On a positive note, my pops used to smoke cigarettes. One day in '72, I was 6 years old, and I notice he wasn't smoking. Then, I noticed he didn't smoke the next day. He used to smoke these cigarettes called "More". I asked him about it about 20 years ago. I said, "You're the only person I've seen quit smoking cold turkey. Why?" He said, "Shit! You actually remember that?! I quit because it was a waste of money. More importantly, I was a single father and I noticed you copying everything I did. At your grandmother's house, I bent down to walk under something, and you did it too, even though you was shorter than pile of shit. That was when I told myself that I don't wanting you thinking smoking was cool.". He died in 2023. From 1972 to 2023, he never touched another cigarette. Now you know why I said he was my super hero the day he died. My pops was a fucking G with a weakness for fly whips! I miss that silly bastard!