Faizon Love hating on Dave Chappelle again at Breakfast Club interview


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Sounds like hate but HE'S RIGHT

Dave not funny to nikkaz from the hood

I'm not talking about his show in talking about his stand up

We know every punchline from RAW, U So Crazy, n Bring the Pain

Chappelle don't have that shit

When yall in here praising him im in looking like Wtf

Yall too far gone, alot of y'all lost touch cause yall been living in the burbs for so long

Like when yall come in these threads asking who is this artist

Of course yall don't know who these rappers are when yall go from ya house, to work, back home to get on Bgol.

it's alot more broke ppl then ppl with money
Dave ain't funny to people if they are ignorant, proud of it, and never ventured out of the ghetto or wanted to. To those people they might even say Faizon Love got more cred for playing Big Worm 22 years ago than Dave.


Those people are why I moved out of the hood.
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BGOL Investor
Seems like this thread turned into the battle of the hood niggas vs the suburbanite niggas.

Shit is lame.

But at the end of the day, Faizon made some valid points.....but it just seemed like a little hate was mixed in.

Also,,,he made some great points about the Monique situation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Glad I watched this for myself.

The majority of conclusions drawn in this thread do not match mine.

First off, I f*cks with Faizon. I like him as a comedic and dramatic actor. I became a fan on Parenthood. Big Worm is a role I did not even recognize him in until YEARS after Friday came out.

Second, Faizon made many more accurate obsevations than not. I disagree with how he talked of Dave. Faizon is intelligent and should understand that Dave is a great human comedian. He is not a self proclaimed G.O.A.T., even though he ain't gonna argue with you, other comedic G.O.A.T.'s said he was, so who are we to argue it? He played his own talent in the beginning of the interview.

Lastly, he was right about damn near everything else: the murkiness of #metoo, Robert Townsend possibly not understanding his own power, whippin' ninjas asses on sight that rape, him not having the "look" for this time in Hollywood (talent always trumps IMO), and releasing your sh!t independently.

Not for one minute am I agreeing Dave is a kept comedian for white people...based on his work, the sh!t don't even sound right.
He's actually correct about White America (and other comedians) pumping Daves image. Also, him not being a "King Of Comedy". Would u put Dave above Eddie, Richard? Even George Carlin? But when he started talking about how Dave has never been funny...he lost me.
Dave Chapelle is my guy. He's funny as fuck and he's plugged in with the good music. I've never laughed at a Kevin Hart joke. Katt Williams was funny 10-11 years ago. Martin not doing standup anymore. Eddie not doing standup. Chris Rock is funny as fuck. Bernie Mac is dead. Steve Harvey has always been ehhh. Never liked DL Hughley comedy, but he's plugged into the politics these days, so I rock with that. Cedric is pretty funny. Not up there with any of the GOAT, but he hold his own. Same for Lavell Crawford. Who did I miss?
You, Sir, understand comedy.

I have ALWAYS rocked with Cedric the Entertainer since he hosted Comic View. He was my favorite off of Kings of Comedy.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Glad I watched this for myself.

The majority of conclusions drawn in this thread do not match mine.

First off, I f*cks with Faizon. I like him as a comedic and dramatic actor. I became a fan on Parenthood. Big Worm is a role I did not even recognize him in until YEARS after Friday came out.

Second, Faizon made many more accurate obsevations than not. I disagree with how he talked of Dave. Faizon is intelligent and should understand that Dave is a great human comedian. He is not a self proclaimed G.O.A.T., even though he ain't gonna argue with you, other comedic G.O.A.T.'s said he was, so who are we to argue it? He played his own talent in the begiining of the interview.

Lastly, he was right about damn near everything else: the murkiness of #metoo, Robert Townsend possibly not understanding his own power, whippin' ninjas asses on site that rape, him not having the "look" for this tume in Hollywood (talent always trumps IMO), and releasing your sh!t independently.

Not for one minuye am I agreeing Dave is a kept comedian fod white people...based on his work, the sh!t don't even sound right.


You, Sir, understand comedy.

I have ALWAYS rocked with Cedric the Entertainer since he hosted Comic View. He was my favorite off of Kings of Comedy.
Cedric is not funny.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I lot of black folk didn't know who Chappelle was nor did they think he was funny before the show. He came up working in from of mostly white audiences before that.
He was like the white folks guide to black folk.
Fuck that I seen half bake first week it came out, Remembered him in men in tights, and other stand up moments, I even got screwed on DVD cause I liked chapelle.. Dude been funny to me


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Name me some comedians who are funnier or just as funny in the last 10 years who is funny to nikkaz from the hood?

Chris Rock of course, Donnell Rawlins, Capone, Rob Stableton, shit even Gary Owen
Chapelle is only funny if you're smart. To dumb niggas that dip pickles in kool Aid and call shit lit they watch Mike Epps.

I like a Mike Epps in movies he's horrible after the first 10 mins as a stand up

Chappelle had 2 specials that just dropped one was completely trash to the point had to turn it off then I thought maybe it was just me so I went to check the reviews and thats pretty much what the majority thought
Dave ain't funny to people if they are ignorant, proud of it, and never ventured out of the ghetto or wanted to. To those people they might even say Faizon Love got more cred for playing Big Worm 22 years ago than Dave.


Those people are why I moved out of the hood.

Those people are why I moved out of the hood.
But we not talking about Faizon being funny we talking about Dave not being so funny to a group of ppl


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@Non-StopJFK2TAB I believe you, for you.:dunno:
Sounds like hate but HE'S RIGHT

Dave not funny to nikkaz from the hood

I'm not talking about his show in talking about his stand up

We know every punchline from RAW, U So Crazy, n Bring the Pain

Chappelle don't have that shit

When yall in here praising him im in looking like Wtf

Yall too far gone, alot of y'all lost touch cause yall been living in the burbs for so long

Like when yall come in these threads asking who is this artist

Of course yall don't know who these rappers are when yall go from ya house, to work, back home to get on Bgol.

it's alot more broke ppl then ppl with money
And when has this EVER "not" been the case?:confused:

Your appetite for socially conscious, intelligent comedy is not fixed to your socioeconomic background.

Evolution, or the reverse, of thought is constant.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah dude definitely has something personal against Dave. If he just doesn't think Dave's funny okay. But most of what he said was lies and bullshit. First season of Chappelle's Show wasn't funny and nothing was memorable? The black klansman skit was from the first season. And if the second season was funnier...okay. Shows should get better as they go along. Seinfeld wasn't popular when it first came out.

That stupid crap about white people made Dave, but he goes on about Eddie and Kev being great. Eddie first got famous on SNL...you can't get whiter than that show! And Eddie's first few hit movies he was the only black person in them. Until Coming to America which was movie number 10 or some shit. And the reason Kev is in all these movies is because he's popular with whites.

That nonsense about why wasn't Dave in Friday...huh? You not funny unless you were in Friday? Chris Tucker, John Witherspoon, Faizon, AJ Johnson, Bernie Mack, Yvette Wilson and the chick that played Nia's crackhead sister were the comedians that were in Friday. So nobody is funny except those people, I guess. Crackhead Sister is selling out Radio City Music Hall for 10 days straight, right. :hmm::lol:


Rising Star
Fuck that I seen half bake first week it came out, Remembered him in men in tights, and other stand up moments, I even got screwed on DVD cause I liked chapelle.. Dude been funny to me
That's great and all but you're in a small majority of black folk who did before DCJ.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’ll say this about Chappelle, and I like Chappelle.
I get where Faizon is coming from, I just don’t think it needs to be said and he’s not 100% correct. Some of his statements are real observations and some of it is his opinion.

This is my opinion and my observation...

Dave was never referenced as a comedic “Genius”, until the last couple of years. Dave is funny, but he really wasn’t followed heavy in the Black community before the Chappelle Show.

Side note: “Yes, I know everyone on BGOL knew of him and thought he was the greatest before the Chappelle Show”. I’m speaking about the general public. Dave’s been doing his thing for over 20 years.

Before the Chappelle show, his name wasn’t mentioned in the “Black Community” as big time comedians. It was “Bernie, Steve Harvey, Cedric, Katt and several others over the past 20 years. There’s more but I can’t remember them. Whether you think any of them is funny is not the point.

The first season of The Chappelle Show was funny but the second season put it on the map to the general public. That public that had never seen his standup and had to look back and see what he was all about.

Bottom line, what Faizon is saying. Dave was doing comedy and he wasn’t the most popular or sought after comedian. He did movies that weren’t really popular. He had the Chappelle Show that did good the first season and classic the second season.

Faizon doesn’t think Dave is funny and that’s his opinion , comedy’s subjective.

Basically he’s saying, Dave had comedy specials in the early 2000’s. Did the Chappelle Show, didn’t have any big time comedy special for 10 years and all of a sudden he’s a genius and a legend. He doesn’t understand where that came from?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dave Chappelle's The Bird whatever WAS subpar, I'm not disputing this. Who doesn't find Chappelle funny outside of that one "sit down" (I don't consider that a stand-up)?
Was that the one in the small venue in San Fran where he sat most of the nite and smoked? If so i thought that one was outstanding.
Dave isn't funny to ME. Never has been, but that's my opinion.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
he WAS a break out star from Def Comedy Jam.
Like i said, these guys pulling shit out they ass.
Yeah dude definitely has something personal against Dave. If he just doesn't think Dave's funny okay. But most of what he said was lies and bullshit. First season of Chappelle's Show wasn't funny and nothing was memorable? The black klansman skit was from the first season.
Very first episode at that. Faizon sounds like an idiot.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have a question for you people that say he was not popular in the black community. Were you taking a survey on which comics were? Maybe ya'll just werent up on him :dunno:

I knew about him, didn't really hear my friends speaking about him back then.

So because you and the people you know were "Up on him", you all represent the "Black Community"?

It goes both ways.


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
I knew about him, didn't really hear my friends speaking about him back then.

So because you and the people you know were "Up on him", you all represent the "Black Community"?

It goes both ways.
True. I guarantee because you weren't up on him doesn't mean black folks weren't. It's probly the other way around.
At the end of the day we can all agree to disagree. And can't nobody tell you who to like and not to like. But for this fat bastard to say that Dave's stand ups are trash....that's all hate nothing more. And had the nerve to fix his mouth and say Charlie Murphy's special was classic. RIP to the big homie, but that was one of the worst comedy specials I ever saw my life.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Was that the one in the small venue in San Fran where he sat most of the nite and smoked? If so i thought that one was outstanding.
I thought it was funny, but I didn't think it was his best work. I definitely like the other one better, I saw that one again last night. Even that effort was funnier than Tiffany haddish, which I saw earlier that night


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True. I guarantee because you weren't up on him doesn't mean black folks weren't. It's probly the other way around.
At the end of the day we can all agree to disagree. And can't nobody tell you who to like and not to like. But for this fat bastard to say that Dave's stand ups are trash....that's all hate nothing more. And had the nerve to fix his mouth and say Charlie Murphy's special was classic. RIP to the big homie, but that was one of the worst comedy specials I ever saw my life.

:roflmao: at Charlie's special. I didn't see it so I can't comment. I might have to check it out just because you said that :lol:

I agree I do believe Faizon was hating, he offered his opinion. I just don't think he should've offered it, there's just no need to speak that way about another comedian.

I like Dave, I'm only saying I can understand where Faizon is coming from on some of his points.

Everyone in this thread may have a better memory than me, but I don't remember people calling him a "Comedic Genius" and "Legendary" 10-12 years ago.

Once again, I like Dave. I just don't remember any of that.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
This is my opinion and my observation...

Dave is funny, but he really wasn’t followed heavy in the Black community before the Chappelle Show.
but you know an opinion is how you feel, right?

a fact is something quantifiable.

you cant prove the quoted statement as fact.


Rising Star
I know what I said sparked a lot of this but it's not about Hood vs suburban or nothing like that its simply about being funny,that has no color that has no area or boundaries,either you are or you aren't.Give a lot of these comedians a Mic and tell them to be funny in front of Urban,suburban,rural or foreign and that what makes a comedian a comedian because he or she will sink or swim and the majority of the people that some of you toss out there will sink.

Most of you are bandwagoner's who just go with who's hot or who they tell you is hot and Dave is that second nigga in line and he's just brilliantly a genius and some more shit because of his show,which was good past his first second because of the pieces he added and it worked while pushing the boundries of what could be done without being tacky and mockery.Dave has his moments,by just being Dave,simple as that.The same could be said for Hannibal Buress,he said his opinion about a heavy weight in the business and them white folks pushed his ass ahead of the line and I still don't know how or why them mention him as much as they do.

I can go back to the 1980's when I was born and watch vhs tapes of HBO specials of Whoopi Goldberg,Sam Kinison,Robin Williams,Eddie Murphy,Louie Anderson(he's just funny without trying),Charlie Barnett(RIP),George Wallace(underrated),Thea Vidale(I've seen her in person),Bill Murray,Rodney Dangerfield ,Mr.Bean and one of my favorite of all times was the late Gene Wilder and now his offspring Zach Galifianakis....It's just not a hood mentality that appeals to me,funny is funny and there are different types of funny.I go further than that and take it back to albums that I listen to as a child in the 90's that I had no clue of who these people were but the shit was funny like the late Lawanda Page who was talking about her pussy being smooth and creamy like peanut butter......

It's just an opinion,it's not the end of the world ......when they sensor comedians who usually laugh at their or other's pain,problems and thoughts and you might as well just kill em off that would be the end of them and that art form


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dave isn't funny to ME. Never has been, but that's my opinion.

That's your opinion and there's nothing wrong with that. There's people that say Kevin Hart, Katt, Mike Epps and enter any other comedian isn't funny.

Comedy's subjective, there thousands and tens of thousands at some of their shows. Lots of people find them funny, if they don't do it for you there's nothing wrong with that.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
I don't remember people calling him a "Comedic Genius" and "Legendary" 10-12 years ago.

oh they absolutely were...should’ve gone back maybe 15 years when the chappelle show hadn’t aired yet...but folks were already referring to him as a genius while the shit was still initially on the air


BGOL Investor
I watched this when I was on vacation in December. And that shit was amazingly bad. I watched this after watching an actual funny movie on Netflix(The babysitter).

Me too, I watched it over the break as well. I gave it a shot mainly because of Russel Peters. I had just finished watching his movie "Indian Detective", so I was curious as to what a Stoner film from him would look like.