Dude in a league with no centers of course you gonna dominate.. It's obvious a Davis has great stats now he has no competition.. If I put Alonzo mourning in this era he would dominate.. Does that mean he would be top 5 in the 80s/90s... Once again there is no center position in the all star game anymore cause that's how shitty that position has become.. The NBA has literally told you they've given up on that position cause the overall talent level is no longer there... Could you imagine mlb eliminating the outfield position for all star game or nfl eliminating the rb position? NBA is pointing out the obvious to any person using the eye test.. The position sucks now.. A davis can dominate when there's no competition.. I'm not saying he garbage but he wouldn't be top 5... Stats look different if he had to play at least 28 games where he had to battle kareem, hakeem, moses, ewing, admiral.. Than throw in shaq, alonzo, duncan, brad daughtery..etc diff league... Name them type of players he facing now I'll waitGo look at Anthony Davis stats and compare them to the rest of the players you mentioned. And before you tell me how Moses Malone would’ve bodied David, they both were 6’10. Moses 215 and Davis 235.
I also said Davis would’ve been a top 5 center in the 80’s and 90’s with his skillset. Look at the stats.
And I don’t want to hear “But But”... Just look at the stats.
Also I remember the old days quite well, I think some of you are diminishing skillsets and not remembering players with similar skillsets being successful back then.
So Anthony Davis who would be a mixture of David Robinson and Hakeem and could shoot the 3 wouldn’t be successful?
And no I’m not comparing Davis to them, just comparing the style of play and skillsets.
But if you’d like to compare those stats, feel free. I know the stats so I already know exactly what I’m talking about.