Ever been this Emotional over a woman?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
She wanted to be in the game of men. Now she's in the game with lying cheating heau ass bitches in full form.
Reg dike life.. an ag aka pussy eating trick trying to wife up a chick that like free money, her pussy licked often, and actually still like nigs.. no matter how many strap ons that dike own that chick of hers gonna go back to dick. Than they get violent cause they were fluffing and tricking on a broad that just looked at them as a sucker.. same story, different day


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i'll cry in the car before I go out like a bitch for the world to see :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well....hope for his/her sake that this hoe don't end up dead cause she clearly said "I wanna kill this bitch"....on camera and....uploaded it. Sheesh! Bitch get hit by a cross town bus, drown in the bathtub, choke on a chicken bone......25 to life. Learned years ago, never make a decision when you're hungry, horny, desperate or angry cause it will usually be a bad decision and one you'll regret


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is that a guy or a stud?

Baltimore accent is very strong with this one.

Yea thats how them STUDS be gettin when they find out their girl really want that D,

they get REAL STUPID and OVER EMOTION, but when they THINK they bagged a BADDIE

over a DUDE, they LOVE braggin about how they get more pussy than dudes,


yea REALITY hit that bulldyke,

she thought she was the MAIN ONE, she realizing the chick was JUST SETTLING FOR THEM CARPET LICKS...

and she cant take it..

if that was a dude, then he needs to man up.. thats waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much uncontrolled emotion for a man to have!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So, dude's are now posting lesbian drama here as examples straight men's mental & emotional health...?


Even though this is posted all over social media as “Man” and it’s mustache probably is lined up better than yours which is the cause of the confusion……Are you trying to say straight males don’t exhibit this behavior? And the question isn’t valid? Or are you just doing your wannabe the next Blunt thing you been trying for years?