Female Algerian Olympic boxer Imane Khelif, mis‐gendered as trans, faces backlash after win

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
If the "nuts" are inside it, wouldn't that make them - ovaries?

So the person in red is a biological woman? If so than case closed, the lady blue just went up against a more dominant opponent then.
Nope she has a pair of each
Ovotesticular disorder of sex development (ovotesticular DSD), previously known as intersex, is a rare condition in which a person is born with both ovarian and testicular tissue. This can include any combination of ovaries, testes, or ovotestes, which are gonads that contain both ovarian follicles and testicular tubular elements. The external genitalia can also be ambiguous, ranging from normal male to normal female.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nope she has a pair of each
Ovotesticular disorder of sex development (ovotesticular DSD), previously known as intersex, is a rare condition in which a person is born with both ovarian and testicular tissue. This can include any combination of ovaries, testes, or ovotestes, which are gonads that contain both ovarian follicles and testicular tubular elements. The external genitalia can also be ambiguous, ranging from normal male to normal female.
Does she "lean" more towards either or?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
If the "nuts" are inside it, wouldn't that make them - ovaries?

So the person in red is a biological woman? If so than case closed, the lady blue just went up against a more dominant opponent then.
Yeah it's a woman that identifies as a man that hasn't transitioned


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Does she "lean" more towards either or?
They talk about the testing they do to determine gender when it deals with intersex people but I've never seen them give the details, I remember when this was situation came up with Caster Semenya, they never gave the details about her genitalia


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The images of Italian boxer Angela Carini after she quit less than one minute into her Olympic match with Algeria's Imane Khelif created an internet firestorm. The situation was fueled by allegations that Khelif was a biological male being allowed to compete against females on the sport's biggest amateur stage.

Those allegations track back to a 2023 decision by the IBA to disqualify Khelif and Taiwan's Lin Yu-Ting for failing a "gender test." Details of the test, including what type of test was administered, have never been provided by IBA representatives beyond a Telegram post from IBA president Umar Kremlevclaiming. Khelif's and Lin's tests revealed XY chromosomes. If true, that could indicate a genetic abnormality as both women were assigned female at birth. But they have never been disqualified from other competitions. The IOC has made it clear that both boxers "comply with the competition's eligibility and entry regulations, as well as all applicable medical regulations set by the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit."

After her fight with Khelif, Carini did not shake her opponent's hand and broke down in tears. She would later say she had never been hit so hard and that she thought it was possible her nose had been broken. She also said she quit 46 seconds into the fight because "I had to preserve my life as well in that moment."

Carini is now softening her stance after the backlash against Khelif.

"All this controversy makes me sad," Carini told Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport. "I'm sorry for my opponent, too. If the IOC said she can fight, I respect that decision."

Carini also expressed regret at not shaking Khelif's hand after the bout.

"It wasn't something I intended to do," Carini said. "Actually, I want to apologize to her and everyone else. I was angry because my Olympics had gone up in smoke."

Khelif faces Hungary's Anna Luca Hamori in the welterweight quarterfinals on Sunday. She failed to medal at the Tokyo Olympics after losing in the quarterfinals.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nope she has a pair of each
Ovotesticular disorder of sex development (ovotesticular DSD), previously known as intersex, is a rare condition in which a person is born with both ovarian and testicular tissue. This can include any combination of ovaries, testes, or ovotestes, which are gonads that contain both ovarian follicles and testicular tubular elements. The external genitalia can also be ambiguous, ranging from normal male to normal female.
People with Swyer syndrome have female external genitalia and some female internal reproductive structures. These individuals usually have a uterus and fallopian tubes, but their gonads (ovaries or testes) are not functional. Instead, the gonads are small and underdeveloped and contain little gonadal tissue. These structures are called streak gonads. The streak gonadal tissue is at risk of developing cancer that is often hard-to-detect, so it is usually removed surgically. Swyer syndrome is also called 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis; the medical term “dysgenesis” means "abnormal development."

Because they appear female on the outside, babies with Swyer syndrome are usually raised as girls and develop a female gender identity, which is a person's sense of their gender (girl, boy, a combination, or neither). Swyer syndrome may be identified before birth, at birth, or later when a child does not go through puberty as usual. Because they do not have functional ovaries that produce hormones, affected individuals often begin hormone replacement therapy during early adolescence to start puberty, causing the breasts and uterus to grow, and eventually leading to menstruation. Hormone replacement therapy is also important for bone health and helps reduce the risk of low bone density (osteopenia) and fragile bones (osteoporosis). Women with Swyer syndrome do not produce eggs (ova), but if they have a uterus, they may be able to become pregnant with a donated egg or embryo.


People who are intersex may have a mix of chromosomes, such as XXY, or they may have some cells that are XY and some cells that are XX. Other intersex conditions include complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS), ovo-testes, and hypospadias.

Swyer syndrome
People with Swyer syndrome are born with XY chromosomes but no development of testes. Instead, the fetus develops a vulva and small uterus. They are often assigned female at birth (AFAB) due to their outer appearance. Some people with Swyer syndrome may align with this gender identity, while others may explore different gender identities or choose to have gender affirmation surgery.


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
I feel special that you took time out your lame ass life to think about me. But again my nigga you're projecting. Carry on though my lame ass nigga.
That nigga is wearing some poor woman's skin like Buffalo Bill. Typing away like a maniac. Yelling "Shut up and put on the fucking lotion!!!!!" To some tranny he has trapped in a hole in his basement. I'm telling you, this guy is unhinged.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Michael Phelps is literally referred to as a freak of nature because of his disproportionate wingspan, double jointed ankles, lung capacity twice that of an average human, body that produces half the lactic acid of a typical athlete, and he is rightly celebrated for being the greatest male swimmer in history. Meanwhile, female athletes with genetic differences are legally discriminated against and harassed to no end. This is not about “protecting women in sports” - this is about protecting a very specific idea of what a woman is.

Did this tranny protector just compare physical differences to genetic ones? LMAO.

Michael Phelps still a dude.

"Genetic differences" LOL

My goodness, your massa did a number on this new black generation. They fighting for tranny rights. 20 years ago, we were looking at women and were raised by men. This new generation of fag niggas raised by women want a bitch to lead them and probably have tranny boytriends on the side and want women to fight men. Your faggot asses better stay shining shoes for your massa here because you're not welcomed back in the motherland with your perverted minds.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
The level of projection in this thread has reached peak parody. That nigga @Soul On Ice has not put together a coherent thought Just quoting niggas and calling them gay. Why you taking this so personal? Did you get touched by an uncle? You having conflicting feelings? Let's get a look at your pornhub history. I bet it explains your all this anger and vitriol.
you forgot, who hurt you.

no offense, but you sound like a bitch bro


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
you forgot, who hurt you.

no offense, but you sound like a bitch bro
Oh so you're the cat he has down in the hole. Stockholm Syndrome. If you have access to the internet, you can call for help. Don't worry... we're here for you.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
So they swim .93 miles in shitty water, bikes 32 miles and run the last 6.2 miles and that's when he decided to throw up because of the shitty water?

You can tell who's never participated in organized sports bro lol.
This thread is really exposing a whole lot