It's deep, but it's really not.
The fact of the matter whether there was a contract or not.
You can't show up with thousand dollar shoes, two thousand dollars sweaters, diamond pendants on your chain and a diamond Rolex and not pay people anything.
It's not about money, it's about pride and respect.
If you love your Brothers, the. You treat your Brothers accordingly and that's with respect.
Esso estimated that the show made 200k a month.
200k a month an nobody get nothing?
Their relationship didn't and over money, it ended because someone's a piece of shit.
Again we do not know the truth.
This is still hearsay. He say he say.
But anyway... Why let it get that far?
Why not address it immediately?
Then leave in peace and keep it between yall?
Maybe it's just me. That's how I was brought up.