What else are families suppose to do if the justice system doesn't support them. If the justice system will 99.9% of the time side with cops; what other recourse do families have? I can't believe the first poster said that about families being bought. I can't believe both of you are posting this
. So if the system will not charge them. Will not prosecute or convict them, please tell me what are the victims suppose too do at that point? What would either of u do?
Did you even comprehend what I (along with Darth) actually wrote?
Darth and I are not criticizing the families at all.
We're just speaking of the way things work and are at play historically.
It's delusional to NOT pose these questions and dilemmas because, historically this is what THEY (White Structural Racism)wants.
There are a lot of Black Activists who have asked the same exact things (Darth and) I have stated.
But many of them have said what you have inaccurately accused us of posting.
Hell. Even Worse.
I am not not saying that to disparage the families, just to point out that in this system of white supremacy they would rather pay a family off instead of giving them justice for their dead love one!