Ex-Porn Stars In Their New Lives After Porn


Rising Star
Starting to see that to with alot of old pornstars coming back. Maybe yes they are coming because of these new platforms or could be they are mismanaged their money. Cherie deville is one of the only pornstars that break it down in how most pornstars dont make money.

Start at the 14:00 time mark

Never seen this Sharp guy before but he immediately struck me as super-annoying, so it was difficult to listen to even a minute of this interview. But from what I heard, Cherie's logic and calculation is kinda off. She's assuming that "Top 1% on Onlyfans" means "highest earners on Onlyfans"... so if her FREE account is Top 1% and she don't make shit off it, then that means that 99% of OF creators are making less than shit.

But the reality is that OF is extremely opaque about how they calculate these percentiles. Nobody knows for sure what they really mean. Some people say it's based on the amount earned from baseline subscriptions. But if that were so, Cherie's free account would not be in the top percentile. There's more currency to the idea that it might be based on engagement: which pages get the most visitors, the most likes and comments (which is why you got creators always begging, badgering and bribing their followers to like all their posts).

But one thing for certain is that it does not sum up the total amount earned from PPVs, customs, tips, gifts and other interactions. It is true that a lot of OF creators are making barely any money at all. But there are also a lot who are quietly making a fortune without even being in the Top 1%... It all depends on the commitment and connection with the fanbase.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Never seen this Sharp guy before but he immediately struck me as super-annoying, so it was difficult to listen to even a minute of this interview. But from what I heard, Cherie's logic and calculation is kinda off. She's assuming that "Top 1% on Onlyfans" means "highest earners on Onlyfans"... so if her FREE account is Top 1% and she don't make shit off it, then that means that 99% of OF creators are making less than shit.

But the reality is that OF is extremely opaque about how they calculate these percentiles. Nobody knows for sure what they really mean. Some people say it's based on the amount earned from baseline subscriptions. But if that were so, Cherie's free account would not be in the top percentile. There's more currency to the idea that it might be based on engagement: which pages get the most visitors, the most likes and comments (which is why you got creators always begging, badgering and bribing their followers to like all their posts).

But one thing for certain is that it does not sum up the total amount earned from PPVs, customs, tips, gifts and other interactions. It is true that a lot of OF creators are making barely any money at all. But there are also a lot who are quietly making a fortune without even being in the Top 1%... It all depends on the commitment and connection with the fanbase.
Sharp is only good when he was talking about pimping only. He blew up from white underbelly interviews, he used to rap too oddly


Rising Star
Sharp is only good when he was talking about pimping only. He blew up from white underbelly interviews, he used to rap too oddly

Ahhh.... That makes sense. He talks like a pimp. And as an interviewer, he keeps interrupting the interviewee to inject his own cracker barrel "wisdom" which also a very pimpish thing to do. Because pimps believe they are the smartest people in the world and it is their function to "teach" others (especially women) rather than listening.


Rising Star
Kirra Lynne
she loves anal scenes


I'm not sure this is Kirra Lynne. It looks like it might be someone else.


Rising Star
Ahhh.... That makes sense. He talks like a pimp. And as an interviewer, he keeps interrupting the interviewee to inject his own cracker barrel "wisdom" which also a very pimpish thing to do. Because pimps believe they are the smartest people in the world and it is their function to "teach" others (especially women) rather than listening.
I give you 96% on this post cuz you are on some facts but at the same time for a pimp image is everything especially when it comes to his image in conjunction to the females who he is supposedly managing... So if he says 2 + 2 = 7 is his job to make sure that the females he manages believe that and will fight to support what he just said... The problem is is when they start believing their smarter than everybody and they can pull that logic on people outside of that world they live in that's when shit starts


Yeah I see that, I also see she has taken ALOT of black dick in her stank ass pussy, asshole and mouth.
Lmao what do you guys expect she is white. Neely fuller said it best black people have no business having sex, making kids and marrying white people. Simply because black people after a while get confuse but white people are never confuse on what they belief and stand for. You have to remind the slave master would have sex with the slaves but at the end still maintain slavery. People often times leave out the white women role and slavery and how she also was having sex with the slaves to.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lmao you do you guys expect she is white. Nelly fuller said it best black people have no business having sex, making kids and marrying white people. Simply because black people after a while get confuse but white people are never confuse on what they belief and stand for. You have to remind the slave master would have sex with the slave but at the end still maintain slavery. People often times leave out the white women role and slavery and how they also was having sex with the slaves to.
True indeed.


Rising Star
Mason Storm = Akia Garrido
I miss this girl right here..she was there at the beginning of bangbros, realitykings, and naughtyamerica. Wish she did a second return from retirement but she’s married to some girl now..what really gets me is that I found out that back in the early 00s she had a “massage spa” in Miami. Wish I had found out soon enough to have booked her regardless of price





No may about it,she has it :smh:

Friday, June 4, 2004:

Miss Arroyo (tall slim blonde with tattoos who caught HIV from Darren James according to AIM) storms out of the hearing after Sharon Mitchell says the industry's favored PCR/DNA test will only pick up an HIV infection after two weeks or so of infection.

I noticed Miss Arroyo getting emotional whenever Sharon Mitchell spoke.

Miss Arroyo screams that she doesn't want to be before the TV cameras. She has a woman from the LA County Health Department chaperoning her around. Miss Arroyo is upset she wasn't personally told about the hearing and called to testify.

The TV cameramen chase her. Then they note her upset and stop. A couple reporters follow her.

Rob's outside. He hugs Miss Arroyo. He talks to the cameras on her behalf. They crowd around him. She interjects as he speaks.

Miss Arroyo: "That's the first time I heard that the test was no good. If the test is no good, then we should be using condoms.

"They [AIM] didn't call me and tell me my test was no good. They didn't invite me to the hearings."

She's crying. "I didn't want to f---ing talk because I didn't want to insult her. She didn't f---ing tell me that the test was f---ing bad."

Rob: "They [AIM] don't care about nothing but the money. They want to test every two weeks? More money."

Miss Arroyo: "What's the point if the test is no good?"

Duke: "What test doesn't work?"

Rob: "The PCR/DNA."

Duke: "But that's her [Sharon's] favorite test."

Rob: "She should stick it up her ass and stop patting herself on the back."

Rob rants to the cameras about Sharon taking too long to notify companies about Darren James' HIV positive test. He tested on a Friday. Rob says an HIV positive result came back Saturday or Monday but Sharon did not notify people until Tuesday (twelve hours after Gene Ross broke the news on Adultfyi).

"The reason she told us she was hiding something was that the big companies would be upset if there was a false positive. That wasn't more important than people who were HIV [positive] out there working? No."

Miss Arroyo: "She's telling people this is not an epidemic. She's not telling people about the state of mind people are in. Afterwards, you are going to need counseling.

"I'm going to beat my HIV but that woman gave it to me. That woman enables people.

"She told the [gossip] sites my real f---ing name and that I'm HIV positive. And that it's O.K. to put my picture up. Isn't that against the law? But it's not against the law because Sharon Mitchell said it's O.K. It's not against the law because we tested at AIM [and have to sign certain privacy rights away.]

"Now she's telling people it's O.K. to shoot without condoms. No it's not. It's time to start protecting people. Think about somebody who watched that movie [where no condoms are used].

"I want to sue her for using my real name. Five seconds after she told me I was positive, she made a phone call [to the gossip sites]. She doesn't protect people with HIV."

Duke: "What was wrong your test?"

Miss Arroyo: "There was nothing wrong with my test. There was something wrong with Darren James's test. He shot for three weeks on a test that said he was negative when he was positive. Her PCR test didn't pick it up."

Duke: "You worked with Darren James?"

Miss Arroyo: "Yeah, I got HIV from him."

Is this her? Hope she's doing okay nowadays and the new medicine helped her quick enough. She caught that shit back in 04 though like almost 20 years ago.


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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unknown latina who did a cameo for Dancing Bear and Money Talks is now married and has a kid





I have an ex-girlfriend who got paid to be in a couple of videos from Reality Kings. :smh: She didn't do anything sexual. One of them was Dancing Bear, the other was a college sorority porn video. On one of the videos where they are talking to her, she actually slaps the camera away because she didn't want her face all up in the video. I think she got like $500


Rising Star
BGOL Investor