If 40 out of 100 abortions are black and 46 of 100 are white, yes , that's 6 more per 100.
However , since Black people are 13% of the US population, the numbers should even be close. And if more black. Babies are aborted than born (now thatc, I've heard but I don't know how they got that figure) that means it effects Black people way more than white.
That's not my point. White people don't give a shit about black babies lives. They are only concerned with that 46% white number. They now they are having low birth rates, stopping abortion combats this. There are countries across Europe that are actually PAYING their women to have kids to combat ZERO BIRTHRATES in their countries. Whites are experiencing the same thing in America while darker minorities are outpacing theirs in birthrates.
How do you save white America? Strong anti-immigration laws to countries with non-whites (shit hole countries).
Stop abortion of white babies by any means possible.
And finally stop "race-mixing". All of this shit is the underbelly of the white-supremacist playbook.
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