Damn, never know what's under the clothing!!!


Rising Star
OG Investor
Yes, I believe so. I will post a link with a few photos of her. In a few of the photos she appears to have a tattoo over her left breast. I also see this tattoo on the photo of her sitting on the staircase.

She be looking different as hell without makeup.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jaime is a big Philadelphia Eagles fan (she grew up in Philly) so she invites you over to her place to watch the Giants vs Eagles. She also wants you to meet her cousin Jisel Lynn, who is visiting from Miami.

Jaime's cute, so you hope that the looks run in the family, but you get a little nervous when she tells you that Jisel Lynn doesn't have a boyfriend and is a home body.

When you arrive at Jaime's and you are greeted by this sexy woman who is laying on the couch.

This is Jisel Lynn...

Jamie gives you a formal introduction to Jisel and to your surprise she actually knows a bit about football. Jamie ordered some pizza, chicken wings, cheesy bread, etc. from Domino's and y'all just kicked back and enjoyed the game.

As you're eating you notice Jisel is watching you and makes a strange comment about how you must really be hungry, and how you lick up every single drop of sauce from your fingers. Furthermore, she says she likes a man that knows how to eat.

You're not sure if she dropping serious hints that she wants to get busy or just playing with your head? Jisel's next move really had you going because grabbed your hand and lick some sauce off you finger, and told you that she eats well too.

At this point Jisel invites you the bedroom she will be staying in and needs your help because the television is malfunctioning (Jaime fell asleep watching the game). When you get in the bedroom you're looking at the television and your able to get it on and it appears to work fine (during this time Jisel is laying on the bed), but when you turn towards her...

This might sound odd, but out of respect for Jaime you quickly "punish the kitty with a verbal tongue lashing." You and Jisel get back up front before Jaime wakes up hoping that she doesn't suspect anything. Hopefully, you can see Jisel tomorrow.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Desiree was a college summer intern at your job, and "no" you were not in her department nor did she interact with you when it came to day to day
operations. You met her in payroll, and would talk when you went to pick up your check. You shared a common interest in movies. So you ended up seeing a few films together. The first time you went out she did show up a bit overdressed.

Nevertheless, you went to the movies and then treated her to dinner and suggested an old film that she might like that you have on DVD. Desiree suggested that you let her borrow it and you were wiling to bring it in next week, but she wants to see it tonight. This means that you would have to go home and get it for her, so you suggest that she come back to your place, get the DVD and then you put her in a cab to get home. Everything was
going smoothly until Desiree excused her self to go to the bathroom and was in there for about 20 minutes. You went to check on her and well,

What should you do now?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As canon law states, Catholics over the age of 14 are expected to abstain from the eating of meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays throughout the Lenten Season (Canon 1250 -1253). During Lent, Catholics are also encouraged to undertake some sort of personal penance or abstinence.

Karma is a bitch, and yet even when you are doing the right thing the universe has a "sneaky" way of paying you back.

Growing up your niece Taylor had a lot of cute friends the only problem is that there is a 12 year age difference between you and most of her friends (a few may have had crushes on you when they were younger, but you were too old for them).

Enter Anna, she grew up with your niece, and was a little wild child, and even though she started developing as a teenager you knew that 16 would get you 20. Fast forward to your 40s, and Anna's, well Anna's grown up to be a very attractive young lady (now you wish she had a crush on you).

Well, good news and not so good news. Taylor is having a big birthday party for her mother in early March on New Jersey. You're invited and will probably just spend the week there and help them prepare. Oh, Anna will be there too (she is staying with Taylor for the week also since she is visiting and lives in Atlanta).

Anna in a subtle way let's you know that you and her can get together, but there is one problem. You have decided to abstain for sex during Lent. Now Anna still remembers you rejecting her advances as a teen so now she is going to test your conviction.

It's going to be a long week...

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You haven't hung out with Wardell in years (probably because he was married),but since his divorce he's starting to date again. So he calls you and tells you about these 2 Puerto Rican girls he met in Macy's this weekend...Lydia and Ella.

He wants you to be his "wingman" this Friday so you can run interference while he works on Lydia (you'll be with Ella). The plan is to take them to City Island and then back to his place.

Now, you're curious as to what is up with Ella, and he tells you she's cool, and looks okay. He tells you that he will send you some photos.

You look at the photos and you're thinking okay, hopefully Ella is a nice person. So, just as planned Friday night, City Island (Sammy's Fishbox), and then back to Wardell's (his lives in nice condo on 5th Ave in Harlem).

Within an 30 minutes, Wardell and Lydia are going to his bedroom leaving you and Ella in the living room watching television. Now Ella notices that you keep rubbing your neck and she wants to know if you are alright. You tell her you're just a bit stiff, and she moves closer and starts to give you a massage. She's good at this and tells you if you lay on you stomach it would be better, so you hope Wardell doesn't mind you use his guest room.

Now you're laying across the bed and Ella almost want to fall asleep because her hands are like magic and this feels so good to you. What you don't realize is that Ella has stripped down and wants you to return the favor.

After 10 minutes, Ella says "Now do me."
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You usually run down the steps (good exercise) and you pass by Miki who's running up the steps.

You: Hey Miki, elevator out or exercise?
Miki: Hi, exercise, I've got a wedding to go to in 4 weeks, I'll tell you about it later, stop by if you have time.

In your mind you stop by and the evening goes like this:

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Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor

You have to give Breanna credit, she's wild and spontaneous and brings out the kid on you.

For now the only thing that concerns you is that her libido may be more active than yours?

..I'm luvin these typa titties. Mad popular in 2023 :yes:


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're a local reporter for a newspaper in Arizona and your Editor in Chief wants you to come up with a different story on the upcoming Super Bowl.

You decide a story about prostitution would be a different angle since a lot of escorts & pros know they can make good money that week leading up to the game.

Your editor likes the idea and tells you and Jimmy (photographer) to see if you can get some interviews. So you and Jimmy find yourself hanging around a few hotel lobbies.
(Jimmy used to hangout in strip clubs and dated a stripper or two so he knows how to spot them).

Jimmy sees a busty brunette at the bar and you approach her and sure enough she's oUT there working the lobby.Her name is Luna, originally from Italy, but based in Washington D.C.

You tell her your a reporter and would like to interview, however you promise that you will maintain her anonymity, and will pay her. She agrees so you and Jimmy take her back to your hotel room and conduct the interview.

Before the interview Luna asks if she can take a shower, she does and comes out and she's "Ready for her close up."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your invited to a cookout by your friend Jay. While you're there you meet his cousin Selena (she's visiting from North Carolina), who appears to have taken an interest in you.

Usually, you date petite women and Selena is a bit more full figured than you are accustomed too, but she's pretty.

Well, you hesitated and eventually she went back to North Carolina.

Fast forward one year and you find out that she is moving to your city because she got a new job as a teacher (she has her Masters and she's certified, Math, Science, English).

She asks about you and Jay gives you her number (her request). So one day when you're out running errands you call and ask her if you can stop by her school to see her.
She agrees and it appears she has "slimmed down."

So you have a nice conversation with her (it's after 3:00 PM and class is out), and things apear to be going well. At least you thought they were because she tells you that she was interested in you at one time, but since you didn't make advances she moved on. To add insult to injury, Selena flashes you and tells you, "This could have been all yours."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let's say you meet Genesis Mia Lopez at a function you attended, the physical attractive is mutual and you connect with each other.
You decide to get married after about a year, but she wants you to sign a prenuptial agreement.

She has a net worth of about $25 million and she is taking a break from adult modeling and would like to have a child not immediately, but maybe 2 years later. For now it's all about you and her.

In the prenuptial there is a clause that states she has to have sex with you at least 3 times a day, at least 6 days a week (one day is optional).

There’s a penalty if you cannot fulfill your agreement.

Are you signing?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sofia Nix has that look of innocence when you first meet her.

But, it soon becomes apparent she is not as innocent as she appears.

So, you're thinking that maybe you misinterpreted what you perceived to be a shy inexperienced Colombian girl.

But, what happens if you find out that you’re the one who is about to be "schooled?"



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your invited to a cookout by your friend Jay. While you're there you meet his cousin Selena (she's visiting from North Carolina), who appears to have taken an interest in you.

Usually, you date petite women and Selena is a bit more full figured than you are accustomed too, but she's pretty.

Well, you hesitated and eventually she went back to North Carolina.

Fast forward one year and you find out that she is moving to your city because she got a new job as a teacher (she has her Masters and she's certified, Math, Science, English).

She asks about you and Jay gives you her number (her request). So one day when you're out running errands you call and ask her if you can stop by her school to see her.
She agrees and it appears she has "slimmed down."

So you have a nice conversation with her (it's after 3:00 PM and class is out), and things apear to be going well. At least you thought they were because she tells you that she was interested in you at one time, but since you didn't make advances she moved on. To add insult to injury, Selena flashes you and tells you, "This could have been all yours."

Im sure she would find out real quick that the man has the upper hand in the situation and that there is plenty of time to make her feel special.