Democrat party's 'preachy female' problem


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not picking and choosing a thing, I'm showing you who James Carville really is, because it seems like you don't have a clue. You're defending this dude, yet you don't want to find more info about the person you're defending. Make it Make sense!

23 second mark: his "stupid wokeness" comment

Summarize if you will, his argument IN THE CLIP THE OP POSTED, which is what this thread is about.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Summarize if you will, his argument IN THE CLIP THE OP POSTED, which is what this thread is about.
Go to the 23 second mark and listen to his comment....about his idea of "stupid wokeness" because you really don't care who James Carville is. Plus, it doesn't even register to you the way he uses the dog-whistle of "wokeness" has racial overtones. Again, this is the dude you're defending, & I thought 850 was good credit, but from what I'm seeing I'm not giving you any credit for your tone-deafness on race.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Go to the 23 second mark and listen to his comment....about his idea of "stupid wokeness" because you really don't care who James Carville is. Plus, it doesn't even register to you the way he uses the dog-whistle of "wokeness" has racial overtones. Again, this is the dude you're defending, & I thought 850 was good credit, but from what I'm seeing I'm not giving you any credit for your tone-deafness on race.

So, you won't summarize his argument as I have done.

Ok no problem. Thanks for playing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yup, I know you're playing games; I already know you're not serious.

You can't critique and analyze the argument because you can't separate message from messenger. Regardless of how you feel about him, if you're a Democrat you may want to take heed to what he's saying if you want the votes.

I didn't ask you to agree with me nor did I assume anything about you for disagreeing with me. Just asked you to summarize his argument so we can better understand your position. You refuse to even do that so I'm not further interested.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You can't critique and analyze the argument because you can't separate message from messenger. Regardless of how you feel about him, if you're a Democrat you may want to take heed to what he's saying if you want the votes.

I didn't ask you to agree with me nor did I assume anything about you for disagreeing with me. Just asked you to summarize his argument so we can better understand your position. You refuse to even do that so I'm not further interested.
Let's be real, what you said made no sense:
You can't critique and analyze the argument because you can't separate message from messenger.
This is a thread is about what James Carville thinks literally and now you want to separate him from what he says, does that make sense to you?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let's be real, what you said made no sense:

This is a thread is about what James Carville thinks literally and now you want to separate him from what he says, does that make sense you to you?

He has a Juris Doctorate. People (lawyers) argue positions they may or may not agree with or believe in every day. Especially political strategists. So, yeah. But again, just to end the conversation, you're right, I'm wrong. That's clearly what you want to hear.
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Platinum Member
You can't critique and analyze the argument because you can't separate message from messenger.

I’m say this then I’m get out y’all’s way…

I’ve noticed over the last year or two, with the Ukraine/Russia SMO, Palestinian/Israel War, Brics/NATO

This is something that’s impossible for many to do.

Like I kinda knew folks did it with DemoRats & RePiglets but fucks… it’s bad

Let you, it’s never I see why you feel that way…
It’s straight “who said that, oh hell naw”

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He has a Juris Doctate. People (lawyers) argue positions they may or may not agree with or believe in every day. Especially political strategists. So, yeah. But again, just to end the conversation, you're right, I'm wrong. That's clearly what you want to hear.
I see what you're doing, since you don't want to learn facts about James Carville and who he really is then you attempt to generalize him as being some neutral entity with a Juris Doctor degree which leads him to not to have an opinion. As the old saying goes ~~“You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink" You don't want to drink and learn about who James Carville really is and how he uses those dog-whistles instead you want to continue to be mired in your thirstiness of ignorance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see what you're doing, since you don't want to learn facts about James Carville and who he really is then you attempt to generalize him as being some neutral entity with a Juris Doctor degree which leads him to not to have an opinion. As the old saying goes ~~“You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink" You don't want to drink and learn about James Carville really is and how he uses those dog-whistles instead you want to continue to be mired in your thirstiness of ignorance.

I didn't say any of that. That's you inferring. You're still hung up on the man and not what he's arguing as to why the Democratic party is losing votes. If he's in the KKK his point remains the same...that men don't wanna hear all that shit from women, and the Party is out of touch with regular folks. You'd accept the message if it was coming from another person. That's what I mean about your inability to separate the message from the messenger.

I'm wasting my time I know cause you're in your feelings and I doubt you've been trained in argumentation and debate. You keep going back to one point of contention (race) and it's clouding your ability to analyze the argument.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I didn't say any of that. That's you inferring. You're still hung up on the man and not what he's arguing as to why the Democratic party is losing votes. If he's in the KKK his point remains the same...that men don't wanna hear all that shit from women, and the Party is out of touch with regular folks. You'd accept the message if it was coming from another person. That's what I mean about your inability to separate the message from the messenger.

I'm wasting my time I know cause you're in your feelings and I doubt you've been trained in argumentation and debate. You keep going back to one point of contention (race) and it's clouding your ability to analyze the argument.
I've never spoken to you before, however by your comments to me in this thread, I can see you're the one triggered by race even the discussion of race is making you uncomfortable hence the reason why engaged me in conversation in the first place, I didn't engage you. & let me add a Black person who loves themselves would never say:
If he's in the KKK his point remains the same
The KKK, really? A Black person should not take into account that a person is a member of the KKK so we should take what a person from KKK says at face value? So that should not factor-in what he or she thinks if they are in the KKK? Really?

850credit, are you even Black with that thinking?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've never spoken to you before, however by your comments to me in this thread, I can see you're the one triggered by race even the discussion of race is making you uncomfortable hence the reason why engaged me in conversation in the first place, I didn't engage you. & let me add a Black person who loves themselves would never say:

The KKK, really? A Black person should not take into account that a person is a member of the KKK so we should take what a person from KKK says at face value? So that should not factor-in that he or she thinks if they are in the KKK? Really?

850credit, are you even Black with that thinking?

I don't let race become the overarching determinant in my life story. You can if you want. I'm fully aware of the construct of race and the role it has played in International politics. In fact, I've studied it academically. Have you?

That's the thing about this board, so many guys here can't fathom anyone that looks like them not thinking exactly like them. If you went to an HBCU as I did, the first thing you would learn is that we're all not monolithic in our thinking. That doesn't make you Martin or Malcolm and doesn't make everyone else a coon. But you're stubborn and set in your ways it seems so you only have your own personal worldview.

Solutions come from diversity of thought. Doing the same thing yields the same results. You aren't going to agree with any of this and you don't have to. Just stop questioning Blackness because guys have a different perspective.

And again you took that quote and didn't quote the man's argument which I summarized again immediately after what you chose to focus on.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't let race become the overarching determinant in my life story. You can if you want. I'm fully aware of the construct of race and the role it has played in International politics. In fact, I've studied it academically. Have you?

That's the thing about this board, so many guys here can't fathom anyone that looks like them not thinking exactly like them. If you went to an HBCU as I did, the first thing you would learn is that we're all not monolithic in our thinking. That doesn't make you Martin or Malcolm and doesn't make everyone else a coon. But you're stubborn and set in your ways it seems so you only have your own personal worldview.

Solutions come from diversity of thought. Doing the same thing yields the same results. You aren't going to agree with any of this and you don't have to. Just stop questioning Blackness because guys have a different perspective.
You're the one minimizing the KKK, though, I'm not. & you said "I don't let race become the overarching determinant in my life story,"however do you think Black people choose race being a determinant in our life stories? Do you think racism is our choice? That why I question if you're Black, because if you're Black then you would know that White Supremacy is not what Black people want to content with all of our lives. It is NOT our choice.

& I already know we're not a monolith as Black people, however you're idea of diversity of thought is the minimizing of White Supremacy and that's dangerous.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're the one minimizing the KKK, though, I'm not. & you said "I don't let race become the overarching determinant in my life story,"however do you think Black people choose race being a determinant in our life stories? Do you think racism is our choice? That why I question if you're Black, because if you're Black then you would know that White Supremacy is not what Black people want to content with all of our lives. It is NOT our choice.

& I already know we're not a monolith as Black people, however you're idea of diversity of thought is the minimizing of White Supremacy and that's dangerous.

Wrong. You're focusing on the hypothetical I presented. Let me help you along.

I should have used the word "even" to make it abundantly clear.

"Even if he's in the KKK, his point remains the same..."

His point was about ineffective leadership not being able to connect with, and thereby losing, young male votes. He even used an example showing he's concerned about young BLACK male votes.

THAT is what we should be debating but you're hung up on his views on race. That's a completely different argument. Start a thread on that if you like.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wrong. You're focusing on the hypothetical I presented. Let me help you along.

I should have used the word "even" to make it abundantly clear.

"Even if he's in the KKK, his point remains the same..."

His point was about ineffective leadership not being able to connect with, and thereby losing, young male votes. He even used an example showing he's concerned about young BLACK male votes.

THAT is what we should be debating but you're hung up on his views on race. That's a completely different argument. Start a thread on that if you like.
"Even if he's in the KKK" tells me about who are, and you don't understand that. It allows me to see why don't really care about James Carville's views on race, because if you'll casually minimize the KKK then you really don't see how a Black person is affected by White Supremacy in the United States. You're blind to it. Then you tell me "you're hung on his views on race" when that informs Carville's opinion especially when he complains about "communities of color". When a white says "woke" this and "woke" then that's coded racial language. & that's what Carville says, how can I ignore that and not allow that to factor-in his views on race? Huh?

Man, what's wrong with you?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"Even if he's in the KKK" tells me about who are, and you don't understand that. It allows me to see why don't really care about James Carville's views on race, because if you'll casually minimize the KKK then you really don't see how a Black person is affected by White Supremacy in the United States. You're blind to it. Then you tell me "you're hung on his views on race" when that informs Carville's opinion especially when he complains about "communities of color". When a white says "woke" this and "woke" then that's coded racial language. & that's what Carville says, how can I ignore that and not allow that to factor-in his views on race? Huh?

Man, what's wrong with you?

If he was known to not like certain people because they are short, would that invalidate his argument about why the party is losing votes?

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If he was known to not like certain people because they are short, would that invalidate his argument about why the party is losing votes?
Again, you're minimizing race and White Supremacy, and this time you're attempting to use 'height' as a determinant and you're trying to compare that to race. I'm exhausted, because now I know I'm talking to a white person who doesn't understand race and it's implications.

& I'm not going to sit here and teach you how White Supremacy differs from height? I don't have the time for that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, you're minimizing race and White Supremacy, and this time you're attempting to use 'height' as a determinant and try to compare that to race. I'm exhausted, because now I know I'm talking to a white person who doesn't understand race and it's implications.

& I'm not going to sit here and teach you how White Supremacy differs from height? I don't have the time for that.

Ok, but can you answer my question before ya go? It's a yes or no answer.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're a white person who minimized the KKK & has no problem with White Supremacy so I'm not going to answer your question at all.

Thanks for proving my earlier point. You can't answer cause you know the only sensible answer is no, his view on height wouldn't invalidate his argument.

You can't fathom a Black man that doesn't share your perspective. You think in absolutes and it's sad to see.

At one time MLK was considered too radical by some and too conservative by others. You'd probably label him a coon for working within the system.

You're all about Black and White which are social constructs and not even real.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thanks for proving my earlier point. You can't answer cause you know the only sensible answer is no, his view on height wouldn't invalidate his argument.

You can't fathom a Black man that doesn't share your perspective. You think in absolutes and it's sad to see.

At one time MLK was considered too radical by some and too conservative by others. You'd probably label him a coon for working within the system.

You're all about Black and White which are social constructs and not even real.
Get this in your brain, race is a social construct but the consequences of race are real.
~~~So then race is real in a lived sense, & since you don't live your life as a Black person then you would not know.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Get this in your brain, race is a social construct but the consequences of race are real.
~~~So then race is real in a lived sense, & since you don't live your life as a Black person then you would not know.

Again, avoiding the question. A simple yes or no answer that you can not provide because it would force you to deal with his argument. And you wouldn't have to agree with him. Just address his argument. Can't do it.


Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
I can see what he’s talking about and the gay ass interviewer up there is proving his point.

He is point blank saying the democrats have made the party a place a truly hetero male is not welcome with all their talk of we only do this, don’t act/talk/walk/dress like that. Be for all our BS cause and talking points or you’re not truly a democrat.

It is driving people away. Right into Trumps ballot box.


World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, avoiding the question. A simple yes or no answer that you can not provide because it would force you to deal with his argument. And you wouldn't have to agree with him. Just address his argument. Can't do it.
Again, the consequences of race for Black folks are real and you didn't know that. Do you think Black people created the social construct of race, huh?

No, it was White people who created race and we as Black people have to deal with it on a daily basis. As white person like yourself, you can easily dismiss race because you think it doesn't determinate anything about yourself. However, it does determinate something about you, it determines your humanity; because, I see how you can so easily minimize racism and then say race is only a social construct and that's it. However I added it's about the lived experience for Black people, also.

Black people have to live with this social construct created by White people; we can't dismiss it like you can. So what you're saying, in sum, is telling me who you really are and what you care about, & you don't care about Black people.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Connecting to young voters is gonna be key to this election.

Roe, Gaza, culture wars, inflation, student loans, jobs...those are some of the policy issues that young voters will turn on.

It's gonna be wild to see the voter turnout in this one.


Rising Star
I see what you're doing, since you don't want to learn facts about James Carville and who he really is then you attempt to generalize him as being some neutral entity with a Juris Doctor degree which leads him to not to have an opinion. As the old saying goes ~~“You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink" You don't want to drink and learn about who James Carville really is and how he uses those dog-whistles instead you want to continue to be mired in your thirstiness of ignorance.

Bro forget Carville for a second.

What do you think of the state of the Democratic party?

Specifically as it relates to, big picture, progressives taking it over?


Rising Star
How are progressives taking over the democratic party? When did this happen?
Again, I'm talking big picture.

The more prominent voices of the party are progressives.

Advocating open borders.
Advocating LGTBQ+ everything else.
Advocating decriminalization of all drugs.

And I say all that knowing that it really depends on where you get your news/political commentary, so the context matters.

Online, the discourse is one way.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, I'm talking big picture.

The more prominent voices of the party are progressives.

Advocating open borders.
Advocating LGTBQ+ everything else.
Advocating decriminalization of all drugs.

And I say all that knowing that it really depends on where you get your news/political commentary, so the context matters.

Online, the discourse is one way.
Who are these progressives? Who are talking about specifically? I didn't know progressive were taking over: I didn't hear that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've said this many times,black men are the #2 voting base for the Democrats yet we get blame for everything. Somehow, people rarely calls out the so-called liberal white women and Hispanics when 30% to 40% of them vote for the Republicans.
they are not putting up with blacks leaving the plantation ! PERIOD !!!!