Dr. Umar with some strong words for his haters and Hoteps (10/20)

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wonder where the school money went...



Rising Star
I was just about to ask the same questions.
Does this narcissistic, egotistical sociopath actually have a picture of himself on his own shirt? o_O

How the fuck can he say his school will be opening soon, and he doesn't have:
- A confirmed school for purchase.
- A location for the school.
- An enrollment plan. (Tuition fee).
- An enrollment date.
- A state approved school curriculum.
- An official staff of approved and legally vetted teachers, educators, administrators, medical personnel, security personnel and maintenance workers.
- Travel arrangements for students.

GTFOHWTBS... :hmm:

He has None of the proper protocol in order. I feel for the kids and parents who live in crappy neighborhoods and the schools they have as a choice are even worse than the neighborhoods. The parents want something of quality of the kids need it.

I know a few radio hosts who either interviewed this scammer in person or via phone interview . They had the same opinion of dude like u and I do. On the positive note i know a few brehs who have either opened up schools or pay for tuition for kids who cannot afford it. I make it a point to buy pencils, paper, tablets and other things year round .

This clown has no shame scheming on kids.

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
Ok you didn't like that part or parts..but what part/s of his 2hours + video did you LIKE? cuz so far your only talking about what YOU found negative..NOW tell us about what you found Positive bruh and furthermore is there ANY of you haters in thats doing MORE than he is for your people?:hmm: Boy I tell ya i don't know whats worse..having to deal with Crazy ass Cacs or alot of you bitch ass Haters of your Own people. Sure he has flaws but don't we all? whom in has a better resume and track record.


I thought it was just me!!!

I'm like what the fuck this Brother do to you bitch niggas??!!

At least he's trying!!!

Dude is a psychiatrist who could easily be making more money siding with the white folks regime.

It must be a lot of imposters (white supremacists) on this forum.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor

I thought it was just me!!!

I'm like what the fuck this Brother do to you bitch niggas??!!

At least he's trying!!!

Dude is a psychiatrist who could easily be making more money siding with the white folks regime.

It must be a lot of imposters (white supremacists) on this forum.

Hes trying to start a pan afrikan private school that wont allow CACs or coons to enroll or teach . That goes against "integration" and blacks over reliance on CACS to teach them or give credentials the last 50 years. It shouldnt be shocking he's being met with resistance and hate from black folk.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok you didn't like that part or parts..but what part/s of his 2hours + video did you LIKE? cuz so far your only talking about what YOU found negative..NOW tell us about what you found Positive bruh and furthermore is there ANY of you haters in thats doing MORE than he is for your people?:hmm: Boy I tell ya i don't know whats worse..having to deal with Crazy ass Cacs or alot of you bitch ass Haters of your Own people. Sure he has flaws but don't we all? whom in has a better resume and track record.


Not sure what he does so hopefully I am not omitting anything.

I do exactly what he does just on a smaller scale and I don't charge.my pay is to educate and enlighten and hopefully stoke the desire to read and continue learning and developing their creative thinking so they don't have to rely and pay someone else to give them what is available free.

You kill me with the my own people shit....but since I did send money to the gofundme you best believe I will ask questions..

And before you ask,100 was a loss I could afford if he is bullshitting and if he wasn't then I supported the effort my own people got Chairman fred killed..


2 hours of emptiness and whoa is me I'm trying...skimming through using the posted table if contents


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not sure what he does so hopefully I am not omitting anything.

I do exactly what he does just on a smaller scale and I don't charge.my pay is to educate and enlighten and hopefully stoke the desire to read and continue learning and developing their creative thinking so they don't have to rely and pay someone else to give them what is available free.

You kill me with the my own people shit....but since I did send money to the gofundme you best believe I will ask questions..

And before you ask,100 was a loss I could afford if he is bullshitting and if he wasn't then I supported the effort my own people got Chairman fred killed..


2 hours of emptiness and whoa is me I'm trying...skimming through using the posted table if contents
Bruh...my question was WHAT DID YOU LIKE? you mentioned what you disliked..is there ANYTHING you agree with or that you LIKE about the person OR his work?

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
This is why he is not getting that campus. He doesn’t have the money to be this hard lined. And what’s with this free agent shit......lmbao! So you won’t have a career at that academy? Why bother?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh...my question was WHAT DID YOU LIKE? you mentioned what you disliked..is there ANYTHING you agree with or that you LIKE about the person OR his work?

I answered that....I said I'm not sure what he does above speaking....

If the school opens hopefully I'll like that. ..but its been almost 3 years..I am concerned if he couldn't get funding for the physical school in 3 years how will he get funding for operation ...

And hasn't he spoken to any black folks with money trying to do the same types.of things . Lebron had.opened a school and.is paying for kids and parents..

Is his business plan lacking or does he not want wealthy black investors.

Kap has donated 100 each month this year to causes..Umar talking about Kap but gas he talked to him ? I didnt hear nothing bout that

I also said I skimmed ghis.podcast using the posted menu and there was nothing in this one that had any value to me. .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I answered that....I said I'm not sure what he does above speaking....

If the school opens hopefully I'll like that. ..but its been almost 3 years..I am concerned if he couldn't get funding for the physical school in 3 years how will he get funding for operation ...

And hasn't he spoken to any black folks with money trying to do the same types.of things . Lebron had.opened a school and.is paying for kids and parents..

Is his business plan lacking or does he not want wealthy black investors.

Kap has donated 100 each month this year to causes..Umar talking about Kap but gas he talked to him ? I didnt hear nothing bout that

I also said I skimmed ghis.podcast using the posted menu and there was nothing in this one that had any value to me. .
ok cool hey where can one catch his podcast?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Lol luckily gofundme has that money and if I understand correctly, they give it back to the donors if the goal aint met.

That's why he wants checks from people so he doesn't have to pay it back. Most transparent scheme ever. The fact that anyone fell for it , is a little troublesome. I mean I know there's a sucker born every minute but I still hate to see it in action.

There are already tons of private african centered schools all over the country. The public school model isn't the only model. If I can say there's anything positive coming out of his fuckery is maybe some of you will look up one and support it. Or a charter. Or home school. Whatever.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lol luckily gofundme has that money and if I understand correctly, they give it back to the donors if the goal aint met.

That's why he wants checks from people so he doesn't have to pay it back. Most transparent scheme ever. The fact that anyone fell for it , is a little troublesome. I mean I know there's a sucker born every minute but I still hate to see it in action.

There are already tons of private african centered schools all over the country. The public school model isn't the only model. If I can say there's anything positive coming out of his fuckery is maybe some of you will look up one and support it. Or a charter. Or home school. Whatever.

Here's one: http://www.kamaliacademy.com/


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think he will. It will be very small scale, maybe 15 students at first, but its coming. When it does happen, alot of the hate will backtrack. :yes:

No it wont. It will get louder... "It took him 5 years for this!!?"

And he will be the only teacher.

All 15 kids will sit in the same room little house on the Prairie style..

There will be public outcry when it's learned that umar is teaching the earth is flat

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Why is he wearing a Phillies hat . Baseball is a Whiteman sport and cacs own the Phillies. Where's his Americanism?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I thought it was just me!!!

I'm like what the fuck this Brother do to you bitch niggas??!!

At least he's trying!!!

Dude is a psychiatrist who could easily be making more money siding with the white folks regime.

It must be a lot of imposters (white supremacists) on this forum.

He can make a lot more.money cause he said so ?

Some people believe everything they hear..why would he have to side with the white folx regime if e has a private practice and black clientele?

He is not a damn psychiatrist. ..

You say he us trying.....what is ge trying to do ? Sounds like those cats living in grannies basement talking about they trying to find a job

He has never given specifics.

And whatever state he is in has to approve the curriculum.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor

I thought it was just me!!!

I'm like what the fuck this Brother do to you bitch niggas??!!

At least he's trying!!!

Dude is a psychiatrist who could easily be making more money siding with the white folks regime.

It must be a lot of imposters (white supremacists) on this forum.
LOL he's not a Psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are Physicians. He's a School Psychologist.


Rising Star
Hmm.. That kat is hard to listen too!! Maybe its me, but he comes across as he's talking down at the people!!

I never understood how a person could feel they were talked at or down. Having money i don't see anything positive about what he's offering. If ur kid don't come out the crib confident u as a parent messed up somewhere.

I bet he would never come into the Bx via Horace Mann school or Colligate school via Upper West side or in Princeton via the Lawerenceville School or Princeton high or the Friends school talking that bullshit. This clown pulls this bs on folk who have no better options.
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