Democrat party's 'preachy female' problem

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member


The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
I can see what he’s talking about and the gay ass interviewer up there is proving his point.

He is point blank saying the democrats have made the party a place a truly hetero male is not welcome with all their talk of we only do this, don’t act/talk/walk/dress like that. Be for all our BS cause and talking points or you’re not truly a democrat.

It is driving people away. Right into Trumps ballot box.


The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
Another point: I had CNN on and they were interviewing a drag queen in full over the top glam. Not trying to mind their business but is this something the majority of the party was interested in. My coworkers (mostly GOP) looked over my shoulder and laughed like crazy….and wasn’t shit I could say about it because that wasn’t some shit I was gonna defend. Dude looked like Swayze in To Wong Foo sitting up there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"If you start speaking like NPR, you're going to lose votes. I just don't like the term communities of color. I live in New Orleans. They got three guys on the street corner. 'Hey fellas how are things in the communities of color today?' They said 'What is this son of a bitch talking about? Jive ass bastard out of here.'"


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Actually it's not. I'm noticing twitter threads popping up talking about how the democratic party is anti-black male.

I've said this many times,black men are the #2 voting base for the Democrats yet we get blame for everything. Somehow, people rarely calls out the so-called liberal white women and Hispanics when 30% to 40% of them vote for the Republicans.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In summary the Democrats have been captured by every fringe part of the party. No different than that Tea Party and Trump shit on the right. Everybody wants to be a minority and they lowkey try to tie everyone else’s struggle somehow to Black people’s. You gotta support the LGBTQ shit because it’s the same party you’ve voted for historically.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In summary the Democrats have been captured by every fringe part of the party. No different than that Tea Party and Trump shit on the right. Everybody wants to be a minority and they lowkey try to tie everyone else’s struggle somehow to Black people’s. You gotta support the LGBTQ shit because it’s the same party you’ve voted for historically.
Even the fringe conservative groups have been able to find some sort of common ground with other conservatives across the spectrum.

Not sure how the dem party is going to survive with so many different groups with competing agendas and seemingly no sort of common ground.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
In summary the Democrats have been captured by every fringe part of the party. No different than that Tea Party and Trump shit on the right. Everybody wants to be a minority and they lowkey try to tie everyone else’s struggle somehow to Black people’s. You gotta support the LGBTQ shit because it’s the same party you’ve voted for historically.

Part of it is our fault because we think other groups struggles is the same as ours. And,when the Democrats does something for them the black community gets scraps or completely left out for certain policies.That's why I'm not on that people of color or that inclusion bullshit.

How the hell does a political party gets to ignore their #1 voting base(as a group) but other groups gets what the fuck they want but ask us to save them every election cycle.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Both sides will TELL their base ANYTHING THEY WANT TO HEAR to hold on to power....unlimited power!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When Carville said "our young male numbers," does that include Black males?

Maybe, maybe not. He's used to a multicultural society being from New Orleans.

Even if he was strictly speaking of white males, a lot of Black males agree with the sentiment of not wanting to be preached at or told that eating meat, watching sports, loving sex are bad. They aren't connecting with party leadership...the people being trotted out there aren't gonna get these guys to the polls.

Telling them to vote by default ain't gonna do it this time either. You need to positively and actively give them enough clear reasons to vote FOR you rather than AGAINST the opposition.

Otherwise they'll tune in from the couch the day after to see what happened.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Maybe, maybe not. He's used to a multicultural society being from New Orleans.

Even if he was strictly speaking of white males, a lot of Black males agree with the sentiment of not wanting to be preached at or told that eating meat, watching sports, loving sex are bad. They aren't connecting with party leadership...the people being trotted out there aren't gonna get these guys to the polls.

Telling them to vote by default ain't gonna do it this time either. You need to positively and actively give them enough clear reasons to vote FOR you rather than AGAINST the opposition.

Otherwise they'll tune in from the couch the day after to see what happened.
Stop being naive, bruh. He meant white males were being turned off and if he were truly down with the multicultural society then he would have no problem with the term "communities of color." Stop fallin' for the racial okie doke.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop being naive, bruh. He meant white males were being turned off and if he was truly down with the multicultural society then he would have no problem with the term "communities of color." Stop fallin' for the racial okie doke.

If you're so certain of his intent why ask the question. You didn't get the response you wanted.

You go around saying communities of color in your normal lexicon? Sounds like Ivory Tower talk to me.

Unless you're Cornel or Tavis or Black Bourgeoisie, you aren't going around talking like that. You understand the point he was making. Again, the decisonmakers are not connected to the street and that disconnect is costing them.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you're so certain of his intent why ask the question. You didn't get the response you wanted.

You go around saying communities of color in your normal lexicon? Sounds like Ivory Tower talk to me.

Unless you're Cornel or Tavis or Black Bourgeoisie, you aren't going around talking like that. You understand the point he was making. Again, the decisonmakers are not connected to the street and that disconnect is costing them.
Homie, Carville literally said that the problem with the Democratic Party is "stupid wokeness" and if that's not a racial dog-whistle then I don't know what is. Do your research, are you just learning about James Carville and his history?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Homie, Carville literally said that problem with the Democratic Party is "stupid wokeness" and if that's not a racial dog-whistle then I don't know what is. Do your research, are you just learning about James Carville and his history?

You're picking and interpreting quotes to make your argument, and ignoring the crux of his argument.

Let's say he is only speaking about Democrats losing the young white male vote. I don't know how you can think that when the story he told was clearly about Black men in their hood/community (the street corner story). You're ignoring his argument about why that is happening. But I'm not going to go over it again.

You have an egoistic need to be right, and this is a matter of perspective, so you got it.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're picking and interpreting quotes to make your argument, and ignoring the crux of his argument.

Let's say he is only speaking about Democrats losing the young white male vote. You're ignoring his argument about why that is happening. But I'm not going to go over it again.

You have an egoistic need to be right, and this is a matter of perspective, so you got it.
I'm not picking and choosing a thing, I'm showing you who James Carville really is, because it seems like you don't have a clue. You're defending this dude, yet you don't want to find more info about the person you're defending. Make it Make sense!

23 second mark: his "stupid wokeness" comment
