Democrats need a better plan for 2020 or Trump will drown them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've been calling it since his 4th month in office. The reality of America is 5% of white America doesn't believe in racism.....on the surface. Or at least tries to be sensitive to it.

15% don't want to be labeled as racist but listens to and are drawn to racist views, so no matter how angry or disgusted they are about Trump and the things he says all Trump has to do is say; "there are millions of Mexicans marching to the American border. They'll take your jobs. Rape your women and kill your family. I will stop them"

80% are racist and disguises it under phrases like "I'm a proud American".

70% of Latinos will side with whites.
80% of Indians think they are above black folk so they will side with whites.


This is why Trump will be re-elected. This is America
Dude you are pulling these numbers out your assistance. Latinos and Asians vote democratic


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Naw playboy... had this been a general Trump would have lost

Naw B... The only thing that saved him from total annihilation was gerrymandering... it wont save him in the general..
Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) Tweeted:
Hey pundits!

Democrats won the popular vote tally in the Senate by 12% yesterday. (9 MILLION votes!)

Stop pretending Republican Senate pick-ups represent some kind of “will of the people.”

The whole problem is the Senate DOESN’T represent the will of the people.

First of all both parties DO NOT represent the will of BLACK PEOPLE.

Secondly, as far as the results are concerned, do not be fooled by them since nothing much has changed to curb Trump’s actual power, and it’s quite feasible that losing the House may in many ways turn out to be the best thing that could happen to him.

Here’s why:

Majority of the Democrats are now openly salivating at the thought of launching a full-blown assault on Trump with endless investigations and subpoenas to try to destabilize his presidency.

As a matter of fact, they want to go after him for everything from his tax returns to his cell phone use and connections with Russia, and now have far more powers to do so.

But such a strategy would simply play into his hands. He loves a fight, and he particularly loves playing the victim of liberal efforts to demonize him.

They will lose.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If Mueller don't come with the proper shit. Nothing will stop him.
Absolutely, In addition doesn’t take a political genius to realize he would turn these attacks into a massive electoral asset, constantly rallying his base to help him defy this concerted effort to destroy him.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
All trump going to do in 2020 is, run on legalizing cannabis!! He does that, it's game over!!!

Not really. It's already legal for medical use and more than half the country and legal for recreational use in about a quarter. It wouldn't be hard for his Democratic opponent to match him on that promise.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've been calling it since his 4th month in office. The reality of America is 5% of white America doesn't believe in racism.....on the surface. Or at least tries to be sensitive to it.

15% don't want to be labeled as racist but listens to and are drawn to racist views, so no matter how angry or disgusted they are about Trump and the things he says all Trump has to do is say; "there are millions of Mexicans marching to the American border. They'll take your jobs. Rape your women and kill your family. I will stop them"

80% are racist and disguises it under phrases like "I'm a proud American".

70% of Latinos will side with whites.
80% of Indians think they are above black folk so they will side with whites.


This is why Trump will be re-elected. This is America

You forgot to add Liberal celebrities in that mix

Yesterday they raced to gloat about winning back the House on social media and Twitter in particular, but Twitter does not represent the majority of Americans, which is why those same Metropolitan liberal elites/celebrities got such a seismic shock when Trump won in 2016 and why they haven’t stopped shrieking ever since.

What they don’t seem to realize is that nobody cares what they have to say about politics. If they did, Hillary would be President.

Dems should just ditch these metropolitan liberal elites/celebrities and concentrate on real people

But irony in saying this is.....Trump himself is himself a celebrity. As a matter of fact, he’s the biggest celebrity in the world.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Blue wave?

Democrats need to be smarter the next two years and they also need to stop using celebrities as front-line political weapons - because it simply doesn't work.

but then again we shouldn't forget that
democrats & republicans..... all work for same masters

Even if they didn't take the Senate and lost some key Governor races look at some of the ballot measures that passed.

Battleground States Nevada, Michigan, and Maryland all passed measures to redraw their Congressional and Senate voting districts. Florida just gave felons the right to vote. Both give the Democrats a HUGE advantage in 2020.

On top of that Nevada started automatic voter registration and Michigan made same day registration part of their state constitution.

the Democrats did exactly what they needed to do. Take the house, Engage New voters, and put themselves in a position to win even bigger next time. In a couple years Trump will see just how small his base really is

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Naw playboy... had this been a general Trump would have lost

Naw B... The only thing that saved him from total annihilation was gerrymandering... it wont save him in the general..
Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) Tweeted:
Hey pundits!

Democrats won the popular vote tally in the Senate by 12% yesterday. (9 MILLION votes!)

Stop pretending Republican Senate pick-ups represent some kind of “will of the people.”

The whole problem is the Senate DOESN’T represent the will of the people.

Someone tell that idiot Jollet that the popular vote doesnt Matter


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
I'd rather have Warren/Castro, but I could fuck with your ticket. Democrats NEED a latino on the ticket.

Beto needs to show he can carry Texas though. Losing to a bitch ass Cruz, ain't a good look.
IIRC, both Lincoln and the elder Bush lost Senate races that were followed by Presidential wins. It's not impossible. More importantly, Beto raised multi-millions for a Senate race and did so without PAC contributions. That has to mean that he was getting donations from outside of Texas from folks who either liked him and/or hated Cruz. We haven't seen the last of him.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Not really. It's already legal for medical use and more than half the country and legal for recreational use in about a quarter. It wouldn't be hard for his Democratic opponent to match him on that promise.
Match? Why not lead on it? When is one of these so-called progressives going to campaign on national Portugal-like drug laws in the U.S.? The data speaks for itself since 2001 and these dizzy fucks more worried about abolishing ice and lbgtnhxyz bullshit instead of real change that affects everyone. :smh:


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
I will. I will not vote, before I vote for that LGBT shit. That shit is more dangerous than these racist CAC's.
That's in line with how the religious right thinks. You are, however, entitled to your own opinion, even if it means reaching across the aisle on this one.


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
If she said that lol.

Dems continue to be the pussies ever says they are
I think this is a solid strategy.
Repubs are expecting a battle, maybe even praying for one. It justifies the mob mentality that they've been trying to pin on the Dems for the last two years. The only way for Trump to fake a win here is to get into a verbal slapfight immediately. The Dems should make restoring ACA pre-existing conditions their main goal and SAY SO at every turn. Quietly request them tax returns, etc., but avoid a tit for tat Twitter fight at all costs. Remember the old quote,
"Never have a mudfight with a pig. You'll both get dirty, but the pig likes it."
That's Trump in a nutshell.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you look at the numbers it’s sad to say but he will. With all the so call trump hate, there is no reason the GOP should be picking up seats in the senate.

Dems better get somebody like Joe Biden that is old and vicious and not some soft spoken timid centered democrat or they are going to get hammered in 2020.

The only think right now that will save the dems is if the economy crashes like 2008 which the gop will try there best to spin it and blame the dems taken over the house

The hate is general but remember the voting is on a local level where people relate to their candidates more than trump so it doesn't always translate to votes for the other party. Take Maryland for example, Democrats overlooked the trump hate and voted for a Republican governor who is doing good works and basically gutting Democrat glut and beaurocracy in the state.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not really. It's already legal for medical use and more than half the country and legal for recreational use in about a quarter. It wouldn't be hard for his Democratic opponent to match him on that promise.

But will a democrat go against the game plan?? These dems and repubs are working together like a well oil machine.. it's the people who are in a deep ass walking coma!!! Anyway, y'all kats better get up on this cannabis game or welcome to the world of a consumer


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bullshit ass fox news talking point.
If the situation were reversed, would you Republicans go after President Obama?
The best way to handle a bully is to hit his bitch ass back.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Match? Why not lead on it? When is one of these so-called progressives going to campaign on national Portugal-like drug laws in the U.S.? The data speaks for itself since 2001 and these dizzy fucks more worried about abolishing ice and lbgtnhxyz bullshit instead of real change that affects everyone. :smh:

They have led on it. Aside from Alaska, all the early decriminalization states were Democrat.

Also, it's hard to push for a Portugal like system when he even a liberal drug-addled City like San Francisco is split over something as basic as a safe injection site.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
But will a democrat go against the game plan?? These dems and repubs are working together like a well oil machine.. it's the people who are in a deep ass walking coma!!! Anyway, y'all kats better get up on this cannabis game or welcome to the world of a consumer

No Doubt. Big companies and lobbyists hedge their bets by donating money to both sides. However, I suspect that the laws regarding presidential campaign finance will be completely Rewritten once Trump leaves office. This will change some of those interests.

Back to cannabis, what's wrong with being a consumer? I don't have the interest, space, or money to grow my own and I doubt most people do either.


Rising Star
Blue wave?

Democrats need to be smarter the next two years and they also need to stop using celebrities as front-line political weapons - because it simply doesn't work.

but then again we shouldn't forget that
democrats & republicans..... all work for same masters

then whats the point of this thread?


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor

I feel compelled to say something, and I want to inform you that you are wrong. The prospects for Trump look really terrible.
Republicans form 23% of the electorate, Democracts about 28% and the rest more or less call themselves independents, save
a percent or 2 who might be affiliated with some obscure party. The perfect storm under which Trump won does not and
cannot exit.

1. There is no corrupt Hilary Clinton to hate, so Black Americans will show up in force, and vote Democratic 95% to 5%, since
the person who said "bring them to heel", and was the wife of the man who signed the Crime Bill that put millions of black
men in jail will not be there to fuck up the Democratic ticket

2. Independents, Progressives and the young will return in force, especially since the Democratic Party has reformed its
ways and discarded the corrupt Super Delegates system by which the Clintons were able to get away with winning states
they actually lost on the franchise

3. Trump will have to come to the center and tone down, if not eliminate, his anti-immigrant rhetoric; and no one will
be interested in what he has to say. Arizona will be in play, and if Hispanics can increase their voter registration, so will
Texas. Right now, Texas is more than 40% Hispanic, 38-39% cac, and 15% black. However, cacs comprise 59% of the
registered voters, and the reason why Berto O'rouke lost is that in the rural counties, he was losing the cac one by margins
95% to 4%. However, the 5 big metro area of Dallas-Worth, Houston, Austin-San Antonio, El Paso, all went the way of
Beto...since 68% of cacs voted for Cruz.. All the Democrats have to do in the next year is register the damn Messicans
and bring that cac voter rate to under 50%.

4. Trump is coming in with a record, and he will not be the blank slate who is able to disparage other due to the political
history without suffering any retaliation due to being an unkonwn. The record of Trump is terrible:

5. There will be no James Comey to throw a grenade in the works, 10 days before election day- without which Clinton
would be president

6. The single most important reason why Trump is in shit is Kavanaugh. Trump lost the
single biggest voting block- white women- with that


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
Fuck the bullshit, Dems need to come out firing!
How bout a Michelle Obama / Beto O Ticket...Announce this shit by next summer sometime :dance:

It would "Energize" the whole entire voting base :yes:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Both parties are run by 70 to 80 year old crackers that's why we see the same results.They are all cool with each other,the outrage you see is just for the cameras.Until someone gets Pelosi and Schumer out ,it's gonna be business as usual.

Trump co-signed Pelosi today.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How are democrats going to convince racists not to vote for Trump?

They aren't but running Black candidates and socially aware non-black candidates is a huge start toward getting out the Black vote. We have had 10 Black senators ever and yet we elected a 2 term Black President. There is an effort underway to get us to doubt our own power as voters and we have to fight it just as hard as we fought to get Obama elected in '08. Once we get our overall voter participation up, we need to have a real effort to set the agenda. No more allowing us to do the fighting so others benefit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Democrats still picking up seats and Florida is still a possibility. :yes:

We would have won with ease if those non-voters would vote.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hillary and Bernie better take a seat. I don't want see these two running in 2020.

Why Hillary Clinton running in 2020 is a terrible idea | With Chris Cillizza
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