Because their boat dropped them off in the same place and they dealt with the same historical context and should be able to claim benefits (sarcasm) . That's your gripe with ADOS right? You feel as if ADOS is locking those people out of benefits (if ever paid out) that you should be obligated to it because that boat dropped you off at the same place and your historical context is the same?A bunch of cornball negros that delusionally think one day Racist America is going to pay out "reparations" and when that magical day comes the money should ONLY be handed out to ADOS (American Descendents of Slavery). That leaves out people from the Caribbean and African nations.
Never mind the fact that France or Great Britain may have a level of culpability in reparations for that boat stop. Let's deal with what America owes the ADOS even if those ADOS can't claim what France and Great Britain owed those folks who got dropped off on those other Islands that the rest of the African Americans claim.
Shit let's go one step further. How about those freaky deaky Dutch and them Spaniards and all the rest of those Europeans that owe them African nations reparations? Can ADOS people claim reparations from African nations if and when those European nations pay out to African nations?
If all of those people are willing to break bread then I see no problem breaking bread. Until those people are willing to then why should ADOS have to give up their identity and historical claim to reparations?
This is all bullshit. All these folks taking issue with ADOS claiming our own identification have no problem keeping their own identity. Sure they claim black but ask them who they really are and they have no problem telling you Jamaican, Caribbean, Haitian, etc. But let us say we are ADOS and the act like we said we are CAC.