Feds well-positioned to provide slavery reparations, Harvard study finds


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While discussions about reparations are crucial, the reality is that for true systemic change, it requires collective political will. There have been many studies and proposals over the years, yet action has been limited. The government can afford reparations, as shown by other large-scale spending efforts. However, without pressure from both the public and political figures, it’s unlikely we’ll see significant movement. We must not only hold the Democrats accountable but also push Republicans to acknowledge this part of American history. Reparations are not about blame, but about healing and repairing the damage done. Ignoring this issue will only prolong the divisions in our country.
The problem is we have too many immigrants and pro-whites claiming to be us and they are the main ones talking against reparations.

However, they are easy to point out. The ones claiming “we all black” or “ADOS / FBA / native blacks are a scam”.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Everyone black, across the board, should first be DNA & Genetically tested. Then they should have irrefutable evidence on genealogy that can be verified, as a base requisite for reparations claims. If your DNA/lineage/genealogy all check out and can substantiate these claims, you can proceed to the next level.

If there any discrepancies, they should be placed for further review.