educated sister loses it and shoots 3 people, reported her company to the SEC for violations and they fired her


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You crazy. She killed two evil CAC and you condemning her?
When Rittenhouse came down and shot 2 people for no reason America thought it was ok.
She kills 2 CAC for a reason and she is crazy?


I like how the OP titled the thread to garner sympathy for this clearly deranged and psychotic bitch. Would you want her working up in your office?
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Transnational Member


They violated her by invading her personal space like a rape and she dealt with them; for me this is highly plausible. Never keep anything private in your house, they will break in at will by the white Stasi. They probably had some type of illegal surveillance planted in her apartment.

The law gives you extra immunity when someone comes up into your house, you don't even have to see a weapon. You just have to show that you feared for your life to blast that fool making sandwiches in your kitchen.

It looks like she extended this doctrine post house invasion by hunting down the criminals connected to it.

Georgia§ 16-3-23.1No duty to retreat prior to use of force in self-defense. [1]
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Torah All Day!
BGOL Investor
"Some" of y'all are BUGGING! Went through all comments and it shows how unprotected we are as a ppl. Y'all going to sit there and blame the Sister for doing her due justice!! She proactively became a whistleblower, proactively filed a civil lawsuit, proactively went to police to make more than one report and going to call her "crazy", psychotic", etc.

Importantly, I've actually listened to what she was conveying and she was making perfect sense in her delivery. Maybe b/c of her limited delivery, some of y'all perhaps thought she lacked intelligence.

AND Nigga PLEASE give this woman a cape! Let her be Black America's superhero for ppl who are pussies ESPECIALLY when we've been dealing w/ all forms of injustices throughout. She killed to dignify justice within her own right (fuck judicial rights). Yeah, I'm one of those idgaf niggas when the time is right niggas.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
"Some" of y'all are BUGGING! Went through all comments and it shows how unprotected we are as a ppl. Y'all going to sit there and blame the Sister for doing her due justice!! She proactively became a whistleblower, proactively filed a civil lawsuit, proactively went to police to make more than one report and going to call her "crazy", psychotic", etc.

Importantly, I've actually listened to what she was conveying and she was making perfect sense in her delivery. Maybe b/c of her limited delivery, some of y'all perhaps thought she lacked intelligence.

AND Nigga PLEASE give this woman a cape! Let her be Black America's superhero for ppl who are pussies ESPECIALLY when we've been dealing w/ all forms of injustices throughout. She killed to dignify justice within her own right (fuck judicial rights). Yeah, I'm one of those idgaf niggas when the time is right niggas.

All of this. I’m not feeling sorry for some assholes who got some just desserts. You saw the video with her pleading with sorry ass APD to file the criminal complaint against her rights violation. How would you like it if someone broke into your house? She was exhausted and resorted to vigilante Justice. She didn’t spray at everyone but she was good enough to take out two of them assholes. She’s a hero.


BGOL Investor
Dunno...accent/name says Cameroon..stress of losing that good job/rep would fuck with anyone but, corps on a mission to keep from losin rep and possibly 100's of millions in fines/penalties...would prolly not be above some "enemy of the state" typa shit..


I guess "nuts" wasn't really the right word, especially when it seems like she was probably living in a corporate owned condo. She probably made it known to the company that she was going to snitch, and they helped themselves to her evidence in the apartment that they owned. They probably gave her the safe and combination when she moved in. Ofcourse they're going to take a peak at what she possible had on them.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
King Grift went on Twitter and mentioned that she's from Cameroon, and now his dumb ass FBA followers are tweeting "Build the wall!"
His reasoning, rather you agree it or not, is that when immigrants do fly shit, it's always "The 1st Cameroonian banker at such and such" or "This Jamaican just secured this and this ".
But when it's something ratchet: "Black woman shoots up work place" or "Black man robs bank".

Ethnic lines are only drawn when there's a concerted effort to highlight accomplishments. But when it's trash, it's "we's all black peoples"



A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
His reasoning, rather you agree it or not, is that when immigrants do fly shit, it's always "The 1st Cameroonian banker at such and such" or "This Jamaican just secured this and this ".
The same goes for us American black people when we're the first or the best to do something. His "point" is moot, and just a way for him to stir up his usual bullshit.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
The same goes for us American black people when we're the first or the best to do something. His "point" is moot, and just a way for him to stir up his usual bullshit.
To be sure there's nothing wrong with claiming where you're from.
Just accept that it's a 2 way street I say lol.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The same goes for us American black people when we're the first or the best to do something. His "point" is moot, and just a way for him to stir up his usual bullshit.
He actually has a great point but he does not have the level of reasoning to explain why.

The problem with the immigrants that come over that are “educated” is most are selected and likely assets for foreign intelligence or even domestic intelligence agencies, think tanks, etc. There is a reason why cyber attacks and data breaches have been at an all-time high and it is happening because Asian-Indian executives are given access to it and leaking it for profit.

the immigrant influx is the cause of a lot of those because they are assets that can easily be discarded and they have no allegiance or loyalty to this land. they are here to execute a mission and get out.

It is a reason why people look foolish when they are not against immigration or they vilify nationalism (a term that has been usurped by the super liberals). You can do business with other nations without them having a mass influx into your homeland.

If you look at all the terrorism occurring in the USA, how much can be attributed to immigrants? (and yes, contrary to popular believe, so-called white people are immigrants too)
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Rising Star
Pressure bust pipes. You don't have to be insane to do what she is accused of doing.
Nah... this is bullshit. If you let this be a reason for you to go get a gun and murder 3 people you aren't completely sane. You may have a crazy thought initially, but first of all the plan was stupid and then she tried to get away, with the gun, through the airport. Also, simply checking out her social media will tell you she wasn't the brightest apple on the tree.


Rising Star
You crazy. She killed two evil CAC and you condemning her?
When Rittenhouse came down and shot 2 people for no reason America thought it was ok.
She kills 2 CAC for a reason and she is crazy?


The fact that some of you actually think like this kinda explains why ATL is the way it is. Folks will find justification in things that are just downright creepy sometimes. I have to wonder if it's just an internet troll thing or if people really think anything this chick did make sense. If it's the latter, then I get why we can have killers in our hoods that are allowed to do whatever they want. Also, we really believe that the property management sent some person to this chick's house to unlock the door and let them vandalize her spot? lol. The suit she filed was 600 pages and it was basically laughed out of court. Then, she refiled it. I mean, i'm just looking at the most logical reasoning here. Either there's a super conspiracy from that company against her on some 007 type shit, or... the other thing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Get your false equivalency ass the fuck outta here.
The fact that some of you actually think like this kinda explains why ATL is the way it is. Folks will find justification in things that are just downright creepy sometimes. I have to wonder if it's just an internet troll thing or if people really think anything this chick did make sense. If it's the latter, then I get why we can have killers in our hoods that are allowed to do whatever they want. Also, we really believe that the property management sent some person to this chick's house to unlock the door and let them vandalize her spot? lol. The suit she filed was 600 pages and it was basically laughed out of court. Then, she refiled it. I mean, i'm just looking at the most logical reasoning here. Either there's a super conspiracy from that company against her on some 007 type shit, or... the other thing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah... this is bullshit. If you let this be a reason for you to go get a gun and murder 3 people you aren't completely sane. You may have a crazy thought initially, but first of all the plan was stupid and then she tried to get away, with the gun, through the airport. Also, simply checking out her social media will tell you she wasn't the brightest apple on the tree.
Maybe you will see the correlation not a perfect example but I think you can figure it out.
Drapetomania was a supposed mental illness that, in 1851, American physician Samuel A. Cartwright hypothesized as the cause of enslaved Africans fleeing captivity. The official view was, slave life was so pleasant, that only the mentally ill would want to run away.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
There are so many sisters at the brink of insanity, most of them don't go as far as to do anything as heinous as shooting innocent people, but the rate of angry frustrated and delirious black women are ten times that it was back in the '90s. I really think it has a lot to do with society lying to them, telling them they are great, they are wonderful, and yet reality keeps reminding them that most of them are average at best.
I think they cannot handle the truth and it can lead to a downward spiral, cognitive dissonance. All women are susceptible to this and is a huge reason why religion has been created to help with this problem, but with the black church all but dead, and most black women opting to be single and free, unlike in the past there are no measures in line to prevent them from this hysteria that women in the past used to suffer from, the biggest difference is today's women have (according to medical records) elevated levels of testosterone which is associated with elevated aggression, sexual promiscuity, and anger.
Wanna test my theory, ask any black woman what she wants in life, and I bet she will say a big house, a nice car, clothes, and to travel, all material things, and not one thought given to how that stuff is supposed to lead to happiness. Now look at the women who actually have those things and tell me how many of them look happy and contempt with life, I bet you the answer is not many. It's like they are stuck in a loop of shopping, showing off, then shopping again, 20 shoes is not enough so they buy 30 then 40 then 50 and still not able to find that allusive happiness, that materialism promises, and in the end when they realize they've been duped, many of them lose it.
Here is a perfect example of a black woman who is both delusional to the point that she is totally unaware of how her addiction to materialism is leading her down to road to insanity. Will she shoot up an airport, probably not, but you can tell she is already not right in the head, and it wouldn't take that much to push her over the edge.

Don't want it to seem like its only black women with this problem, but these actions were more associated with white women (hence the name Karen) but today, black women are emulating them to the point where they actually think their situation is different from the problems afflicting black America, and when they get their nigga card handed to them, it can drive them mad.

Bro, this is a fact!!! I'm sure in the next couple of years, we will see data reflect this.

I personally know of two former Howard U. classmates who both attempted suicide. Both hold PhDs, both are published authors, and both are professors. Every now and then, I can see and feel the crazy in their Facebook and IG posts. KS had them on the brink of making another attempt.


Truth. Sisters are really angry nowadays. I’m in a number of social media platforms that span a diversity of groups and the sisters are the most angry group. Many really hate BM and see themselves as victimized by us. You hit it on the head at their goals for material things instead of happiness. Our society has led to to want to compete rather than cooperate.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor

I agree, the shunning of religion and postponement of marriage and family that traditionally kept women grounded created a vacuum that's filled with empty consumerism, professional pursuits, and therapy.

This here.
Our sisters are taking the worst of feminism and leading lives that lead to unhappiness. They are focused on education and career goals instead of having an eye on marriage and family. Fast forward 20 years and they are in their 40s with degrees and debt trying to navigate the shark infested waters of dating. My social media timeline is filled with heated debates about whether or not to split a dinner date bill, that crazy therapist, and whether black men should have a weight preference for their ideal women. Straight nonsense.

The Black family is a key to happiness and mobility. The ability to use two heads to overcome obstacles and leverage double the abilities is worth much more than a check. I have no doubt that if this sister had a husband, she would be collecting a settlement rather than shooting up the job site.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
note the psychopathic stare
Don't know your age but let me ask you this, did you see sisters like her 15 years ago, let alone 20 or 30? My theory is that the same mechanism that is creating these types of women today, is also responsible for the record level of unhappiness and the growing number of violent women. I may be wrong but at least the dots appear to be connecting.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Don't know your age but let me ask you this, did you see sisters like her 15 years ago, let alone 20 or 30? My theory is that the same mechanism that is creating these types of women today, is also responsible for the record level of unhappiness and the growing number of violent women. I may be wrong but at least the dots appear to be connecting.
yeah - crazy has always been here
replace the ring with any other fixation - babies, perfect family / image, fame, status, money etc...
imo this is a woman with cluster b disorders

now what you are talking about is true - its evident when listening to ladies that cheered on women that called in trying to battle Kevin Samuels


Transnational Member
Don't know your age but let me ask you this, did you see sisters like her 15 years ago, let alone 20 or 30? My theory is that the same mechanism that is creating these types of women today, is also responsible for the record level of unhappiness and the growing number of violent women. I may be wrong but at least the dots appear to be connecting.

She made it to Manager level at BDO which is no easy feat. I think black women are being exposed more to these toxic environments unprepared. After being blacklisted for filing her lawsuit, she had almost no money and would have been homeless with her credentials. They were rocking her to sleep slowly draining her money until she would be unable financially to fight back.

The black professional organizations need to be proactive in sharing this knowledge.

Most people don't know about the black vultures that come in siding with the white employer, call you crazy, try to hire you to cosign their evaluation of you. It reminds me of David Cameron who sided with police during the grand jury proceedings of Breonna Taylor and helped them get off. This might have happened when she filed her police report of a break in.

I teach workplace disassociation, where you are physically present at a job and performing the work required, but your heart is not into the white employer or people.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
She made it to Manager level at BDO which is no easy feat. I think black women are being exposed more to these toxic environments unprepared. After being blacklisted for filing her lawsuit, she had almost no money and would have been homeless with her credentials. They were rocking her to sleep slowly draining her money until she would be unable financially to fight back.

The black professional organizations need to be proactive in sharing this knowledge.

Most people don't know about the black vultures that come in siding with the white employer, call you crazy, try to hire you to cosign their evaluation of you. It reminds me of David Cameron who sided with police during the grand jury proceedings of Breonna Taylor and helped them get off. This might have happened when she filed her police report of a break in.

I teach workplace disassociation, where you are physically present at a job and performing the work required, but your heart is not into the white employer or people.
Many jobs, including some I've worked with, eagerly seek out single black women, knowing that they have very little insulation making them a perfect puppet, to do their dirty work. Basically, they use their overzealousness to prove to the world they are strong and don't need a man, plus their insuperable appetite for material nic-nacks and uses it against them.
On top of all of this many they have so much debt that even though they look rich and act rich, their financial situation isn't nearly as strong as you'd imagine. All of this makes their very existence shaky and their bosses know this knowing they are not in the position to challenge them. This is where they are in a prime position to be manipulated and fucked with.
This places the black woman in a precarious situation between a rock and a hard place, where she has to swallow her pride admitting that everything folks like Kevin Samuels warned about is right or they can double down and fake it becoming the corporate bed wrench. Those who choose to go the bed-wrench wrought, risk being pushed and push until they lose it all, just like ol girl. I guarantee the state of mind she was in didn't happen overnight.
As long as black women choose to value working for the white man over working for their families, the risk of alinating themselve from the black community becomes real, and with this they lose any insulation or protection that comes from having a strong black family and husband to help her deal with the pit falls that awaits her. This also explain why so many sisters in high positions suffer with workplace disassociation.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
yeah - crazy has always been here
replace the ring with any other fixation - babies, perfect family / image, fame, status, money etc...
imo this is a woman with cluster b disorders

now what you are talking about is true - its evident when listening to ladies that cheered on women that called in trying to battle Kevin Samuels
Craziness has always been here, but usually, it was due to crimes of passion, drugs, and mental reasons, but today, I see craziness due to them not being able to manage regular stress. If you do some research you'd also see that depression, bipolarism, anti-social behavior, and sexual frustration are also on the rise.