Lmao @ niggas here surprised that a black woman doesn’t have black interest in mind. Once again, black women show who they are when a black man gets killed. I recall a black woman proudly doing the same thing with Trayvon martin.... but what do I know....
Some? Smh... you meant to say most.

Oh hell no.... I keep telling you niggas that black women hate black men but I get labeled coon. Black women routinely do whatever they can to counter black men. I explained in another thread that their hatred for black men is so egregious that they raise their sons to be faggots.
You watch these black women let this cac walk. I’m giving 10-1 odds of a full acquittal.
I don't think it's being surprised more than disappointment.
I've said the same thing for years now myself.
Shaharazad Ali's book, "THE BLACK MAN'S GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING THE BLACK WOMAN" was a wake-up call to Black Men during the late 80s.
So was Nathan and Julia Hare's book, "THE CRISIS OF BLACK SEXUAL POLITICS".
Ali was practically chased out of The Apollo with torches when she appeared on Gary Byrd's show.
Too many Sistas out here want "nice things'.
The same things that White People have.
And feel that it's the Black Man's fault that they don't have that access.
So Of Course they don't care about Black Men.
And would rather be part of the Black Men Ain't Shit Chorus.
It's easier than actually working on bridging that gap.
As far as your comment Mario...
I tell Cats all the time that these Sistas out here complaining about Brothers being "Down Low" (that still a term?) are the same ones raising their sons to be Gay like it's cute and shit.
Not even realizing that they are the ones responsible for perpetuating the cycle.
These same Chicks are have been giving Renee Hall a PASS even after she attacked her very own Black Community in that video I posted a few pages back.
And I see Judge Kemp is being vehemently defended by Sistas on various FB pages too.
Should show you where their interests truly lies.
Botham Jean's Mother is going to be fighting a very lonely battle.
Especially against so-called "Sistas" who would rather prop up White Supremacy,
Than making sure an INNOCENT Brother gets JUSTICE!!!