Although I don't know who Amy Schulris is and have never watched any of her comedy, she has a following and they will pay to see her.
Why is Monique ass always trying to compare her pay to other mofokrs but never talks about what she brings to the table? If your bringing an oscar, you are bringing quite a lot to the table. Financing to the project, prestige, curious eyeballs, gravitas, etc.. they are a lot of ancillary tangibles that come with that statute, so lets not act like it ain't shit. Even in comedy.
And what the fuck does an Oscar have to do with a comedy standup special? Nothing but it show you that the people who are or could be financing your project that they are about to invent in an ocar winning comedian. it helps but damn sure don't hurt.
I won employee of the month at Sonic does that mean I should get paid the same as Carol Tome when I start my seasonal job at UPS? wrong analogy. If you won employee of the month, i would imagine it would give you a stronger position when it comes to negotiating a raise at sonic because of this recognition. and if you win it a few times thooughtout the year, your negotitating postion is stronger. Now it won't help you with UPS but at the very miminum they know you do bring a certain skillset to the job and will be looking to see if it manifest itself with this new employer of yours.