Theres Nothing to argue being she admitted to intent to kill already which qualifies as murder. ( she was dumb for admitting that)Thats not a good argument in my opinion. You don’t have to hear the door open to notice it open. The light of the hallway, the movement of the door would be noticed. Anyway, it has already been established that he was in a seated or crouched position when he got shot, so, it was likely that he didn’t even have a chance to fully stand up. This means that he wasn’t in a position to cause her any harm.
If you want to know what happened, go to my post where I listed 5 possible scenarios. Scenario 5 is the most likely.
And I’m going by what they already presented which was him having EarPods on. The couch facing the wall and the door would be in his peripheral. I’ve walked up on people with EarPods on and I’ve always had the jump on them. Whether it’s 1 second or 5, that’s enough time for her to retreat before he’s a threat as she “claims”.
Im speaking from a jurors perspective which is not a lawyers perspective.
I’m not guessing what it could be I’m going by what they admitted to
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