
the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
@cashwhisperer @RoadRage @sammyjax

We finished or are we done?

"A group of popular flat earth YouTubers have admitted defeat against the “globers” after taking a trip to Antarctica to witness the 24-hour sun.
Colorado pastor Will Duffy organized the highly anticipated December 14 trip, dubbed “The Final Experiment”, which brought together four “flat earthers” and four “globe earthers” in an attempt to settle the debate once and for all.

Pastor Duffy organized the trip to Antartica. YouTube/The Final Experiment
In summer, due to the tilt of the earth, the sun does not set over much of the continent. In the flat earth view of the world, Antarctica is actually an ice wall that encircles the other continents and holds in the oceans. If that view were correct, the sun must rise and set each day, even in Antarctica, and could never circle the sky all 24 hours.
“All right, guys, sometimes you are wrong in life,” Jeran Campanella from the YouTube channel Jeranism told viewers on the midnight livestream from Union Glacier Camp, four-and-a-half hours south from Punta Arenas, Chile.
“And I thought that there was no 24-hour sun, in fact I was pretty sure of it.”

Due to Earth’s tilt, the sun does not typically set on Antartica. YouTube/The Final Experiment
Pastor Duffy noted Jeranism was “one of the most popular flat earth YouTube channels”, but Campanella quipped “not for long”.
“It’s a fact — the sun does circle you in the south,” he said.
“What does that mean? You guys are going to have to figure that out yourself. Don’t listen to my beliefs or my opinion, it shouldn’t matter to you. But at least you should be able to accept that the sun does exactly what these guys said as far as [it] circles the southern continent. I realize that I’ll be called a shill for just saying that, and you know what, if you’re a shill for being honest, so be it. I honestly believed there was no 24-hour sun, I honestly now believe there is.”
The trip had been in the works for three years, after Pastor Duffy first learned on Facebook that some people still believe the earth is flat.
No flat earthers had ever been to Antarctica — a popular conspiracy theory was that the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 prevented them from going, specifically in summer, lest they discover the truth.

The trip to Antartica had been planned for the past three years. YouTube/The Final Experiment
In order to “end this debate, once and for all” so “no one has to waste any more time debating the shape of the earth”, Pastor Duffy arranged for the all-expenses paid $35,000-per-person trip with Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions.
Austin Whitsitt from Witsit Gets It conceded to viewers “we were wrong” about the 24-hour sun, but said he was still open to the earth being flat.
“I was one of the people that said I definitely didn’t think that there was a 24-hour sun,” he said.
“We obviously haven’t actually seen the sun for 24 hours, but it is doing what they said it would do, very clearly. It is still dancing around high in the sky. So obviously we’re documenting it. But I said what I feel about this the whole time, truth doesn’t fear investigation. I think we’re truly trying to figure out the truth. Obviously some people think that what we were told is the truth, I don’t think that but I do think that people need to be honest and humble and be like, whoa, you know, we were wrong when we claimed that there was no 24-hour sun.”

The total cost of the trip was $35,000 for each person. YouTube/The Final Experiment
Whitsitt added that there may be a way to reconcile the 24-hour sun with the flat earth and he had “seen a physical demonstration that could show this working”.
“But I do think that some of the data we’re going to have from this trip may help to clarify if that is actually what’s happening,” he said.
“We obviously never claimed that people couldn’t go here, we just say you can’t freely and privately explore it. Obviously we did know you could go to approved places. The point of this trip is to see if there’s a 24-hour sun. There clearly is … I don’t think it falsifies plane earth, I don’t think it proves a globe, I think it’s a singular data point.”
Lisbeth Acosta from FlatEarth Gang said what mattered most was “putting our egos aside”.

“I’ve seen a lot of vitriol, a lot of crashing out on both sides and it’s just like, are we here for truth or are we here to hold onto a narrative and ego?” she said.
“That’s not saying a 24-hour sun proves a globe model, there’s still things that are definitely in question … but we’re here working together and I think the most important part is just this human experience.”
Until they can give an logical explanation for the midnight sun at Antarctica the Flat Derp movement is done!


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
@cashwhisperer @RoadRage @sammyjax

We finished or are we done?

"A group of popular flat earth YouTubers have admitted defeat against the “globers” after taking a trip to Antarctica to witness the 24-hour sun.
Colorado pastor Will Duffy organized the highly anticipated December 14 trip, dubbed “The Final Experiment”, which brought together four “flat earthers” and four “globe earthers” in an attempt to settle the debate once and for all.

Pastor Duffy organized the trip to Antartica. YouTube/The Final Experiment
In summer, due to the tilt of the earth, the sun does not set over much of the continent. In the flat earth view of the world, Antarctica is actually an ice wall that encircles the other continents and holds in the oceans. If that view were correct, the sun must rise and set each day, even in Antarctica, and could never circle the sky all 24 hours.
“All right, guys, sometimes you are wrong in life,” Jeran Campanella from the YouTube channel Jeranism told viewers on the midnight livestream from Union Glacier Camp, four-and-a-half hours south from Punta Arenas, Chile.
“And I thought that there was no 24-hour sun, in fact I was pretty sure of it.”

Due to Earth’s tilt, the sun does not typically set on Antartica. YouTube/The Final Experiment
Pastor Duffy noted Jeranism was “one of the most popular flat earth YouTube channels”, but Campanella quipped “not for long”.
“It’s a fact — the sun does circle you in the south,” he said.
“What does that mean? You guys are going to have to figure that out yourself. Don’t listen to my beliefs or my opinion, it shouldn’t matter to you. But at least you should be able to accept that the sun does exactly what these guys said as far as [it] circles the southern continent. I realize that I’ll be called a shill for just saying that, and you know what, if you’re a shill for being honest, so be it. I honestly believed there was no 24-hour sun, I honestly now believe there is.”
The trip had been in the works for three years, after Pastor Duffy first learned on Facebook that some people still believe the earth is flat.
No flat earthers had ever been to Antarctica — a popular conspiracy theory was that the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 prevented them from going, specifically in summer, lest they discover the truth.

The trip to Antartica had been planned for the past three years. YouTube/The Final Experiment
In order to “end this debate, once and for all” so “no one has to waste any more time debating the shape of the earth”, Pastor Duffy arranged for the all-expenses paid $35,000-per-person trip with Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions.
Austin Whitsitt from Witsit Gets It conceded to viewers “we were wrong” about the 24-hour sun, but said he was still open to the earth being flat.
“I was one of the people that said I definitely didn’t think that there was a 24-hour sun,” he said.
“We obviously haven’t actually seen the sun for 24 hours, but it is doing what they said it would do, very clearly. It is still dancing around high in the sky. So obviously we’re documenting it. But I said what I feel about this the whole time, truth doesn’t fear investigation. I think we’re truly trying to figure out the truth. Obviously some people think that what we were told is the truth, I don’t think that but I do think that people need to be honest and humble and be like, whoa, you know, we were wrong when we claimed that there was no 24-hour sun.”

The total cost of the trip was $35,000 for each person. YouTube/The Final Experiment
Whitsitt added that there may be a way to reconcile the 24-hour sun with the flat earth and he had “seen a physical demonstration that could show this working”.
“But I do think that some of the data we’re going to have from this trip may help to clarify if that is actually what’s happening,” he said.
“We obviously never claimed that people couldn’t go here, we just say you can’t freely and privately explore it. Obviously we did know you could go to approved places. The point of this trip is to see if there’s a 24-hour sun. There clearly is … I don’t think it falsifies plane earth, I don’t think it proves a globe, I think it’s a singular data point.”
Lisbeth Acosta from FlatEarth Gang said what mattered most was “putting our egos aside”.

“I’ve seen a lot of vitriol, a lot of crashing out on both sides and it’s just like, are we here for truth or are we here to hold onto a narrative and ego?” she said.
“That’s not saying a 24-hour sun proves a globe model, there’s still things that are definitely in question … but we’re here working together and I think the most important part is just this human experience.”

You know how you didn't watch the video I just posted?

Right, so I ain't reading this shit you just posted.

Believe what you want! I don't give a damn.

It's flat as far as I'm concerned.

I'm done.

Merry Christmas nigga!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It must be a miserable existence to believe that 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999x9999999999999999999999999999999x9999999999999999999999x99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 percent of the world knows and thinks that the world is round.

To think that everyone else is wrong and you're right means that you think that everyone else is dumb or brainwashed.

They can't even watch the weather report when they know that they just poured water on everything outside just to said that it rained.

If you don't believe that the Earth's round, then you don't believe that anything else on Earth that you haven't seen with your own eyes.

There's no oceans, just big puddles. There's no mountains, just slightly big rocks.

No such thing as clouds, because you can't touch them. They believe that if you can't grab a cloud and bring it down to study, then it doesn't exist.

They need to be shown a cloud in their hands to believe it's real.

I feel sorry for them.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
That nonsense. I saw a lot of pro-blacks on this board spit this bullshit. Stop trying to draw lines where there are none.

A few FLERFers on here is not a lot, but I've seen LOTS of Trump supporters talk that flat earth stuff, as they tend to be anti-Science, in general.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I will say this though. There is a difference between daylight and sunlight. I addressed that some years ago, but of course, y'all don't listen.
this is some WILD, albeit not unexpected shit to commit to type lol

I'll look into it and verify if that's true or not for myself.

Of course, I don't trust your sources.
why do you trust the sources that you do trust?

I'm busy dude.

you are self-memeing at this point lmao

A few FLERFers on here is not a lot, but I've seen LOTS of Trump supporters talk that flat earth stuff, as they tend to be anti-Science, in general.
it's anti-intellectualism period, and resentment from the less educated come manifest. it comes in a few different flavors but it's kind of the white man's whole thing. they hate what they can't be or have, and want to harm or destroy that thing. flat earthers are less violent incels.

incels can't get pussy or be social like normal muhfuckas so they want to harm women and socially regular muhfuckas. flat earthers cannot grasp the fundamental science underpinning earth as a globe so they reject it. distrust of institutions is just a convenient camouflage for feeling dejected because of their own self-perceived personal shortcomings.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Yes I have.

Again. I believe it's flat and stationary.

I've also posted Jake The Asshole, Awake Souls, etc who disagree with aspects of Witsit and Jeran's model. There are people who believe the earth is flat regardless of the 24-hour sun in Antarctica. I've always said there were multiple models and beliefs among the flat earth believers. There's more to it than you think.


this shit started with "they trying to falsify the bible" and the beginning of time being 6000 years ago

I've said it over and over again, it's religious zealotry goofball shit


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
why do you trust the sources that you do trust?

Because the earth is observably, measurably and repeatably flat.

I 100% believe that. And I don't need the sky to prove that.

And the earth is observably, measurably and repeatably and stationary.

Again, believe what you want. I'm not interested in debating this topic any further. I got what I needed from it. :cool:

God Dammit

Shaddyvillescrub’s Idol
BGOL Investor
If you believe in a god, Jesus, Muhammad, or whatever, you’re just as dumb.
Don’t be trying to poke fun at idiots for believing in a flat earth if you’re an idiot believing in fairy tales too.​


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Because the earth is observably, measurably and repeatably flat.

I 100% believe that. And I don't need the sky to prove that.

And the earth is observably, measurably and repeatably and stationary.

Again, believe what you want. I'm not interested in debating this topic any further. I got what I needed from it. :cool:
non answer. standard. go with god though good brother, I'm not trying to convince you.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
The cycles of the Cashie B wheel

1. I'm done arguing flat Earth
2. I'm too busy making money moves to look at what you posted
3. Posts nonsense videos and gifs along with emoji
4. Parting videos or gifs
5. Repeat.

We'll see. ;)


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
We'll see. ;)
When you say we'll see, are you referring to an excuse for the midnight sun over Antarctica, or perhaps an excuse for the moon phases, and eclipses, or why all planes refer to the Havenstein formula for plane routes (the great circle)? Because all Flattards do is make excuses after another without a spread of real evidence to back any of the crap!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because the earth is observably, measurably and repeatably flat.

I 100% believe that. And I don't need the sky to prove that.

And the earth is observably, measurably and repeatably and stationary.

Again, believe what you want. I'm not interested in debating this topic any further. I got what I needed from it. :cool:

This is factually false.

If you measure a height from the ground and then survey/observe it in 1/2 to 1 mile increments you'll begin to notice that the point you're observing is now becoming more and more elevated. A flat earther actually proved the Earth is round.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
A few FLERFers on here is not a lot, but I've seen LOTS of Trump supporters talk that flat earth stuff, as they tend to be anti-Science, in general.
Really? There was nothing more anti science than the government response to Covid, which many (if not most) people who comment on this board supported. Kamala herself stated during her campaign that she would not take “Trumps vaccine”. She then was behind punishing people who didn’t get the jab when she became Veep. This is just one of many things. Are you really forgetting the history this quickly? Science denial is in no way politically based.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
How do you know they didn't vote for trump? :giggle:
I don’t, but I do know many on this board who have stated hatred for Trump and don’t agree with many popular opinions regarding science. Like I said, you guys are drawing lines, where they don’t exist. It’s just othering for the sake of virtue signaling.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Really? There was nothing more anti science than the government response to Covid, which many (if not most) people who comment on this board supported. Kamala herself stated during her campaign that she would not take “Trumps vaccine”. She then was behind punishing people who didn’t get the jab when she became Veep. This is just one of many things. Are you really forgetting the history this quickly? Science denial is in no way politically based.

There was nothing more anti-science than the Trump dismantling the U,S. Pandemic Response Team, which preemptively and effectively prevents the effects of pandemics. As a result the U.S. was reactive to COVID-19 instead of proactive. Bottom line, your boy is a natural fuck up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was watching this movie 100 years alone and they had a part where they talked about how the ancient explorers figured out the earth was round and rotated from the stars. It's amazing without telescopes, compass, calculators or computers we figured out the earth was round but now with all these tools at our disposal some of us still can't figure it out. It's kind of disappointing the collective intelligence of humanity does not move forward in many way's parts of it stand still.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
There was nothing more anti-science than the Trump dismantling the U,S. Pandemic Response Team, which preemptively and effectively prevents the effects of pandemics. As a result the U.S. was reactive to COVID-19 instead of proactive. Bottom line, your boy is a natural fuck up.
1. I notice you conveniently ignored my statements. It says a lot. Stop trying to drive around the facts.
2. Here's a couple of quotes from Fauci -

“Being indoors absolutely increases the risk of transmission. I am concerned when I see things starting indoors, and that becomes more compelling when you move into fall and winter season.” But we closed down parks and beaches. Covid replicates from energy in fat cells, and erupted from the lungs, using the moisture to help. THe better your cardiovascular condition, and the leaner you are, the better the outcome with Covid. We always knew this. Beach closures were especially egregious, as they're more sunny, and uv shreds covid (and we always knew this), and salt water dissolves Covid.

“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.” This was said in March, 2020, when the outbreak was in full swing. There's no evidence that a change in policy was backed by any data, as there's no consistent difference between states that enforced masking, and states that didn't. It was also stated that the recommendation against masking to the general public was done partially to preserve the masks for health workers, and they weren't yet certain about how many infections were asymptomatic.

I'm not going to get into the things with the vaccines, infections among children, and others, because this isn't the thread for it. But don't try this on me.

Also, the team members were sent back to thier individual home agencies, and see below on that (from USA Today):

Even critics of the choice to disband the unit – like Beth Cameron, its head under Obama – noted that not all pandemic preparedness personnel left the administration.

"It’s impossible to assess the full impact of the 2018 decision to disband the White House office responsible for this work," she wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Post in March. "Biological experts do remain in the White House and in our government."


Rising Star
Platinum Member
1. I notice you conveniently ignored my statements. It says a lot. Stop trying to drive around the facts.
2. Here's a couple of quotes from Fauci -

“Being indoors absolutely increases the risk of transmission. I am concerned when I see things starting indoors, and that becomes more compelling when you move into fall and winter season.” But we closed down parks and beaches. Covid replicates from energy in fat cells, and erupted from the lungs, using the moisture to help. THe better your cardiovascular condition, and the leaner you are, the better the outcome with Covid. We always knew this. Beach closures were especially egregious, as they're more sunny, and uv shreds covid (and we always knew this), and salt water dissolves Covid.

“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.” This was said in March, 2020, when the outbreak was in full swing. There's no evidence that a change in policy was backed by any data, as there's no consistent difference between states that enforced masking, and states that didn't. It was also stated that the recommendation against masking to the general public was done partially to preserve the masks for health workers, and they weren't yet certain about how many infections were asymptomatic.

I'm not going to get into the things with the vaccines, infections among children, and others, because this isn't the thread for it. But don't try this on me.

Also, the team members were sent back to thier individual home agencies, and see below on that (from USA Today):

Even critics of the choice to disband the unit – like Beth Cameron, its head under Obama – noted that not all pandemic preparedness personnel left the administration.

"It’s impossible to assess the full impact of the 2018 decision to disband the White House office responsible for this work," she wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Post in March. "Biological experts do remain in the White House and in our government."

1. VP Harris and Trump's seasonal political statements (vax vs anti-vax) at the time, are meaningless since they both got vaxxed. There, your inconsequential comment was addressed.
2. That cherry-picked Fauci quote from 3/8/2020 is outdated and predates the CDC's updated guidance on face coverings: On April 3, 2020, the CDC updated its previous advice and recommended people wear cloth face coverings “in public settings when around people outside their household, especially when social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.”

Additionally, the majority of Republicans who campaigned against vaccines for political theater, got vaxxed and wore N95 masks when off camera :lol: Additionally, the majority of Americans got vaxxed. That doesn't quite fit the "vaccines and masks are bad" narrative you tried to sell does it? Again, the US Pandemic response team was disbanded, ending its effectiveness. The word salad bullshit of saying well, they weren't fired and went on to other things is hilarious. That's like explaining a football team loss with, "well the Star Quarterback and starting line up were benched and replaced with secondaries, but they were not fired, before moving on to other Teams!" Man, GTFOH :lol::roflmao:

There is a huge difference between proactive and reactive. With proactive resources, we likely would not even be having this conversation about COVID-19.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
1. VP Harris and Trump's seasonal political statements (vax vs anti-vax) at the time, are meaningless since they both got vaxxed. There, your inconsequential comment was addressed.
2. That cherry-picked Fauci quote from 3/8/2020 is outdated and predates the CDC's updated guidance on face coverings: On April 3, 2020, the CDC updated its previous advice and recommended people wear cloth face coverings “in public settings when around people outside their household, especially when social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.”

Additionally, the majority of Republicans who campaigned against vaccines for political theater, got vaxxed and wore N95 masks when off camera :lol: Additionally, the majority of Americans got vaxxed. That doesn't quite fit the "vaccines and masks are bad" narrative you tried to sell does it? Again, the US Pandemic response team was disbanded, ending its effectiveness. The word salad bullshit of saying well, they weren't fired and went on to other things is hilarious. That's like explaining a football team loss with, "well the Star Quarterback and starting line up were benched and replaced with secondaries, but they were not fired, before moving on to other Teams!" Man, GTFOH :lol::roflmao:

There is a huge difference between proactive and reactive. With proactive resources, we likely would not even be having this conversation about COVID-19.
Dude, you proved my point by your own statements. They would have on masks when the cameras were rolling and took them off when they weren’t. It shows that they didn’t believe what they were peddling. Come on now, are you that mentally cooked ? Show me stats and I’ll give it a look. Otherwise…


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Because the earth is observably, measurably and repeatably flat.

I 100% believe that. And I don't need the sky to prove that.

And the earth is observably, measurably and repeatably and stationary.

Again, believe what you want. I'm not interested in debating this topic any further. I got what I needed from it. :cool:
Show me one flat earth measurement and please list the measuring apparatus for your claim...


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor

Gotta question.

If you take a flight that originates directly and precisely from the North Pole, and the trip is 1000 miles in a straight line, what direction will you be traveling, North, South, East or West?


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

Gotta question.

If you take a flight that originates directly and precisely from the North Pole, and the trip is 1000 miles in a straight line, what direction will you be traveling, North, South, East or West?
You'd be traveling towards the south. If it's straight, it's south; if you veer to the left, it's southeast, and right, it's southwest.
Are you done with your typical flat earth gotcha question?
Now answer my question, during the new moon cycle, where does the moon go on the flat earth?