Damn man. Remy cheating on Pap!

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You can tell remy wear the oants
But he's already put hands on ole boy....

Put him to sleep by most accounts.....

So how much more gangster does he have to be?!

He literally fought for his love!

He does deserve better..... damn it mayne


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
When you've got a fine mfkr on your arm it's only natural/ almost a compliment that mfkrs wanna smash

The disappointment/ sad part is if she let's them
Welp, we know how that went since papoose got into a fight with Eazy The Block Captain.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Papoose was a whack ass nigga is why his chick left him. Anytime yo woman doing better than you this shit gone happen. How he gone be a man in the relationship when he was a fucking accessory. Buddy didn't even capitalize off of holding Remy down in prison. Big dummy


i posts nothing but dimes!!
BGOL Investor
That's a grandmother fam, be more respectful

Take 2 almonds, don't wear Timbs fam, she's a lady dick her down in some Stacy Adams or a nice linen suit!

and leave some biofreeze in the night stand to rub on her later!! Haha
you see what that did for papoose...
im coming in the bed room with a mask and black gloves...bitch gonna have bite and choke marks over 75% of her body..but guess what--

bet i get a call back...lmao