Anyone with at least an ounce of reasoning skills would immediately recognize him for the charlatan he is! As a matter of fact, him being as successful as he is, tells me there are a lot of warp-minded sisters who are looking to god for shortcuts in life because I know no straight man is dumb enough to fall for this bullshit and statistics on the black church backs this claim.
And as long as we have these get rich quick/always trying to get something for nothing minded sisters raising our children, with the same mindset, we as a race will always struggle and behind the people who believe that the only way to get somewhere in life is by hard work and determination.
Because the one thing most hood rats and street thugs believe in, is God understands and forgives them no matter how fucked up and atrocious their actions are, in other words, there is no accountability for their actions, this is how the mind of a niggarized delusional minded individual is forged!