Democrats need a better plan for 2020 or Trump will drown them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Blue wave?

Democrats need to be smarter the next two years and they also need to stop using celebrities as front-line political weapons - because it simply doesn't work.

but then again we shouldn't forget that
democrats & republicans..... all work for same masters



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Blue wave?

Democrats need to be smarter the next two years and they also need to stop using celebrities as front-line political weapons - because it simply doesn't work.

but then again we shouldn't forget that
democrats & republicans..... all work for same masters

Says you the republican....

With this economy Democrats did extremely well last night. We aren’t even talking about republican voter suppression

For one thing, wages and salaries rose over 3 percent in the third quarter of 2018, and consumer confidence in October was at its highest in 18 years. And a recent study by the Federal Reserve shows that 74 percent of adults said they were either doing OK or living comfortably in 2017. That was 10 percentage points higher than in the first survey done in 2013.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
they need to kill any type of voting machine that can be hacked/programmed...

they also need to stop reacting and to start initiating.. and also tell the fag tranny dyke community to sit the fuck down, they had their run.

now lets talk about issues that affect everyone...not just those with abnormal sexualities..

lets focus on quality education, quality resources for our children, free college tuition from city and state colleges....

pass a law so muthafuckas could retire at fifty five.. instead of a gotdam sixty five....

a knigga got to wait twenty two years to cash out without penalties... fuh can ree dick cue less


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
they need to kill any type of voting machine that can be hacked/programmed...

they also need to stop reacting and to start initiating.. and also tell the fag tranny dyke community to sit the fuck down, they had their run.

now lets talk about issues that affect everyone...not just those with abnormal sexualities..

lets focus on quality education, quality resources for our children, free college tuition from city and state colleges....

pass a law so muthafuckas could retire at fifty five.. instead of a gotdam sixty five....

a knigga got to wait twenty two years to cash out without penalties... fuh can ree dick cue less

Preeaacchhh to dem...brah


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Blue wave?

Democrats need to be smarter the next two years and they also need to stop using celebrities as front-line political weapons - because it simply doesn't work.

but then again we shouldn't forget that
democrats & republicans..... all work for same masters

Naw playboy... had this been a general Trump would have lost
Blue wave?

Democrats need to be smarter the next two years and they also need to stop using celebrities as front-line political weapons - because it simply doesn't work.

but then again we shouldn't forget that
democrats & republicans..... all work for same masters

Naw B... The only thing that saved him from total annihilation was gerrymandering... it wont save him in the general..
Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) Tweeted:
Hey pundits!

Democrats won the popular vote tally in the Senate by 12% yesterday. (9 MILLION votes!)

Stop pretending Republican Senate pick-ups represent some kind of “will of the people.”

The whole problem is the Senate DOESN’T represent the will of the people.


Medium well
BGOL Investor
they need to kill any type of voting machine that can be hacked/programmed...

they also need to stop reacting and to start initiating.. and also tell the fag tranny dyke community to sit the fuck down, they had their run.

now lets talk about issues that affect everyone...not just those with abnormal sexualities..

lets focus on quality education, quality resources for our children, free college tuition from city and state colleges....

pass a law so muthafuckas could retire at fifty five.. instead of a gotdam sixty five....

a knigga got to wait twenty two years to cash out without penalties... fuh can ree dick cue less
My nigga


Rising Star
Trump will get another term.

When you look at the numbers it’s sad to say but he will. With all the so call trump hate, there is no reason the GOP should be picking up seats in the senate.

Dems better get somebody like Joe Biden that is old and vicious and not some soft spoken timid centered democrat or they are going to get hammered in 2020.

The only think right now that will save the dems is if the economy crashes like 2008 which the gop will try there best to spin it and blame the dems taken over the house


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
50/50....I think I had said that in 2016 also....but it's definitely not a forgone conclusion. Remember, he won because of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania....and what happened in those states last night? ...and it's not like his base didn't come out for the midterms....he made sure to call them out to vote like HE was on the ballot...his own words.

So Michigan, Wisconsin and PA just not be there for him IF...IF he's still running by the time Nov. 2020 gets here. Mueller is a big wild card.

Trump will get another term.


Rising Star
OG Investor
When you look at the numbers it’s sad to say but he will. With all the so call trump hate, there is no reason the GOP should be picking up seats in the senate.

Dems better get somebody like Joe Biden that is old and vicious and not some soft spoken timid centered democrat or they are going to get hammered in 2020.

The only think right now that will save the dems is if the economy crashes like 2008 which the gop will try there best to spin it and blame the dems taken over the house

I've been calling it since his 4th month in office. The reality of America is 5% of white America doesn't believe in racism.....on the surface. Or at least tries to be sensitive to it.

15% don't want to be labeled as racist but listens to and are drawn to racist views, so no matter how angry or disgusted they are about Trump and the things he says all Trump has to do is say; "there are millions of Mexicans marching to the American border. They'll take your jobs. Rape your women and kill your family. I will stop them"

80% are racist and disguises it under phrases like "I'm a proud American".

70% of Latinos will side with whites.
80% of Indians think they are above black folk so they will side with whites.


This is why Trump will be re-elected. This is America


Rising Star
OG Investor
50/50....I think I had said that in 2016 also....but it's definitely not a forgone conclusion. Remember, he won because of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania....and what happened in those states last night? ...and it's not like his base didn't come out for the midterms....he made sure to call them out to vote like HE was on the ballot...his own words.

So Michigan, Wisconsin and PA just not be there for him IF...IF he's still running by the time Nov. 2020 gets here. Mueller is a big wild card.

I hear ya, but a presidential election is another story.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah that's why I'm giving him 50/50 chance....but it's nowhere near a done deal. More voters don't want him than do, and if those states I mentioned...or more to the point, their population centers do what they did last night, he ain't winning. Even money right now, without a damning Mueller report.

mcguyver, post: 19465672, member: 36169"]I hear ya, but a presidential election is another story.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I hope he isn't this smart...brah
Shit. Wouldn't put it past him. The funny part is he can run on just about anything and the other republicans will fall in line. Remember how they used to be the party of free market/trade before Trump?

Also, democrats going to have too much infighting selecting a candidate. It's going to make that sanders/clinton shit look like a walk in the park.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
With the House under Democratic control Trump is toast. He'll either resign or be impeached. And with all the shit that's going to come out even Republican Senators will vote to convict if he is :hmm:.


Rising Star
Trump gets another term.

this has turned into gang gang. Repubs are now on some dont care what they stand for we only voting repub. While the rest of us are split, liberal, dem, cant vote (changed now!), don't vote.

They not, not voting. They gang is winning and they want that to keep going.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
50/50....I think I had said that in 2016 also....but it's definitely not a forgone conclusion. Remember, he won because of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania....and what happened in those states last night? ...and it's not like his base didn't come out for the midterms....he made sure to call them out to vote like HE was on the ballot...his own words.

So Michigan, Wisconsin and PA just not be there for him IF...IF he's still running by the time Nov. 2020 gets here. Mueller is a big wild card.

Remember when Hillary literally didn't campaign in those states? :smh: I will never forgive her for that shit . Amazing what happens when you actually put some effort into winning votes and don't just sit back because its "your turn".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
they need to kill any type of voting machine that can be hacked/programmed...

they also need to stop reacting and to start initiating.. and also tell the fag tranny dyke community to sit the fuck down, they had their run.

now lets talk about issues that affect everyone...not just those with abnormal sexualities..

lets focus on quality education, quality resources for our children, free college tuition from city and state colleges....

pass a law so muthafuckas could retire at fifty five.. instead of a gotdam sixty five....

a knigga got to wait twenty two years to cash out without penalties... fuh can ree dick cue less

I have voted for Dem's all my life. I am not voting for nobody hollering that LGBT shit. Period. Also stop trotting these women out there. It won't work.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
With the House under Democratic control Trump is toast. He'll either resign or be impeached. And with all the shit that's going to come out even Republican Senators will vote to convict if he is :hmm:.
not if pelosi gets her way...

55th View

Rising Star
The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are: grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding.

Now tell me that aint 100% Trump.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
racist cacs want to lynch you...lesbians just want to eat your pussy...

I been living and dealing with Racist CAC's all my life, and I'm doing ok. That LGBT shit is the unknown, and the enemy to all straight men.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I been living and dealing with Racist CAC's all my life, and I'm doing ok. That LGBT shit is the unknown, and the enemy to all straight men.
you've been living and dealing with gay people all your life too bruh... You share the same philosophy as those broke ass Mississippi cacs that constantly vote republican.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you've been living and dealing with gay people all your life too bruh... You share the same philosophy as those broke ass Mississippi cacs that constantly vote republican.

I have not been dealing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender all my life. Speak for yourself. I share a perspective that is mine. I don't support shit I don't believe in.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I have not been dealing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender all my life. Speak for yourself. I share a perspective that is mine. I don't support shit I don't believe in.
so you believe in white supremacy?