"My husband, Troy, recently became extremely ill with what we thought was just bronchitis. After 5 grueling weeks of a horrible cough with him coughing up blood and barely being able to take a few steps before being unable to catch his breath, Troy was immediately admitted to the hospital for what was initially thought to be double pneumonia and a pulmonary embolism, as he was quickly going into kidney & liver failure as well. After many diagnostic testing and cardiology, nephrology, and endocrinology evaluation, it has been determined that Troy is in Congestive Heart Failure at the young age of 34. Shockingly, Troy's heart is only operating at 15%. He is completely disabled and we pray to The Most High God that this is only temporary. In order for Troy to be discharged from the hospital (as you can imagine the hospital charges are piling up), he is in need of a Cardiac Life Vest which is an external heart defibrillator that will shock his heart in case it stops beating. This Cardiac Life Vest is $3500 and without insurance, its a bit of a mountain to climb right now. Any contribution will help us towards our goal of getting this Cardiac Life Vest for Troy and getting him home to his family so we can start this road to recovery. I thank you all so much in advance & may The Most High God bless you."