Especially IF true, Remy is going scorched earth.
Y'all have a daughter together and he has another kid (daughter maybe?) From a previous relationship.......
They will be seeing an reading this foolishness......
When did adults stop fucking being adults?!! Damn
Who cares if it's true? Remy was doing it happily for years - what that say about her?
And saying this publicly (which I don't believe) also shows what kind of person wife and mother she is
She CHOSE to make all this public.
This ALL could have been avoided
Because she seeks validation from the outside.
She couldn't accept people always giving Papoose credit for supporting her. That's it.
She was jealous envious and resentful of her own husband (a black father and husband) for SUPPORTING HER?!?
that's some high level dysfunctional sh*t