Democrats need a better plan for 2020 or Trump will drown them


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
No Way
I do Not care about Abortions or Fagetry
I will Never support any kind of Gun control , BECAUSE the first person they will use it against is ME and you
Gun control ,, means controlling guns out of Black American Citizens hands and Homes
Open Borders = WTF ? My family has been here since 1814 and Black people have been fighting the Fight every day since 1620, foreigners come here and get ALL the benefits that we as Black American Citizens Fought for. We are still refuges in OUR own country. Until we as Black American Citizens get the respect we deserve, I say No to these border jumpers.

My point is simple, If you really want to get elected President, Leave those Four subjects alone

Part of the reason this white backlash against Obama is so hard is that once he became President , He pushed these subjects so hard, Open Borders, Open Bathrooms, Open Marriage ( Fagetry ), Gun control.
Then the Democrats lost tons of local elections, and trump got in. Beto pushed those Four subjects and Lost ... All The newly elected did NOT speak of those Four.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
No Way
I do Not care about Abortions or Fagetry
I will Never support any kind of Gun control , BECAUSE the first person they will use it against is ME and you
Gun control ,, means controlling guns out of Black American Citizens hands and Homes
Open Borders = WTF ? My family has been here since 1814 and Black people have been fighting the Fight every day since 1620, foreigners come here and get ALL the benefits that we as Black American Citizens Fought for. We are still refuges in OUR own country. Until we as Black American Citizens get the respect we deserve, I say No to these border jumpers.

My point is simple, If you really want to get elected President, Leave those Four subjects alone

Part of the reason this white backlash against Obama is so hard is that once he became President , He pushed these subjects so hard, Open Borders, Open Bathrooms, Open Marriage ( Fagetry ), Gun control.
Then the Democrats lost tons of local elections, and trump got in. Beto pushed those Four subjects and Lost ... All The newly elected did NOT speak of those Four.
Bruh... you are a Republican. Whether you own up to it or not. Dont blame the Mexicans because the cacs dont respect you...


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
When you look at the numbers it’s sad to say but he will. With all the so call trump hate, there is no reason the GOP should be picking up seats in the senate.

Dems better get somebody like Joe Biden that is old and vicious and not some soft spoken timid centered democrat or they are going to get hammered in 2020.

The only think right now that will save the dems is if the economy crashes like 2008 which the gop will try there best to spin it and blame the dems taken over the house
What numbers were you looking at?

The GOP lost over 300 state Senate seats. You know, the ones that make up voting district maps? The ones that have gerrymandered their party into power, without which they would have gone the way of the dodo bird?

They got hit with 7 state gubernatorial losses, and 38 state representative losses, a lot of them coming from counties Trump won by double digits in 2016.

That sir, is a loss of historic significance.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
What numbers were you looking at?

The GOP lost over 300 state Senate seats. You know, the ones that make up voting district maps? The ones that have gerrymandered their party into power, without which they would have gone the way of the dodo bird?

They got hit with 7 state gubernatorial losses, and 38 state representative losses, a lot of them coming from counties Trump won by double digits in 2016.

That sir, is a loss of historic significance.

It's amazing how much Trump's rhetoric controls media cycles. Then, people don't read.

The GOP got WASHED in the midterms. Like you was HISTORIC. The media has written books on Obama losing 1000 legislative seats over 8 full years, but Trump nearly gave 40% of them back in 2 fucking years! :lol:

The dems haven't won this many House seats in like 60 years!

Even with all that gerrymandering bullshit they still lost nearly 40 seats in the House.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
The media has written books on Obama losing 1000 legislative seats over 8 full years, but Trump nearly gave 40% of them back in 2 fucking years!
Now that's some shit right there. I hadn't even thought about that.

To your other point, a lot of these cats don't read any publications on politics from any perspective.

I hate, but I'm getting info from there that I can't get anywhere else. Their frustration/love/hate for Trump is some shit to behold.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Now that's some shit right there. I hadn't even thought about that.

To your other point, a lot of these cats don't read any publications on politics from any perspective.

I hate, but I'm getting info from there that I can't get anywhere else. Their frustration/love/hate for Trump is some shit to behold.

I read redstate multiple times per day. I read breithart too but I think Redstate gives you the best perspective into how much white Republicans think about all of this shit. It's a "conservative" site, but I think the party have moved way too the right so even a basic conservative viewpoint is mainstream GOP right now.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Now that's some shit right there. I hadn't even thought about that.

To your other point, a lot of these cats don't read any publications on politics from any perspective.

I hate, but I'm getting info from there that I can't get anywhere else. Their frustration/love/hate for Trump is some shit to behold.

The only good side is that I think the GOP has collectively bought into Trump's shit that they actually might have won (because of the Senate) or that it was a draw.... so they don't realize the gravity of their losses because they won on the supreme court and kept the Senate. Also, because the media never gave credit to the Dems for the blue wave, people are still mad/disappointed and ready to fight more. That's good for the Dems and if Trump manages to fuck up as much as we think he will (and the economy starts to catch up with his fucked up policies), the Dems could strengthen their gains with more huge gains in 2020. And that's without even Mueller stepping in.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dems need a plan but not to defeat Donald Trump because he'll either opt to not run for a second term or his ass will be impeached, convicted and removed from office. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But will a democrat go against the game plan?? These dems and repubs are working together like a well oil machine.. it's the people who are in a deep ass walking coma!!! Anyway, y'all kats better get up on this cannabis game or welcome to the world of a consumer


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've been calling it since his 4th month in office. The reality of America is 5% of white America doesn't believe in racism.....on the surface. Or at least tries to be sensitive to it.

15% don't want to be labeled as racist but listens to and are drawn to racist views, so no matter how angry or disgusted they are about Trump and the things he says all Trump has to do is say; "there are millions of Mexicans marching to the American border. They'll take your jobs. Rape your women and kill your family. I will stop them"

80% are racist and disguises it under phrases like "I'm a proud American".

70% of Latinos will side with whites.
80% of Indians think they are above black folk so they will side with whites.


This is why Trump will be re-elected. This is America
Trump has to win 3 or 4 states to be re-elected. Ohio Florida Michigan Pennsylvania.... now if you look at the demographics then it comes down to whites and that's it. All those other percentages that you said don't matter. Whether they are racist or not won't matter. It will be who the democrats run and the economy that will matter most......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
White male southern or midwestern candidate....

.same with the vp...

Woman or African american or Gay will not win
Drop the reparation conversation
Drop gun control conversation
Get behind one candidate


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump will be impeached by Democrat-controlled House & then acquitted by Republican-controlled Senate.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We lose even with a plan. What plan b are racism or white fragility? He’s the pied piper for those worried their race is dying off and losing out to people of color. Can’t campaign that away.
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