Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Man...I just got back from my biopsy... This crap went south from the time I check in to the urology clinic front desk. This clown says "sir you're a day early. My reply was "today is the 22nd my appoint is on the 22nd". Oh Sir i'm sorry I got my days mixed up. I get to the back and the nurse who's filling in for someone goes over the procedure. The doctor who explains the process again. They go back and forth how to mark the six containers to make sure the specimen goes in the right container. This son of gun in the middle of the procedure ask the doctor says "how do I put/release the sample in the container". Man I'm pissed, and my ass is hurting like hell! Then a nurse who had earlier ask this individual did he needed help, and replied "no I'm good" steps in to get things right. I had to go through the process of taking samples of my prostate twice. Now I'm home pissing blood, and hoping I don't get sepsis...

Sorry to hear your experience was so traumatic.

Hopefully the results you receive will make it all worth it though.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
LOL I remember when I was stationed in Germany, a female warrant did that without fore warning me... Now I see there's was a male doctor out at JBLM (Old Fort Lewis) has been inappropriately touching mail service members for years up there. You're suppose to trust certain professions to do the right thing.

Nah man. She was probing you. Ol hoe was on some diddy shit. A lot of medical folk are all kinds of fucked up. Like the Col who used come by and get her face painted in cum. After bible study. Bitch, you ain't Godly. You's a hoe!


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Pissing blood only last a day or two. Just to give you fair warning, the first few times after you ejaculate, is going to be quite painful. Just like the movie title, "There Will Be Blood.
Let the blood of a shepherd flow into her temple

For he who sheds blood for grace shall be forever saved by the father

He will always have a place in his kingdom by his fathers side

Bless his name