we never spoke at family events I didn't even invite him to my wedding
Dope story fam and it's great that you have learned to accept him as he is even if its some fucked up shit. Sidenote: How would you know if he got molested...a lot of people never tell.

All he did was go to the pride parade, and yall drew yall own conclusions, because yall was already calling the lil nigga gay. Mf's can't win for losing I guess.
Do you just up and patronize gay parades?


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Meanwhile his ex-wife is now a religious nut so it would be interesting to see if she trashed her own son. Between his pops promoting zestiness and his nutty mother, maybe this kid never had a chance.

This wench is hustling. FOH Funches!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The sad thing is even if this kid decides to be hetro in the future, the world will not allow it, even if he never slept with a man. The videos and and pictures will be posted to every girl he tries to date on their social media. Men will date a woman that use to be gay for a few months or a year, but no way will a honest straight woman date this guy with all these gay pride pictures from his past.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dope story fam and it's great that you have learned to accept him as he is even if its some fucked up shit. Sidenote: How would you know if he got molested...a lot of people never tell.

Do you just up and patronize gay parades?

It was nobody around to molest him we grew up same mother same father My father was running the streets like crazy getting high and I damn sure didn't

My brother not the type to not say

he's one of those extra ass hell fags so he not the shy or bite his tongue type of person it's really not our family personality.

On another note I clown my Pops most times I see him cause this mfer has a gay son and a dyke daughter. Lmao how 2 outta ya 4 kids gay? My pops still hurt his son gay. Guess u never get old enough to fully accept it. Huh I wouldn't know how to take it that shit if it was my son. My son loved girls since he was like 5.

As far as the gay parades I don't think that's the place for a child n even tho I have to accept them that shit still disgusting


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I knew I liked pussy at 11......Little man can know he wants dick at that age.

It is what is:dunno: You still have to love your seed for who they are.


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
I knew I liked pussy at 11......Little man can know he wants dick at that age.

It is what is:dunno: You still have to love your seed for who they are.
That sounds crazy. U know u liked girls at 11. If an 11 year old knows they like dick or pussy at that age, they've been exposed to something too early.


Rising Star
How can you have a sexual preference at 11? You're a week and a half removed from not knowing how to tie your shoes, and yet you somehow KNOW you're gay.

How would an 11 yr old boy know he isn't gay? I knew at 11 that I liked girls. Maybe it's the same for LGBTQ ppl. I think they themselves would know who they like at that age just like a heterosexual kid would.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
He was a super fruitcake. He wanted to be Princess Jasmine instead of Aladdin

My brother wasn't molested so ppl saying that boy had to be are buggin its not always the case; sometime ppl just come out that way

I'm sure happy my son didn't come out that way tho lmao

The difference is alot of the kids we grew up with had to hide it but now they don't have to they could just be free without all the bullying

This shit is weird ass hell and very sad but I'm happy he's living his truth I can't Co sign that whole rainbow parade coming out party bullshit and being around grown ass fags at that he's still a child

Went down NC last month and was able to have a conversation with my brother while down there who is a tranny now smh

he forgive me for all the foul shit I use to do to him. I whipped his ass numerous times when I caught him outside jumping rope. I've been over him being gay for yrs yet we never spoke at family events I didn't even invite him to my wedding


No disrespect I just thought this part was funny.

I read this to fast and thought you said formidable gay like a gay that can't be beat lmao



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That sounds crazy. U know u liked girls at 11. If an 11 year old knows they like dick or pussy at that age, they've been exposed to something too early.

I knew I liked girls at 5 when my shit got hard watching Rosie Perez in do the right thing.:lol:

I knew I liked pussy at 11(hell even before) because I figured out the scrambled channels on tv were porn and I would watch. This was like 4th grade.:dunno:

Couldnt see much on there but what I did see, I liked. I wanna say it was really on when I discovered Yahoo groups and pictures the year after that.


Rising Star
An 11 yr old doesn't know shit about their sexuality. He's imitating what he sees and his parents aren't stomping a mudhole in that ass.

I wish one of my son's would try to come out as gay...at ELEVEN...or any age!

So if your son said he liked girls at 11 you'd be just as upset? You'd tell him he doesn't know shit about liking girls? He'd be imitating what he sees with you as his father. You stomping a mudhole in your son for liking women?


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
You're suggesting that we either legislate or have hardcore laws and rules involving sexual preference and dress codes for children. Alot more of what you said was flat out idiotic but we can stop there. Petitioning for government to enter ones home and dictate when a child can declare a sexual orientation and impose rules of what they wear if fucking INSANE!!

There are Age of Consent Laws in ALL 50 States. Why is it that an 11-year-old can officially declare that he's Homosexual and it be lauded and applauded AS THOUGH he's actually had sex long before the Age of Consent? It has been RULED that a MINOR cannot provide consent, so how is this any different? A child who has been on Earth for a decade +1 but can't decide that he likes Chardonnay, Malt Liquor, and Newport's.

He can't drive on roadways without years of supervision to get his license, can't make a Political decision, and can't enlist to serve in the military. He can't make ANY of those decisions at age 11, but you're ALL GOOD with him deciding that he's Gay and to announce it at a Pride Parade?

You're cool with a woman adopting an infant child, and before the child is able to express himself verbally, his adoptive parent can decide for the child which gender identity he will assume? Did the child gurgle a feminine expression stating that he wanted dresses, panties, and patent leather pumps?

A minor can't VOTE, SMOKE, DRINK, DRIVE, ENLIST, nor use RECREATIONAL DRUGS, by Law so to suggest that what I said was unfounded is laughable! As far as Dress Codes, if the child is BORN with a penis, you dress that lil muhfucka as a male, per societal norms and likewise for those born with a vagina. Amajorfucup CANNOT decide FOR his little girl that she's gonna be a gender-fluid Pansexual Furry and dress her like the muhfucka from SAW from the age of 6 months.

Now you can relay these sentiments to your Gender Non-Conforming sidekicks and tell them that there's still work to be done cuz some of deeze folks ain't wit it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I had a girlfriend in the kindergarten and was humpin chicks while I was hella young

I just don't like the whole rollout it's very messy this shit worse than 21 Savage with the I'm A Hoe Too sign at the slut walk at least that's a grown man doing it for his girl

This shit a child and they treating it like it's a big publicity stunt

I swear the new rollouts and rebrands of these celebrities are getting nastier and nastier

Rembrandt Brown

He was a super fruitcake. He wanted to be Princess Jasmine instead of Aladdin

My brother wasn't molested so ppl saying that boy had to be are buggin its not always the case; sometime ppl just come out that way

I'm sure happy my son didn't come out that way tho lmao

The difference is alot of the kids we grew up with had to hide it but now they don't have to they could just be free without all the bullying

This shit is weird ass hell and very sad but I'm happy he's living his truth I can't Co sign that whole rainbow parade coming out party bullshit and being around grown ass fags at that he's still a child

Went down NC last month and was able to have a conversation with my brother while down there who is a tranny now smh

he forgive me for all the foul shit I use to do to him. I whipped his ass numerous times when I caught him outside jumping rope. I've been over him being gay for yrs yet we never spoke at family events I didn't even invite him to my wedding

Props for recognizing what you used to do was foul. (I hope you realize that includes excluding him from the wedding.)

I think it's okay to be happy that your kid is not gay. But I think it is sad and treacherous to treat any kid (especially your own) as less or even nothing because he or she is gay.

Rembrandt, we live in a different day and age now. Whether the child is Gay or not, he's 11 motherfuckin' years old! How the fuck does one publicize such a thing about a prepubescent child in the Information Age of Child Porn, NAMBLA, #MeToo, #TimesUp, muhfuckas gettin' hemmed up on Statutory Rape charges and the like, but be all nonchalant about some shit like this?

We all grew up with girls who were "fast" and experimented at early ages, boys too for that matter, but was that shit put on front street as the norm? Fuck no! It was discouraged, at least back in MY day. Why is this treated any differently? Why are we supposed to be OK with this shit and applaud it?
Are YOU OK with it?

What was discouraged was moving too quickly toward sexual behavior-- Not their basic attraction to the other sex.

I am okay with kids knowing that who they are is okay. I'm opposed to anybody who makes that harder because they have a psychotic obsession with other people's sexuality.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
How would an 11 yr old boy know he isn't gay? I knew at 11 that I liked girls. Maybe it's the same for LGBTQ ppl. I think they themselves would know who they like at that age just like a heterosexual kid would.
How many of your friends "Came Out" at Straight Pride Parades? At a prepubescent age at that?

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
In all seriousness. That little boy is way too young to be going to that kinda parade. It is very inappropriate.
It is like an 11 year old going to Freaknik! Bad parenting masked as good parenting. Gabrielle should be ashamed of herself.

Don't tell DL that.



FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Doesn't matter, yall thought he was gay anyway. I really don't know why ya'll acting brand new.
I didn't. I had no clue about this shit. I don't follow B-ball like that, but D Wade played at Marquette before the Pros...that's mainly why his name comes onto my radar and I'm not into celebrity gossip shit. The Bengay thing is new to me too.

You good with kids this young hanging at Gay Pride Parades and sashaying down runways?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
So if your son said he liked girls at 11 you'd be just as upset? You'd tell him he doesn't know shit about liking girls? He'd be imitating what he sees with you as his father. You stomping a mudhole in your son for liking women?
Your name should be "Mental Midget" . The usual BGOL false equivalency. Take your rainbow f(l)ag somewhere else, Antwoine.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He was a super fruitcake. He wanted to be Princess Jasmine instead of Aladdin

My brother wasn't molested so ppl saying that boy had to be are buggin its not always the case; sometime ppl just come out that way

I'm sure happy my son didn't come out that way tho lmao

The difference is alot of the kids we grew up with had to hide it but now they don't have to they could just be free without all the bullying

This shit is weird ass hell and very sad but I'm happy he's living his truth I can't Co sign that whole rainbow parade coming out party bullshit and being around grown ass fags at that he's still a child

Went down NC last month and was able to have a conversation with my brother while down there who is a tranny now smh

he forgive me for all the foul shit I use to do to him. I whipped his ass numerous times when I caught him outside jumping rope. I've been over him being gay for yrs yet we never spoke at family events I didn't even invite him to my wedding

Respect on your input on this issue. I remember being young and seeing boys who were “Different”. We knew that they were gay, but didn’t really label them with that terminology or even really think about it.

You just knew.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Like most people said. There's gay and then feminine gay.... being feminine gay at 11 has a lot to do with his environment. Ain't no other way to explain that shit.