First Colonoscopy Completed


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A month ago today I went to the emergency room because I was passing blood while doing #2. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for the 22nd of this month. I'm 63 and had my first one done in 2016 as part of my routine exams after age 55. They found and removed a couple of polyps but nothing malignant. I haven't passed any more blood beyond a few days after the emergency room visit.

I wish you the best with your results and pray for me as I await mine in a few days.

da Stroka
Wishing you all the best Stroka. There are benign explanations for what happened, and I'm sure you'll be good.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey fam! Just finished my first colonoscopy yesterday, and it was the experiences of others on the board that helped to alleviate my biggest concerns. The hardest part, honestly, was not being able to eat solid food for a full day. The worst part of the actual procedure was difficulty inserting the IV due to dehydration making the veins hard to raise.

But I have no memory of the actual procedure. One minute I'm on my side in the surgery suite waiting for the Propofol to kick and the next I'm waking up in the recovery room. Just like with general anesthesia, you don't remember dozing off or having a sense of time passage. From your point of view it's essentially instantaneous. No polyps found and my next procedure is in ten years.

There really is no reason not to get it done.
I agree, get it done. I'm sure Chadwick boseman would not disagree with that statement.

I just had one done two weeks ago and they found four polyps. Two of the polyps were benign and the other two was precancerous and they removed it. They called it just in time. I have another colonoscopy follow up in November.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree, get it done. I'm sure Chadwick boseman would not disagree with that statement.

I just had one done two weeks ago and they found four polyps. Two of the polyps were benign and the other two was precancerous and they removed it. They called it just in time. I have another colonoscopy follow up in November.
Wow! So glad they caught those in time. I think your story perfectly illustrates how the procedure likely caught and prevented colon cancer. It really is one of the few procedures that has a high likelihood of stopping the disease before it starts.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
It’s amazing this thread just popped up. I just had emergency surgery last month to remove a blockage in my colon. They found a mass that was precancerous and removed it right away. I’m on the road to recovery now but I’m glad I was in pain when I was or I would’ve never known.

My surgeon and GI are saying that while the recommended age was recently moved down to 45, they’re seeing a massive uptick in people under the age of 40 that are having colonic issues and recommend that under 40 is the time to get checked. There was actually a 20 year old and 14 year old in my ward during my hospital stay. I was shocked.

Hope you brothers are staying healthy and doing what needs to be done. Don’t let the stigma or embarrassment deter you cause it’s really not worth your life.

This is a very preventable and curable thing when caught early with colonoscopy’s.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey fam! Just finished my first colonoscopy yesterday, and it was the experiences of others on the board that helped to alleviate my biggest concerns. The hardest part, honestly, was not being able to eat solid food for a full day. The worst part of the actual procedure was difficulty inserting the IV due to dehydration making the veins hard to raise.

But I have no memory of the actual procedure. One minute I'm on my side in the surgery suite waiting for the Propofol to kick and the next I'm waking up in the recovery room. Just like with general anesthesia, you don't remember dozing off or having a sense of time passage. From your point of view it's essentially instantaneous. No polyps found and my next procedure is in ten years.

There really is no reason not to get it done.

hey its good that you good, but dude, obviously YOUR problem is

you dont drink water bruh.... and eat a lot of water based fruits and veggies...

which is actually better than water.. coconut and watermelon water, works magic

in the body bruh..

but I digress... the fact that you were dehydrated told you all you needed to know...!!

Hey its all good, some folks NEED doctors for everyday health...

Im not one of them....!!

they only good for broken bones, bullet holes trauma shit...

got muthafuckas going to the hospital for a fever and fuckin common shit

like a cold.... got muthafuckas takin experimental drugs, for cold symptoms..

I aint NEVA gonna be one of them ...

but again good to know you doin ok but,

Get some gatdang water in yo life bruh!!

dehydration and too much sugar and starch.. is a problem

in our community...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've never had this procedure done. In 2019 I got the cologuard test that came back clear. My doctor recommended that since I dont have a family history of colon cancer. What is the determining factor for going the traditional route?
Getting it done between 45 and 50 is safe. If anything is suspect at that time can get cured


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s amazing this thread just popped up. I just had emergency surgery last month to remove a blockage in my colon. They found a mass that was precancerous and removed it right away. I’m on the road to recovery now but I’m glad I was in pain when I was or I would’ve never known.

My surgeon and GI are saying that while the recommended age was recently moved down to 45, they’re seeing a massive uptick in people under the age of 40 that are having colonic issues and recommend that under 40 is the time to get checked. There was actually a 20 year old and 14 year old in my ward during my hospital stay. I was shocked.

Hope you brothers are staying healthy and doing what needs to be done. Don’t let the stigma or embarrassment deter you cause it’s really not worth your life.

This is a very preventable and curable thing when caught early with colonoscopy’s.
The first hand experiences of a number of board members who posted in various threads, along with those of personal acquaintances, brought my fear level down significantly. Not to say I wasn't still nervous up until the point they rolled me into the procedure room. But the reduction in that initial anxiety that pushed me to get it scheduled was in large part due to our BGOL family.

And they were right, it really was a non- event. Even the responses in this thread recounted a member having pre-cancerous polyps found and removed. For most people this is the most likely worst case.


Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member
It’s amazing this thread just popped up. I just had emergency surgery last month to remove a blockage in my colon. They found a mass that was precancerous and removed it right away. I’m on the road to recovery now but I’m glad I was in pain when I was or I would’ve never known.

My surgeon and GI are saying that while the recommended age was recently moved down to 45, they’re seeing a massive uptick in people under the age of 40 that are having colonic issues and recommend that under 40 is the time to get checked. There was actually a 20 year old and 14 year old in my ward during my hospital stay. I was shocked.

Hope you brothers are staying healthy and doing what needs to be done. Don’t let the stigma or embarrassment deter you cause it’s really not worth your life.

This is a very preventable and curable thing when caught early with colonoscopy’s.
What were the symptoms of your blockage?


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
What were the symptoms of your blockage?
Bloody diarrhea and constant pain on the left side of my colon. They initially just gave me steroids thinking it was an acute colitis issue but after 10 days of treatment, and the completely stopping of going #2, the pain was still there and that’s when I went in for a CT Scan where they found the mass.


Veni Vidi Vici
BGOL Investor
Naw Yooooo, it was HORRIBLE.. I had to drink a gallon of this mix, I STAYED in the bathroom a damn near the whole day. When I had my procedure, the Anesthesiologist was tripping, talking about he couldn't find my vein or some shyt, and this dude told me to turn on my side, and then I feel something, and I'm like... "Yoooooooooo.. My dude, DON'T YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THE SHTY KICK IN!!!" That's when I blacked out and woke up in recovery!!!!!!


BGOL Investor
Naw Yooooo, it was HORRIBLE.. I had to drink a gallon of this mix, I STAYED in the bathroom a damn near the whole day. When I had my procedure, the Anesthesiologist was tripping, talking about he couldn't find my vein or some shyt, and this dude told me to turn on my side, and then I feel something, and I'm like... "Yoooooooooo.. My dude, DON'T YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THE SHTY KICK IN!!!" That's when I blacked out and woke up in recovery!!!!!!
You got the old stuff.
I had to drink 2 6oz. bottles of a liquid that tasted like really sweet grape Kool Aid.
Did you mention that after the procedure, that you had to pass gas?
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Unfamiliar username I'm guessing OP rarely posts, but decided to post today just to tell us that he had a doctor dig in his ass?

man give the bamma a break lol


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
It’s amazing this thread just popped up. I just had emergency surgery last month to remove a blockage in my colon. They found a mass that was precancerous and removed it right away. I’m on the road to recovery now but I’m glad I was in pain when I was or I would’ve never known.

My surgeon and GI are saying that while the recommended age was recently moved down to 45, they’re seeing a massive uptick in people under the age of 40 that are having colonic issues and recommend that under 40 is the time to get checked. There was actually a 20 year old and 14 year old in my ward during my hospital stay. I was shocked.

Hope you brothers are staying healthy and doing what needs to be done. Don’t let the stigma or embarrassment deter you cause it’s really not worth your life.

This is a very preventable and curable thing when caught early with colonoscopy’s.
good, informative post. glad it worked out for you brotha. :yes:


The Legend
BGOL Investor
We all grown here so here it goes, ive been putting if off because of the prep, how does the poop come out, is it solid or diarhea like?

Word, that shit wasn't too bad.

A month ago today I went to the emergency room because I was passing blood while doing #2. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for the 22nd of this month. I'm 63 and had my first one done in 2016 as part of my routine exams after age 55. They found and removed a couple of polyps but nothing malignant. I haven't passed any more blood beyond a few days after the emergency room visit.

I wish you the best with your results and pray for me as I await mine in a few days.

da Stroka

This happened to me but it didn't stop and I got weak as fuck. Second day in the hospital it stopped. They did a scope. I had an ulcer from taking Excedrin. I have to take one Prilosec daily and can only use Tylenol now. But after I stopped Excedrin I don't even get headaches like I use to.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s amazing this thread just popped up. I just had emergency surgery last month to remove a blockage in my colon. They found a mass that was precancerous and removed it right away. I’m on the road to recovery now but I’m glad I was in pain when I was or I would’ve never known.

My surgeon and GI are saying that while the recommended age was recently moved down to 45, they’re seeing a massive uptick in people under the age of 40 that are having colonic issues and recommend that under 40 is the time to get checked. There was actually a 20 year old and 14 year old in my ward during my hospital stay. I was shocked.

Hope you brothers are staying healthy and doing what needs to be done. Don’t let the stigma or embarrassment deter you cause it’s really not worth your life.

This is a very preventable and curable thing when caught early with colonoscopy’s.

Glad to hear that your blockage was removed and that you're good! :bravo:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You got the old stuff.
I had to drink 2 6oz. bottles of a liquid that tasted like really sweet grape Kool Aid.
Did you mention that after the procedure, that you had to pass gas?

Yeah his doctor didn't like him! :lol:

I've done both and the gallon's much tougher.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Naw Yooooo, it was HORRIBLE.. I had to drink a gallon of this mix, I STAYED in the bathroom a damn near the whole day. When I had my procedure, the Anesthesiologist was tripping, talking about he couldn't find my vein or some shyt, and this dude told me to turn on my side, and then I feel something, and I'm like... "Yoooooooooo.. My dude, DON'T YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THE SHTY KICK IN!!!" That's when I blacked out and woke up in recovery!!!!!!

The anesthesiologist wasn't tripping, you were dehydrated from not eating and losing lots of fluid.

That's common.

Glad to hear that you got it done.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
One of our patients at work has a history of constipation / irregularity. They had their colonoscopy scheduled for a week ago. It wasn't successful as their system wasn't clear enough. The prep' involved consuming Peg-lyte the night prior at 8pm, and again in the AM starting at 7am. Procedure was scheduled for 1pm. Light diet the week of ... last regular meal was a light breakfast before 10am Thursday. Clear broth and water only throughout Thursday and into Friday, aside from the aforementioned Peg-lyte.

It took 5 hours for the Peg-lyte to take effect and they had 7 washroom visits between 1am - 5:45am. No further BMs or diarrhea after that.

The hospital will call to reschedule the procedure approx' 3 months from now.

We have reminded the patient this past year that they don't help their own cause by all the additional snacking they do outside of the facility. Chips, cookies, crackers, donuts, peanuts, etc.

They have medication(s) to help with their issues, and also consume prune juice every now and again.

I've reminded them to focus on water, veggies, fiber.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Have had 2 done so far. Yeah, the roughest part is not eating solid foods and the constant shitting. Shit sucks. Best part is I fucking binge after the procedure is done! Straight to the seafood restaurant. 1st one clean as a whistle. 2nd one I had a few polyps. They were removed and found non cancerous.
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Veni Vidi Vici
BGOL Investor
You got the old stuff.
I had to drink 2 6oz. bottles of a liquid that tasted like really sweet grape Kool Aid.
Did you mention that after the procedure, that you had to pass gas?

Yeah his doctor didn't like him! :lol:

I've done both and the gallon's much tougher.

Aint this bout a Byt.... Yall gone make me go see my doctor and punch him in the stomach.. I have an appt in Sept, I am going to ask him about that drink too. LOL