Ex-Porn Stars In Their New Lives After Porn




Nostalgia Ultra
I think you have your wires crossed on this one brother. The only porn star that looks even remotely like Tisha Campbell is Cassidy Banks.

The debate continues LOL we had a whole discussion about this pages back, for the record tho, Cassidy only resembles her with the complexion. That’s it haha


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Just imagine when a kid get up in high school and everybody sitting up in the lunchroom and people start checking each other and and it's one of them days when Mama's come in the game... And that one grimy dude that started everything that can't take being talked about pulls out that video... Hopefully she has an all new look new hairdo and everything
Kids of today share porn clips of each other, don't think there's any stigma attached to that life anymore


Rising Star
You kind of proving my point here lol actually making a case for furious styles because I definitely understand why he said they look alike based on that photo
It's crazy how people can look at the exact same thing and have such different opinions about something as basic as what (or who) it looks like.

But speaking of Tisha Campbell, who is the chick in the tight leather pants and braids that they show right after they show her (Tisha) in the Celebrity Family Feud commercial? Her ass look phat as shit. I'm trying to figure out which celebrity she is. LOL!


Nostalgia Ultra
It's crazy how people can look at the exact same thing and have such different opinions about something as basic as what (or who) it looks like.

But speaking of Tisha Campbell, who is the chick in the tight leather pants and braids that they show right after they show her (Tisha) in the Celebrity Family Feud commercial? Her ass look phat as shit. I'm trying to figure out which celebrity she is. LOL!
Bro lol I don’t have cable and have no idea who you referring to haha but I’m def curious now


Rising Star
Kids of today share porn clips of each other, don't think there's any stigma attached to that life anymore
The Scarlet letter is alive and well.... Females are still losing jobs not getting positions not qualifying for certain lines of work because of their past in adult cinema.... But I do get where you're coming from and it has some weight to it


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The Scarlet letter is alive and well.... Females are still losing jobs not getting positions not qualifying for certain lines of work because of their past in adult cinema.... But I do get where you're coming from and it has some weight to it
We are talking of a specific woman whose kids are literally infants, by the time they are in High School we will probably be like Japan where porn is allegedly mainstream.


Rising Star
The Scarlet letter is alive and well.... Females are still losing jobs not getting positions not qualifying for certain lines of work because of their past in adult cinema.... But I do get where you're coming from and it has some weight to it

Yeah. People are so sure that society is gonna continue to be more and more open about porn. I'm not so sure. Honestly I think the shit can go either way. These neo-nazis basically got rid of abortion in many places and no one seriously thought that would happen. Now you got states making people submit their IDs to watch porn. Who knows where that will eventually go? And some ass hat has introduced a law to make it a federal requirement. If we mess around and get the right (I really mean wrong) person in the White House, these white christian nationalists might really jump off the chain. With so many of these porn broads claiming they witches and worshiping Satan and all that other foolishness I'd only be half way surprised if they didn't start back burning these hoes at the stake again. I guess only time will tell.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
The Scarlet letter is alive and well.... Females are still losing jobs not getting positions not qualifying for certain lines of work because of their past in adult cinema.... But I do get where you're coming from and it has some weight to it
What lines of work exactly? I can see porn impeding a career as a grade school teacher at the local Catholic school but not much more than that. The STEM, journalism, arts & entertainment, service & hospitality, secondary education, and medical fields won't care what legal work she (or he) did before entering that field.

Having a criminal record, even if you've been on the straight and narrow for years, is much more a hindrance to career advancement than doing porn. It's gotten a little better for ex-cons but there's still a long way to go.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Since we're on the topic does anyone else have any porn/celeb lookalikes? Preferably an attractive porn/celeb because Tisha Campbell had a great body when she was young but I never thought she was attractive to be for real.

The only porn star I can think of who favors a celeb is Scarlet Scandal who really does look like a young Robin Givens.


Nostalgia Ultra
Since we're on the topic does anyone else have any porn/celeb lookalikes? Preferably an attractive porn/celeb because Tisha Campbell had a great body when she was young but I never thought she was attractive to be for real.

The only porn star I can think of who favors a celeb is Scarlet Scandal who really does look like a young Robin Givens.
Tisha never had an attractive body my brother lol she was shaped like a boy with broad shoulders and no hips